Just started gym. Help!


Today i did my first set of leg exercises at the gym. I know I am going to be in pain tomorrow morning.

Any suggestions as to what I can do (if anything) to help ease the pain.

Also new here and looking for friends to help encourage each other. :smile:


  • deviant_illusion
    deviant_illusion Posts: 32 Member
  • ErisDyscordia
    ErisDyscordia Posts: 50 Member
    I find making myself do similar stuff the next day (though ligher) helps a ton. Like if I did legs, and my legs are super sore...just doing some air squats/lunges and some light running the next day, really helps get rid of the soreness. It hurts like hell at first, but feels 1000X better later.
  • necca68
    necca68 Posts: 11 Member
    Drink LOTS of water and add some extra protein in, helps repair the muscles quicker! Ooh...also, an epsom salt bath helps!
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    Stretch like there's no tomorrow - 'cause tomorrow everything will feel like hell in a stretch.

    Also, foam roll. And drink tons of water and do move your legs around to help get rid of the stiffness.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    I can't take anti-inflamatories, so have to make do with stretching, salt bath and a big glass of wine.

    I find that I need to do some cool down stretches at the end my session (as well as the warm up) whilst still in the gym to help reduce soreness.

    Hopefully you won't be too sore tomorrow, but you may be for a few weeks whilst your body gets used to the new activities. It shouldn't be too the point where you can barely move, but a bit of pain and stiffness is to be expected.
  • vickymva
    vickymva Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks. :smile: