Today is the heaviest I'm ever going to be

Hey everyone, I've just joined this site and am already finding it sooo helpful! I've been overweight my whole life and have finally decided that I am the heaviest I'm ever going to be (I hope). The success stories are very inspiring- I'm convinced I'm actually gonna do it this time! I'm not only looking to lose a lot of weight (currently 231 lbs, though it could be less. I haven't checked in a week eee!), I'm hoping to change my whole attitude about food. Luckily I love my vegetables though I have a weakness for junk food. I haven't touched a chocolate bar all week though :D I'm slowly going through the process of re-educating myself on what to eat everyday, but I want to make the changes permanent. I'm just glad I found a site where everyone is so supportive of one another as it really helps. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want :)


  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I love your choice of words for your topic. With that type of attitude it definitely will be!
  • diablohoney
    Hi there.

    It is a helpful site isn't it? Full of lovely supportive people and a whole raft of food ideas which really helps me as when it comes to healthy eating I've not got a scoobie :) I'm like you, I love my junk food and since stopping smoking 4 months ago have found a new found afinity with say I'm missing it would be an understatement!!!

    Just wanted to say, good luck and I'm sure with such a positive attitude you can do it :)
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    I wish you all the best. My thing isn't junk food just snaking on what ever is in the house when I'm not doing anything lol. Just don't forget that eating right is just part of it. You need to exercise also Even if it's walking for a while.
    I wish you the best take care.
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    Love the socks! Best of luck on your journey. You are in the right frame of mind to start it.
  • DreamingOfSize10_UK
    I'm here with you too! It's difficult taking the first steps and turning those steps into a way of life. Hopefully the results will spur us all on to create the positive life change we all desire! x