Cheat Meal? Cheat Day? What food are you thinking about?

On the weekends I usually have cheat days, which I am going to start changing into a cheat meal or two, because I'm just wasting all of my hard work that I did throughout the week.

What food are you thinking about having on your next cheat meal, day, etc.?

Mine will be cake batter frozen yogurt with chocolate chips :bigsmile:
And I really want some pizza. hehe.


  • AtmaKing
    AtmaKing Posts: 145 Member
    Cheaters never win, winners never cheat!

    That being said, if you are using a cheat day you are setting yourself up to fail.

    Instead make a lifestyle change and eat what you want when you want keeping your calories and macros inline with your goals.

    Good luck.
  • jhellwig828
    jhellwig828 Posts: 109 Member
    I usually eat pretty well under my calorie goal during the week so that any splurges I have on the weekends don't derail my progress. I have found that to work out well for me. And cake batter frozen yogurt is one of my absolute favorite weekend splurges! :smile:
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    No cheat meals, just treats that I make fit into my goals!
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    I used to eat terrible every day, so I am not going to be eating within my calorie goal every single day for now on for the rest of my life. I am trying to get better each week...lately, weekends are free to eat whatever. But, I am going to try to log everything this weekend and not eat as bad.

    I was just wondering what treats everyone else looks foward to!

    I'm a work in progress :laugh:
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    KFC opened a store in town (Mary Brown's bought all the original KFC franchises a few years ago), so a bucket of fried chicken and waffle fries.
  • RogueinSF
    RogueinSF Posts: 20
    Well, I am with you on taking days where you get to not think/worry/concern yourself with meeting goals. I love my goals and I love to take breaks from my goals. I would never follow through in the log run if I didn't give myself a break, like say, on that one day a month when I must eat chocolate ice cream or I will cry... I will probably cry anyway that day, but I will also have chocolate ice cream and a nap afterwards. So, I am with you on slipping out of mode from time to time, and yes, my cheat: chocolate ice cream/gelato/frozen yogurt/etc.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    I'm not a cheat day hater. I try to eat as best I can during the week so that on sundays I have some extra calories to play with. The food I dream about is pizza. I looove pizza, and I know I cant control myself at just one slice. Sooo I guess I dont really have a cheat DAY, just a cheat meal a week, and even then it's not really cheating because I made it so that it would fit into my weekly calorie goal.
  • babineaux7911
    My weakness is pizza! Lol....I like the idea of a cheat meal...In the past I would cheat all weekend...but now more focused! So now only one cheat meal & not too often plus I try to make it fit into my goals.
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    Cheaters never win, winners never cheat!

    That being said, if you are using a cheat day you are setting yourself up to fail.

    Instead make a lifestyle change and eat what you want when you want keeping your calories and macros inline with your goals.

    Good luck.

    This is a generalized statement. Cheat days are not bad as long as you do not cheat to often otherwise, your not on your diet. Cheat days can replenish needed stores. It really is an average of your intake, not a day to day so cheating is fine if you are well within your range. Now I don't agree with quadrupling your carb intake but eating double what you normally eat every 7 to 12 days isn't going to throw you off unless you weren't in your desired range to begin with.
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    Cheaters never win, winners never cheat!

    That being said, if you are using a cheat day you are setting yourself up to fail.

    Instead make a lifestyle change and eat what you want when you want keeping your calories and macros inline with your goals.

    Good luck.

    This is a generalized statement. Cheat days are not bad as long as you do not cheat to often otherwise, your not on your diet. Cheat days can replenish needed stores. It really is an average of your intake, not a day to day so cheating is fine if you are well within your range. Now I don't agree with quadrupling your carb intake but eating double what you normally eat every 7 to 12 days isn't going to throw you off unless you weren't in your desired range to begin with.

    That's a great way of putting it. Thanks!

    And thanks everyone...I like seeing the different way everyone operates
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    I only treat family birthdays a true cheat days because it gets to be to hard to log. (still try not to go over board)

    But other than that I make what I want to eat fit in my calories. I will eat pizza, 1 or 2 slices depending on what else I ate.
    I had pie for breakfast! I don't do that everyday, but had some left over and wanted it. I'll make it fit.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    I call it a "treat" meal instead of a cheat.
    Maybe once or twice a month I'll go all out.

    Usually sushi! Lots and lots of sushi!
    There's a great sushi restaurant here that does all you can eat
    My favorite roll is avocado, asparagus, cucumber
  • momto3girls80
    momto3girls80 Posts: 3 Member
    My cheat day is usually Saturday or Sunday and I try not to go overboard and I'll still log everything in. However, with friday being the 4th, that'll be my cheat day. Bring on the ribs! (in moderation lol)
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    Don't believe cheat days or meals....that being said I'll have a little something once every week or two like a few slices of pizza....just keep it in moderation and not a binge.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I eat what I want, when I want in moderation and within calories, this way I don't have to have a cheat day
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    I'm fantasizing about a 8x8 pan of brownies. :D
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I'm fantasizing about a 8x8 pan of brownies. :D

    Now I am, too. Thanks!
  • lenarashminraj
    lenarashminraj Posts: 53 Member
    i loved that you changed cheat day into cheat meal.. i too agree with your view.. weekly minimum 5 days i strictly eat under my calorie goal.. but one day, my pizza lover 4yrs old kid will tempt me and i will end up with eating 2 slices.. or a good portion of chicken biriyani.. so eat whatever you like(pizza / sandwich / a cheesecake factory dessert / lindt truffle), till you are able to control that feel, but do not celebrate with more than one cheat meal :laugh:
  • ketoambahh
    ketoambahh Posts: 67
    I allow myself a cheat day once a month. That way I can go back pretty easily knowing I would feel like crap later that night. The only thing I don't like about it is that two day period of getting back into Ketosis.

    I do miss having Five Guys french fries sometimes though. Otherwise, I could care less about the bread, potato chips, and other high carb foods I'm not eating. :smile: