New to MFP

Hello everyone! I'm new to this site and thought I would introduce myself hoping that maybe one of you is in my same situation.

I am 37 years old, married with one child. I am 4"11 and need to loose 50 pounds. My sister is the one that introduced me to MFP so I am hoping I meet people on here that will help keep me motivated. This is the year I really want to meet my goal.


  • steampunkgirl
    I am new as well and want to lose a total of 65lbs. I just started this site today and so far I find it very helpful.Good luck!
  • jjcollins83
    GOOD LUCK TOO YOU!!! I joined today also and would like to lose 30 to 40 lbs. maybe even 50!!!!
  • MrsTate27
    We will keep each other motivated!! Good Luck