I need someone to help push me

I've been using MFP for a couple years now, but this is the first time I've used the community forum option. I love the idea of people helping push each other to reach their fitness goals, but I don't have any friends on here:( I would loovvvee if people add me as friends on here, regardless of your age or gender. I just need someone to mentally push me through my weight loss goals and I can do the same for them! Thanks:)


  • Delitebabe
    Delitebabe Posts: 96 Member
    What excatly do you have in mind when you say push? I've been thinking of this myself and wondering what a person who is not with you can do to hold you responsible to your commitment.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    It's profoundly encouraging to see other people's work-outs, successes and food choices.

    I've been inspired many, many times!

    When you lose, MFP notifies your friends, when you work out, it posts again.

    You can see how hard your friends are pushing along and that is very interesting!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I joined active groups. Seeing the cool things that others were doing and the challenges they face (6 mile run in a standard bra) make me overcome my BS excuses.
  • dalesimpson1
    dalesimpson1 Posts: 26 Member
    I am a friend who would encourage and congratulate you, not sure about pushing.
  • osorio0203
    osorio0203 Posts: 24 Member
    I just saw your post. I agree we all need someone to push us when we have no motivation to get up and do it. I have lost 40 pounds all together from the support of my group of friends on here. You are more than welcome to join us. We have new people and older people. So if you like.....add me as a friend and welcome back to MFP.
  • strengthandhonour4eva
    strengthandhonour4eva Posts: 221 Member
    Im quite a hard *kitten*, I will say when you should stop moaning and get on with it. If you need that add me :)
  • sarahpolak56
    sarahpolak56 Posts: 7 Member
    I guess I don't necessarily need someone to PUSH me (since that is hard to do online) but I need someone who I can relate to. Lately I've been having trouble eating healthy because I've lost a lot of motivation. I'll eat really well for the majority of the day but then binge like crazy at night. I feel like I'm the only one that does this and it's embarrassing how much I eat. I love working out but eating healthy is the hard part for me. I'm just looking for someone to talk to when I feel the urge to binge
  • osorio0203
    osorio0203 Posts: 24 Member
    Don't feel bad. Most of the people trying to loose weight have the same problem. That is why we are here. I can make a few suggestions that have really helped me stay away from food late at night. I eat a really large breakfast....lots of protein. I have a snack around 10 and then a good size lunch. I eat another snack at 2 and then one at 4. if you feed yourself during the day you are not as hungry at night. Just make sure you get plenty of protein. Protein is like lighter fluid on fat. It starts up your metabolism and helps keep it going. Another thing is don't stay up late unless you have to. I used to stay up and eat from boredom. Get plenty of sleep. It helps.
  • sarahpolak56
    sarahpolak56 Posts: 7 Member
    Do you eat a supper? Or is your snack at 4 the last thing you eat?
  • LoneHulk
    LoneHulk Posts: 39 Member
    You're not the only one who does that. I have the will power most times but sometimes stress\depression gets to you....and the fact that I have to eat a high carb diet to compensate for a rare genetic disease. Sometimes we just need people cheering us up and rooting us on....other times just to say it's ok and tomorrow's a new day. Just remember no matter how bad it is 1 day does not make or break you.
  • osorio0203
    osorio0203 Posts: 24 Member
    I do eat supper. I do not eat a lot though. I try to eat a salad with grilled chicken or something like that. Or if I eat a regular meal.... I eat half of what I used to. I am not really hungry at that time, so I don't feel the need to eat a lot.
  • kenziberry
    kenziberry Posts: 164 Member
    Feel free to add me for any support or motivation you may need!
  • osorio0203
    osorio0203 Posts: 24 Member
    One more thing that I do and I think it is very very important to keep myself motivated. Pick a day that you can eat whatever you want for a half an hour. Your weekly cheat meal. I do it once a week and it gives me something to look forward to and keeps me strait. it also kinda shocks your body after a week of clean eating and your metabolism goes.....hey look.....food to burn......lets do it. I have made myself uncomfortable eating so much in a half an hour. lol. But only do it once a week.
  • makzes
    makzes Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I love extra support and I need to get motivated!
  • KayFi89
    KayFi89 Posts: 39
    Feel free to add me also! :) it's great having support of friends. I log EVERYTHING I eat so if I feel embarrassed logging something unhealthy it helps me to avoid eating it next time. Good luck on your journey!
  • theoncomingstorm6464
    theoncomingstorm6464 Posts: 116 Member
    off a cliff? into traffic....
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
  • LoneHulk
    LoneHulk Posts: 39 Member

    That's f'ing hilarious!