MFP 8 glass H2O a day??



  • jld0411
    jld0411 Posts: 29 Member
    So I know MFP has that we should drink at least 8 glasses a day of water but I've heard it should be half your body weight, in ounces, per day in order for your cells to do their molecular function. Any comments on this?

    There is soooooo much that goes in to the "right" amount of water. The National Academy of Sports Medicine recommends a minimum of 96oz per day - which is considerably more than the evil 8 cups per day myth (which needs to find a hole to crawl in and die, btw). Age, gender, body composition, activity level and environmental factors also impact the the "right" amount of water. For me, I aim for 4 32oz bottles per day, plus 12oz before exercise and 20oz after, because that's where I feel the best. I had annual testing done for my job yesterday and my hydration levels were "healthy." Yes, you can over hydrate, but it's fairly difficult to do. Half your body weight in ounces is a good place to start, then drink more for activity.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I am usually at well below the 8 glasses per day. A typical day for me is 2-3. However, I drink a lot of Diet Pepsi. And yes, my body does use that water, contrary to popular belief and some scientific studies pre-2001.

    My body water percentage usually hovers in the mid-50's. When I am out hiking, I drink a lot more water. There have been times in the wilderness when I've gone through a whole 100 oz. hydration reservoir in a few hours, and yet won't urinate for another 5 hours... this tells me I'm sweating a lot.

    So I'm curious what everyone ranges for body water percentage, if you have a scale that measures it.
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    I talked to my doctor about this when i saw him, he said the 8 glasses is all you need unless your sweating a lot i.e. working out or work in a hot place. i was drinking a gallon a day, he told me i didnt need to drink that much.
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    I'm at 4 cups so far for the day, sitting here at work... I have gone to the bathroom no less than 4 times already, since 8am, and I'm sure I'll have to go twice more before I go home at 4 if I finish off another 8 oz... Stupid water... And no, I've never had an overactive bladder, this only happens bc I'm so dad-blasted full of H2O.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Many people ignore the fact their their food has water too. As a person who can easily consume 5 pounds of tomatoes in any given day with a good serving of cucumbers and watermelon here and there, add soups, teas and whatnot and it turns out even if I don't drink water at all I would be getting enough. I think the water fixation is a blown out of proportion. Just drink enough to never be thirsty and you should be fine, no need to put yourself through the ordeal of having to pee every 15 minutes.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    "do their molecular function"


    Drink until your pee is straw colored. Done.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    My typical day is 134-160 oz's of water, 2-4 Coke Zero's and 4-6 cups of coffee.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I just drink when I'm thirsty. Do I get a Special Snowflake award? :laugh:

    No, because I do the same. Neener! :tongue:
  • RunnersLament
    RunnersLament Posts: 140 Member
    We generally get a lot of our water from the foods we eat so the 8 cups of water, or the half your body weight in ounces is pretty much overstated. I don't think it is a medical necessity.

    I prefer to drink water as it satisfies thirst without pumping me full of other things (sodium, caffeine, fats, sugars etc.)

    My take is that drinking water might keep you from drinking something else and is pretty much regret free.
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    Many people ignore the fact their their food has water too. As a person who can easily consume 5 pounds of tomatoes in any given day with a good serving of cucumbers and watermelon here and there, add soups, teas and whatnot and it turns out even if I don't drink water at all I would be getting enough. I think the water fixation is a blown out of proportion. Just drink enough to never be thirsty and you should be fine, no need to put yourself through the ordeal of having to pee every 15 minutes.

    Yes it is!
  • missemmibelle
    missemmibelle Posts: 100 Member
    From being not a fan of water to drinking 3x32oz Nalgene bottles a day... minimum.

    I get Nestle Pure Life delivery for my water cooler - it is the ONLY bottled water that has a neutral-enough taste for me to drink it without hating every minute of it. I just don't like the metallic taste of most bottled water, or the tap water. I find that drinking it at room temp actually makes it even easier to drink.

    I drink enough water normally to not feel the need to log it.

    But really, if you HATE water - try Nestle Pure Life.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I try the half body weight thing but I do half of that water and half other fluids. Coffee tea juice...
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I have heart failure, so my liquid intake is limited. However, in this hot weather, I find it difficult to stay at 50 oz. I drink more than that. So, I am one of those "it isn't the same for everyone" people.
  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    Ya'll just need to go to the damn gym and stop worrying about this goofy stuff. Drink 4, drink 8 drink however many damn glasses of water keeps you from being thirsty. I can assure you that it's impact on meaningful weight loss is nil.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Just drink when thirsty. Look at your pee, if it's going towards orange, you probably need to drink more, see this graph:
    If it's all clear, or you feel cold a lot, you are probably drinking too much.
    How much you drink depends on a lot of things, temperature, humidity, exertion etc
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    "do their molecular function"


    Drink until your pee is straw colored. Done.


    How much depends on a lot of factors including climate so a visual check is the easiest way to ensure you are hydrated
  • TNStuart
    TNStuart Posts: 10 Member
    There isn't such thing as drinking too much water is there? I drink a gallon a day minimum and often more than that. It helps to drink a glass to resist snacking.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    There isn't such thing as drinking too much water is there? I drink a gallon a day minimum and often more than that. It helps to drink a glass to resist snacking.

    Actually there is and some have died from it, but it's not common. You would need to consume a lot within a short period of time until your electrolytes go haywire and your sodium gets diluted to the point where it's life threatening. Drink up if you like it and don't worry.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    There isn't such thing as drinking too much water is there? I drink a gallon a day minimum and often more than that. It helps to drink a glass to resist snacking.

    Yes there is:
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    There isn't such thing as drinking too much water is there? I drink a gallon a day minimum and often more than that. It helps to drink a glass to resist snacking.
    Yes and no.

    A healthy person who drinks when they're thirsty won't drink enough to be a problem.

    People who purposely take in more than they should can have adverse effects or die. Some woman (or man? I think it was a woman) died after a water-drinking contest a few years back.

    Unless you have some medical/psychological thing that makes you think you're thirsty when you aren't, you won't drink too much water unless you try.

    Don't over-think it. Keep water handy, drink it when you want some and don't worry about the rest. That's my advice, anyway.

    Some people enjoy doing math and eating or drinking up or down to a number, which is great for them. But it isn't necessary to lose weight or to stay hydrated. Drink when you're thirsty. :)