i'm new and determined to lose the weight

I've always struggled with my weight i always used food to comfort me it made me feel better but after i looked in the mirror i would get grossed out, my weight always fluctuates ! last year i was at my all time high of 237 i didn't realize this until my mother printed some photos out of me and i was disgusted with myself i went down to 198 but gained the weight back i got up to 223 but now i'm down to 210 its like the 200s want to keep me! i decided to join MFP because i don't feel like i have the support at home or even with my friends to help me do this i have already achieved everything i wanted to achieve except losing weigh i am currently 23 and i always said i didn't want to be 25 and still fat ! my bf doesn't like eating healthy and he doesn't like to work out when i encourage us to go for a walk he tells me NO i will do it when i am ready and it makes me upset because i want to do this together my mother does what any mother would do and tell me i'm crazy i don't need to lose weight and my friends you're a pretty girl you look fine, but this isn't about being pretty its about being healthy being able to go on those hikes and finally be able to do cycling something I've always dreamed about doing

my goal for this year is to weigh 160

so i am looking for determined people who want to help each other out on this journey


  • TenaciousTAZ
    TenaciousTAZ Posts: 135 Member
    Doesn't sound like your boyfriend is a keeper. Being young and wanting to be healthy is great, as you will miss decades of suffering as I did. I lost 80 lbs in 8 months, kept it off 2 years, then messed up my back so I'm on this road again. What I have learned is it NEEDS to be a lifestyle choice, not a temporary diet. Even with the back injury, exercise has always been there, I just strayed drinking my pain away. So I'm back to eating clean and keeping up with workouts.
    You can accomplish anything, but it does take discipline, dedication and hard work. If people can't support you in your journey, they aren't worth being a part of your life. I rather be healthy and full of life, then be around people who sabotage me.
    Just keep working at it, stay positive and there are people here that can help!
  • heatherv89
    heatherv89 Posts: 20 Member
    I am here for that extra support too :) I moved to Philadelphia about 2 1/2 years ago to take a "desk" job after waitressing for 6 years. This took a larger toll on my body than I ever anticipated! I went from being on my feet all day to sitting at a desk all day! I have gained a lot of weight and am looking to get back to a healthy weight. My boyfriend eats junk food too, so I understand the struggle! I usually just have to snap "Get that McDonalds out of my face!!" lol (of course he doesn't gain a pound)- Is your boyfriend overweight? I wonder if it his own insecurity that he may be projecting on you when you bring up walking.

    Anyway!! I don't have many friends on here so I am around for support!! :D
  • bobwalk2002
    Being fit and healthy is a lifestyle choice and it makes a huge difference to be around fit and healthy people. If you had a drug problem the last people you want to hang around with is drug addicts. Join a hiking or biking or other exercise group that embraces beginners and start hanging around healthy people for support and guidance. If your boyfriend wants to stay unhealthy, well that's another choice you will have to make. If you use this program and are honest with the food you eat you will lose weight. However, health and wellness is not a based on a diet, it's a lifetime commitment.
  • sammylouhulley
    Hi there i am also new to this site, Im very nervous to do weight loss as i am very suseptable to becoming obsessed(i was anorexic for a while where my menstral cycle stopped) Im scared im going to slip back so i need some guidence. I weigh 69 kgs and have 22% body fat...I want to weigh 55kg as i am 5 ft 5 and am glad i have some people to help me out with stuff i dont know

    looking forward to this journey with you guys
  • Yessie88
    Yessie88 Posts: 1 Member
    I am also struggling to get out of the 200s. I lost the weight about 2 years ago but after having my third child, I am right back at 230 and desperately want to get back down under 200.
  • mtikky
    mtikky Posts: 53 Member
    Good luck. There's loads of people who have the determination to succeed and who can motivate you along the way.

    I decided in myself to start back on MFP and I'm feeling the benefits for myself.

    Down to 236lbs from 283lbs since the start of this year. My target is 174lbs which will get me at exactly BMI 25.
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    When you are truly ready to lose the weight, that little voice inside your head will be louder than the voices of your Mom, boy friend or anyone else. If you want it, that little voice is very loud. So, how bad do you want it? You decide. Oh, and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    You have to block out every thought you are wasting on the people who do not support you. They did not eat for you and they will not diet for you. You cannot expect them to change one thing. Depending on anyone else for any portion of your goals is a recipe for failure and it will not be in any way their fault. As long as no one is actually opening your mouth and shoving food in, then you are in control of what you eat. You - just you - anything else is an excuse. You choose what you eat and when you eat it. You choose whether you work out. You will succeed or fail depending on what you choose and no one in your life is responsible for that except you. Good luck! This journey is all about the choices you make. You cannot choose the challenges you face but you can choose the way you react to them.
  • Kimisakhi
    Kimisakhi Posts: 4 Member
    I joined a while back but I wasn't logging, I'm back now, more determined than ever, I thought I was on a plateu for the longest time, turns out, I wasn't eating enough calories for my size and height, I'm still struggling with eating more, especially the right foods that will help me lose weight, need all the support I can get :) so yeah lets do this
  • Caronnie
    Caronnie Posts: 9 Member
    I use food as a comfort as well..I still kinda do but try to distract myself with other things.. You can do this! I was right around 200-205 when I finally said enough is enough. I really didn't have anyone to provide me support either, I took it on my own and now my kids say they are proud of me, provide me motiviation and will SOMETIMES join me on a run or a work out video. It's been a long process for me, I started in November and am at 168 now. I'm not done, I still have a ways to go but it does take willpower. I don't know how many times I've quit previously but this is the longest I've ever gone. Know that many of us on here are going through the same thing and more than willing to provide you encouragement, feel free to add me. :)
  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
    You have to block out every thought you are wasting on the people who do not support you. They did not eat for you and they will not diet for you. You cannot expect them to change one thing. Depending on anyone else for any portion of your goals is a recipe for failure and it will not be in any way their fault. As long as no one is actually opening your mouth and shoving food in, then you are in control of what you eat. You - just you - anything else is an excuse. You choose what you eat and when you eat it. You choose whether you work out. You will succeed or fail depending on what you choose and no one in your life is responsible for that except you. Good luck! This journey is all about the choices you make. You cannot choose the challenges you face but you can choose the way you react to them.

    Great insight... i like it.
  • Katashi55
    Katashi55 Posts: 5
    Hi! I used to be the kind of girl who could eat anything and not gain weight-there was once a time where I would even drink cooking oil because I looked quite malnourished. When I started varsity I couldn't fit sports into my curriculum and about 4 months into my 1st year I noticed that I started getting curves. I really just want my old body back now...not as skinny. But just the lean toned structure. My ideal body would be that of Kendall Jenner. I have 3 weeks until I return to varsity and I want to lose at least 4kg before I go back. I know I'm capable of doing it!! I just lack a little motivation here and there but I know I can do it!!
  • Secrease
    Secrease Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story. I joined Myfitnesspal a couple of years ago and did nothing with the tool. However, I am back and more determined than ever. I am proud of you for wanting to get healthier and it is important to have support because it is a battle to lose weight and the more support we have the more successful we will be. I have a very supportive family , but I had no will power but now that I do; their support will mean so much more. Focus on you and what you need and we will be here to cheer you on. I wish you so much success on this journey. Be blessed and be encouraged!!!
  • Dollypops91
    Dollypops91 Posts: 3 Member
    My story sounds pretty similar to yours. My boyfriend is super slim so he doesn't work out or eat healthily, so I feel that i am alone in this. He supports me by walking with me and things though which is good because i don't think i would like to go alone!
    I am at my biggest right now. After having being dangerously underweight three years ago, i have went up 6 dress sizes and i feel gross when i look at myself. I stay home most days after work because i don't want people to see me when i look so unhealthy.
    It's good to be on here and look at forums, it helps me to stay focused and reminds me that I am not the only one going on this journey. Good luck! I will be following your journey and rooting for you :)