My energy is gone after the diet

Guys I need your advice.
I am a 35-years old man who a year ago was 130kg. My height is 184cm.
During a one year I lost 46kg as my mission was, but then my body started to feel bad. It felt like all my energy was just out. At that time I was 84kg. I started to eat more, but even 4000kcl didnt make enough.
It feels like I loose all the power and even lifting a glass of water feels heavy.

I have seen my doctor and all the blood tests looks good. I have made a rest of being on diet or workouts and it has come easier.
Today I did a really small workout and I was really tired after it.
During the diet I ate only 1580 kcl or 1800 kcl.
Last month I have eat healthy but well. Still my body feels weak.

Any ideas?



  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    so you're 6' tall... those caloriesseems pretty low to me if you work out. do you keep a food diary? how much protein do you eat per day?
  • jaakkotalvitie
    jaakkotalvitie Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, I wrote everything to Myfitnesspall. My protein during the diet was about 150g-250g.
    Of course I ate more when I did the work out. If I did a walk of an hour I ate 500 kcl more.
  • NHitchner2
    NHitchner2 Posts: 31
    Have you been drinking lots of water?
    Eating Grass-fed beef not the standard cut from walmart and the bigger name brand stores that get cheap meat?
    Eat a good couple servings of almonds.
    And have you been eating you greens, spinach broccoli all the lovely stuff we hate eating now and than.
    And my personal favorite have you been eating eggs and salmon?

    Ya its a laundry list but all of these items are great for gaining more energy.

    Me I'm roughly 233lbs/105ishKGs

    There are also other stresses that don't help with the energy, lack of sleep or not sleeping correctly. Having a less active lifestyle, and eating alot of unnecessarily fatty foods(too much ice cream, french fries, soda, energy drinks, even gatorade if not drunk correctly(way too much sugar for someone that isn't doing high intensity work-outs).

    I've also noticed that doing alot of short easy workouts every day can help keep energy levels higher, like when you go to work if you go into a certain room multiple times a day do some sit-ups and push-ups every now and than when you go in there(preferred every time but we all know we all can't do that), or if you are at home and instead of sitting on the sofa to watch tv do some sit-ups, squats, walk in place, and whatever you can think of.

    As what Newton's law states in form, an object that is in motion stays in motion, while an object at rest stays at rest.

    Also there are certain fats you should still eat, I haven't done to much research on it, but there are certain nutritional values inside certain fats.

    Long ramble but eh maybe it will help a little.