anyone doing couch to 5K on treadmill?



  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    I did the whole thing on the treadmill last year. I was training for my first 5k, and I had SO many people tell me that I wouldnt be able to run a 5k outside if I just trained on the treadmill.

    I loved it. I loved knowing that I could keep the same pace for half an hour + more. I completed C25K, when a year ago I wouldn't have been able to do Day 1.

    And I ran my first 5k with no trouble (I actually found it EASIER) after not having run outside once while training.

    I know it's better for you & stuff but I am SUPER busy and I agree with "no excuses," and for me, "no excuses" meant learning in the gym, and making that dedicated time.

    A lot of people here are saying that you'll like running outside better- all the power to them. I am more comfortable inside for many reasons, and (now that I have done both) I like it better inside.

    GO FOR IT! The important part is to do it :)
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    I was hoping once I wasn't so out of shape I could switch to outside!

    The first day wasn't so bad and I love how you can listen to your own music but I can still hear the prompts to change my speed. I will keep the other version in mind as I progress! Thanks!

    Also, the app is (in my opinion) awesome. I felt SO accomplished finishing. I got out of the habit + I am now re-doing it!
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    The important thing is that you're running and getting the exercise. Some prefer the treadmill and apparently some think that real running only occurs outdoors. Run where you're comfortable running.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Brian..Is it just me or are you trying to be mean? Other people are saying in this thread they don't like to be outside because of heat. You do...great. Don't ram it down my throat because I'm not superman like you!

    I'm not being mean but I am being honest. If you WANTED to run outside, it is doable while avoiding the far from brutal Kansas heat. You've changed your reasoning (too embarrassed ... to when you're not so out of shape you'll run outside ... to it's too hot ... never mind that the ENTIRE state of Kansas is below 80 degrees right now) for not going outside and every reason you've given is an excuse. Be honest and admit that you run on the treadmill in your basement either because a) you prefer it, b) that you really have little to no desire to run outside, or c) so you can stay planted in front of the TV.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Regardless of why you are doing it, I am inside at the gym on their treadmill. I can run outside BUT I choose not to. Why? Because I know I will walk before the end of the run segment. I do not enjoy running at the moment but I am going to give it a 3 month chance, being outside means it would last a week. I know my failure mode and therefore have routine that negates it. It is also a doddle to do the lifting session and then do the run session and then rest for 47hours. Being on my weight shedding programme is mine and I take full accountability for the programme and the results.

    Do what is best for you, why ask the question, it only has downside risk?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Brian..Is it just me or are you trying to be mean? Other people are saying in this thread they don't like to be outside because of heat. You do...great. Don't ram it down my throat because I'm not superman like you!

    I'm not being mean but I am being honest. If you WANTED to run outside, it is doable while avoiding the far from brutal Kansas heat. You've changed your reasoning (too embarrassed ... to when you're not so out of shape you'll run outside ... to it's too hot ... never mind that the ENTIRE state of Kansas is below 80 degrees right now) for not going outside and every reason you've given is an excuse. Be honest and admit that you run on the treadmill in your basement either because a) you prefer it, b) that you really have little to no desire to run outside, or c) so you can stay planted in front of the TV.

    Chill out, homeslice. Sheesh. Why the intense interest in somebody else's reasons for exercising the way they do? She's getting her workout in and that's what matters.
  • emzilee
    emzilee Posts: 96 Member
    I did the whole of C25K on the treadmill... twice!

    The first time I was still at my university gym which has individual TVs on each treadmill - 30 minute shows were perfect to do my C25K sessions!

    The second time I was in the small gym at my apartment complex where there's only a communal TV at a neck-breaking angle above the treadmills. And time passed SLOWLY.

    Now I've moved to outside and I find running TO places much more rewarding. I do the same lap almost every time I run but I just find that time passes quicker and I find that I get tired much less quickly outside, even though my pace is quicker!
  • ajones1965
    ajones1965 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm just about to finish week 3. Apart from once in week 1 I have run on a treadmill, but on Saturday I'm going to do a Parkrun 5k so will be taking it outside. Not sure how I will do, but I am conscious of the difference and want eventually to run outside all the time. It's a matter of preference, and starting slowly in the gym can be a confidence builder.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I'm doing it currently on the treadmill.

    Week 4 is a killer.
  • dydn11402
    dydn11402 Posts: 98 Member
    i did c25k on a treadmill over a year ago and am still running 3 days a week on the treadmill. i prefer running with ac and a tv lol. plus i squeeze it in while my son is napping or playing quietly. running in the summer heat is a killer. running is boring no matter how you slice it (for me anyway) and i am just doing it to get a good workout in so id rather pass the time as pleasantly as possible.
    i dont get why you would get attacked over a question like this. who doesnt have excuses/reasons for doing things that are hard? what matters is that youre doing it in a way that it will get done. goodness gracious!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Brian..Is it just me or are you trying to be mean? Other people are saying in this thread they don't like to be outside because of heat. You do...great. Don't ram it down my throat because I'm not superman like you!

    I'm not being mean but I am being honest. If you WANTED to run outside, it is doable while avoiding the far from brutal Kansas heat. You've changed your reasoning (too embarrassed ... to when you're not so out of shape you'll run outside ... to it's too hot ... never mind that the ENTIRE state of Kansas is below 80 degrees right now) for not going outside and every reason you've given is an excuse. Be honest and admit that you run on the treadmill in your basement either because a) you prefer it, b) that you really have little to no desire to run outside, or c) so you can stay planted in front of the TV.

    Chill out, homeslice. Sheesh. Why the intense interest in somebody else's reasons for exercising the way they do? She's getting her workout in and that's what matters.

    I don't have a problem with people choosing to use a treadmill. I do have a problem with people who repeatedly change their stories as the OP did three times in just over two hours. Encouraging excuse making isn't being supportive .. it's enabling. When the OP can pick a "reason" and stick with it, she'll be better off.

    "Homeslice" ... really? Were you just time warped from an 80s elementary school?
  • serasv
    serasv Posts: 56 Member
    I haven't started yet, but when I lose about another 20 lbs, i want to start c25k. And since I live in the desert I'll probably use my treadmill inside where the swamp cooler is.
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    I did it outside a few years ago, then it rained for 3 months nonstop so we got a treadmill and i did it on the treadmill. (Or the Dreadmill, as it is commonly named).
    I just restarted it outside, again.

    I get REALLY red faced and had never run before, so it was a bit embarrassing. I understand your hesitation with being outside, OP. I am in Australia, so the sun gets pretty nasty and I've already had skin cancers removed... so there are times when outdoors just won't happen.
    So my DH and I found a recreational park that was fairly flat and rarely used. Then a track for cycling was built nearby and we used that until the cyclists caught on... and that was about the time it started to rain forever, so I never went back to the track and we moved away.
    These days I don't care who looks. I am heavier than I was when I did it last time, but then i figure I'm not watching anyone else and judging them so why would anyone be looking at me? And furthermore, who are they and why should their opinion matter?
    You'll get there when you're ready, if you want to. :flowerforyou:
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i do all my running on the treadmill. lately i do 6k every friday. the rest of the week i do 30-50 minutes depending on energy level and strength training twice a week . i have reasons for preferring the treadmill. i may always. i like my readout. i like the set pace. and the gym has cheap daycare. until school starts again i couldnt run outside anyway because people frown on leaving 6 year olds home alone.

    and i like when i think people are watching. i mean... its the only time that my self consciousness works in my favor. i assume everyone behind me is watching the fat chick and will laugh if i leave too soon (people have, although only once, i know most dont even notice me). it makes me want to prove my imaginary adversaries wrong... when i run at the gym i stick with long runs, but when i use my apartment buildings empty fitness center i often quit pretty quickly. outside lucky if i make it five minutes. maybe it is also that i feel like the gym is full of my workout buddies i never really talk to... lol.

    i know that its a better workout to run outside. but no thank you. not me not at this time. maybe someday.

    i also dont find it boring at all because i have a playlist that is awesome. and all that adrenaline... who would ever have thought i would end up loving running. its crazy really.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I did the entire C25K on the treadmill over the winter. Then in spring I hit the streets. Tried to go back to the treadmill and now I can't make it 10minutes without the boredom kicking in!

    I will say when you do eventually transition to the road, don't get disheartened by how much harder it feels, but I do think once you make the switch you'll never want to go back!

    I also used RunDouble btw and I think its a great app!!!!
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    When I started running I was 20-30 pounds heavier than I am now. I do all of my running outside. I've been cheered on twice but I'm mostly ignored (and I prefer it that way). I think it's less boring than the treadmill and I'm getting to know my community from a different perspective.

    ETA: I used to only go running under the cover of darkness (not even street lights - I live in a semi-rural area) because I was ashamed of how I looked. I got over that real fast, though, when I started twisting my ankles and falling repeatedly. Now I have large scars on my shins and it all just seems so silly.
  • DamieAnne
    DamieAnne Posts: 103 Member
    I'm currently going C25K on the treadmill. I've just finished week 5 and plan on doing a few more weeks before I take it outside - and the only reason I will be doing that is because i've signed myself up to a 5K in about 2 months!
  • RadioactivePirate
    I started out doing couch to 5k on the treadmill, and finished it but decided I hated running and was never going to do it again. Then I got involved in a learn to run group with Fleet Feet Sports and started running outdoors and that really sparked my love of running. It did take me a while to get over the initial embarrassment of thinking people were going to be looking at me because I "wasn't" a runner, but it helped to be a part of this group that was just FULL of people who weren't typical runner-types. Now it has to be really really icky outside before I'll hop on a treadmill.