I'm new...and lost

Hi everyone. I found this site by accident. I was planning to do Dr. Oz's Two-Week Rapid Weight Loss Plan. I was concerned about where to go to continue losing weight after the two weeks are over. So I started reading comments on his site - so many comments, many from MFP members saying that his plan is unrealistic. So, I googled MFP, and here I am. I'm 57 and never lost my "baby weight". My oldest is now 17. LOL. I have tried losing weight over the years, but always gave up. Anyway, I quit trying years' ago and so I feel that I am starting from scratch and I'm lost. What has made me give up in the past is the time it takes to put together a 1200 calorie a day plan (recommended for me on MFP). I just don't have the time to pour over hundreds of websites and thousands of recipes to put something together each day. I'm sure there are resources out there that I am unaware of, so I need help. Maybe there is a plan somewhere on MFP that I have not found yet?? I am asking for help finding any websites or other resources that can help me streamline this. My two other obstacles have always been feeding my family (making 2 different meals each day) and my very sweet tooth! Most of my weight is in my belly and up. Should I even bother kick-starting my weight loss journey with Oz's Belly Fat Blasting Diet (including Forskolin) or his 3 day Detox? As you all can see I am really lost. I'm happy to have found this site and I am really hoping that this works for me. It's great to be here. Cheers everyone! And here's to losing weight together.


  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Try skinnytaste.com
    Lots of low cal recipes there.
    SparkPeople also has lots of recipes which display the calories.

    Don't be afraid to try entering in your usual recipes into MFP. After doing so, you can edit them by reducing portions or switching out foods (eg. switch cheese for low fat cheese, reduce amount of pasta but increase the veggies, etc.) - This way you won't have to make separate meals for your family, which saves time too.

    Edit: I'm not a believer in detoxes.
  • feydevilwoman
    feydevilwoman Posts: 49 Member
    I tend to want to crash diet also; ' its been two whole days of being hungry, why arent i skinny yet?!' Trying this for a more sustainable approach.
    Wanted to say HI! and Im also lost, but feel free to add me, and welcome :)
  • Shihtzumama1
    Shihtzumama1 Posts: 9 Member
    LeKatieAnn - Thanks for replying to my post so quickly. I will definitely be looking at those websites TODAY! I am so tired of being over weight - I just have to get going.
  • cindiolson3
    cindiolson3 Posts: 3 Member
    Keep the faith. I am 56 with a bad thyroid. I have been up and down the scales over the last 20 years. My youngest is 28. I started a calorie counting routine with MyFitnessPal in January and then introduced at least a 300 calorie workout each day beginning in February. I have lost 43.2 pounds as of today and would like to do 10 more to get in my BMI range. I have gone from a size 18 jeans (that were tight) to a size 10 jeans. XL and 1X tops to a medium. I feel better than I have in years. Let me know if you need inspiration or help! You CAN do it!
  • drmartz55
    drmartz55 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi there- I did the Dr Oz 2 week Rapid weight loss plan and it worked for me, lost about 3 lbs on it since I had hit a plateau. I am also on a Paleo diet which eliminates alot of the foods that contribute to weight gain. You have alot of options as far as meal planning- but have to decide what type of diet you need to be on. I chose Paleo because of alot of food allergies/sensitivities I have- IBS, dairy intolerance & so on. Going Paleo has eliminated all these problems & weight is steadily coming down in a healthy way. There is a group just for Paleo followers on MFP- Primal/Paleo Support Group. Good luck!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    This entire post filled my bingo card I think.

    Seriously though, you don't need a regimented meal plan. That's just asking for failure the second you have to deviate. And all this Dr. Oz stuff is a sham, as he publicly admitted to being a charlatan. Whatever he says, do the opposite.
  • Shihtzumama1
    Shihtzumama1 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow Cindiolsen - that'a awesome. Good for you. I am also a 1x top, but a 12 pants. I know you can imagine how difficult it is to find clothing that fits me. It has literally been at least 10 years since I purchased an article of clothing because "I like it". All purchases are on a "because they fit" basis. Because of this, I don't even have a "style" anymore. How did you put together your calorie counting routine? From foods you already eat, or elsewhere? Thank you for the inspiration,
  • Shihtzumama1
    Shihtzumama1 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you drmartz - I am happily overwhelmed by the number of responses I have already received. I have no health-related dietary restrictions, so I guess I have a lot of options!
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member

    THIS is the best weight loss information available in the world IMHO. Dr. Oz is a quack. Read all the links in the post above, follow the advice and directions, and you will lose weight.

    You can't jumpstart weight loss, you can only eat at a deficit to lose weight. You need patience.

    You don't need to eliminate certain foods, I have lost eating pizza, burgers and fries, and I have wine every evening.

    Do your own research as well. You don't have to buy anything but the food you put in your mouth and whatever equipment you may think you need to get moving.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You have 20lbs in your ticker to lose. Did you choose more than 1lbs a week weight loss goal? If so, I would switch it to .5 - 1lb a week which is far more reasonable for what you are looking to lose.
    Also, keep in mind that MFP expects you to log exercise and eat those calories back, so if you do exercise and your calorie goal is 1200, you will be eating more than 1200.

    You may want to check out this link, it is a lot of good information for those getting started
  • naeemt
    naeemt Posts: 1
    Protip: Don't listen to Dr. Oz's bull****
  • Shihtzumama1
    Shihtzumama1 Posts: 9 Member
    sonic - sorry my intro post was so long =( really need to vent. 3dogs - I chose to lose 2 lbs a week andbut the system reduced it to 1.5 automatically. But you're right, I will adjust down. This is not a race and I don't want to feel deprived, otherwise I will give up. . I want to lose it the right way and keep it off. Thanks for the link. Icort - thanks for the good advice and the link.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Two things I wish I had done when I first started:

    1.Eat about 100 grams of protein each day. Protein will help curb your sweet tooth and help you feel full longer.

    2. Start strength training now. If you are very out of shape, start small, adding a little more each week. Don't wait to lose all your weight before starting. When you do lose your weight, you will want shapely muscles and added strength to help with your new goal of fitness for life.

    Good luck and welcome to MFP!:flowerforyou:
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    You have 20lbs in your ticker to lose. Did you choose more than 1lbs a week weight loss goal? If so, I would switch it to .5 - 1lb a week which is far more reasonable for what you are looking to lose.
    Also, keep in mind that MFP expects you to log exercise and eat those calories back, so if you do exercise and your calorie goal is 1200, you will be eating more than 1200.

    You may want to check out this link, it is a lot of good information for those getting started

    This is gold, and the first thing is set a more reasonable and sustainable calorie goal with appropriate macros. With that, there should be no need to make separate meals for you and your family.

    If you really need an actual plan to follow to get yourself started, just google "1500 calorie meal plan" (or whatever your calorie goal is) and use those for suggestions. Or make some awesome friends on here and cruise through their diaries.

    PS: Oz is all about the money. Please don't go there.
  • This entire post filled my bingo card I think.

    Seriously though, you don't need a regimented meal plan. That's just asking for failure the second you have to deviate. And all this Dr. Oz stuff is a sham, as he publicly admitted to being a charlatan. Whatever he says, do the opposite.

    BINGO TOO! The small changes that don't feel like a restriction is the best approach. Meal planning according to "weight loss plans" are very difficult for me too. I don't even like the sound of a goat cheese omelet with a flax seed muffin :sick:

    I meticulously measure everything making sure I am truly having 1 serving and not "eyeballing" it. I don't plan all my meals in advance because I have no idea what I am gonna feel like eating or cooking tomorrow and I find it frustrating :grumble:

    Just make one new change every week. For example, Week 1 double your water intake. Week 2, measure/weigh your "normal" meals not changing what you eat, just how much of it. Week 3, trade one "bad" habit for another (I quit putting mayo and a slice of cheese on my turkey sandwich and just spread laughing cow instead (120 calories vs. 35 calories)).

    Stay away from anything that promises to lose any amount of weight in a ridiculous amount of time. You know when something is too good to be true and diet scams are the same way. If I feel hungry, I eat. If it's just boredom munchies, I go for a walk. You know when you're hungry and when you are just aimlessly starring into the fridge. Listen to your body, it will tell you what to do. I still eat the foods I love (just watch the portions), and try to get in some exercise (every little bit helps), and be patient healthy weight loss is slow.

    Step 1 - congratulate yourself on deciding to join us and be proud that you realize weight loss is not a race!
  • Shihtzumama1
    Shihtzumama1 Posts: 9 Member
    VeryKatie - I love Sparkpeople and skinnytaste. Thank you! They will definitely help me.
  • Shihtzumama1
    Shihtzumama1 Posts: 9 Member
    You all were so right! I started today. This is a great site. I love it. So many resources, info, recipes....I think I am going to be successful this time and that feels great!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Keep it simple!!! Eat what you normally like, log every bite lick and taste(BLT) that goes in your mouth, make friends for support and exercise. No fancy diets , gyms etc. needed. Just walk! Good Luck!/ Cindy.... Feel free to add me as a friend!