Hungry and Grumpy= TOM


Well Ive been dieting for 11 days and have been getting along just fine but the last couple of days I have been so hungry and grumpy I want to eat everything in sight just to stop the hunger pangs. Its coming upto TOM next week but does anyone else suffer from this and how do you get over it?




  • mmelaniewalters
    are u eating low gi foods to keep hunger pangs away for longer ??? such as porridge etc ...
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    r u getting ur recommended calories?
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I usually get in some extra exercise. Helps boost the mood, and gives me extra calories for my "cravings".
  • Fat_girl_gonna_be_slim

    No Im not eating low GI but thats a good point.

    I am getting my calories although it does flutuate for example the day before yesterday I exercised quite alot and came in under and yesterday i went over! left over birthday cake talking to me from the fridge Grrr


  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    i get it really bad a few days before my TOM !! apparently i read that we burn a few more calories while we are on TOM
  • LauraMcGanity
    Don't eat the birthday cake - give it to the birds or persuade someone else to eat it. Then treat yourself to something yummy but low calorie.:drinker:
  • Jasdramaqueen
    Jasdramaqueen Posts: 55 Member
    I get that a lot...have started keeping things like low fat ambrosia custard pots in the fridge which satisfy the sweet tooth. Also, dark chocolate is good if you're hungry and want something sweet because generally you can't eat more than a couple fo squares before feeling sick! At TOM when you're craving comfort food, a small (250g) jacket potato with half a tin of reduced sugar and salt heinz baked beans and 25g of reduced fat cheddar sprinkled on top comes under 400 you get your stodge but not at the expense of your diet! Good luck all the same..
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    I always feel like I could eat everything and the kitchen sink when TOM is near. I exercise more, to take my mind off of it. If it doesnt work I eat something. Which is ok cuz I just worked out like crazy.
  • Fat_girl_gonna_be_slim
    Thankyou so much for your replys they really do help and the jacket potato is on the menu for lunch :)

  • padsi1975
    I have the same problem, I obsess about food at TOM. Do a hectic workout and earn yourself some extra calories (Bikram Yoga burns a lot, so does swimming apparently).

    That jacket potato sounds yummy.