Want to give up!!!!

I am ready to give up. I will stick to something and start to see the weight drop then I start to gain it back and stop trying so hard. I find something that I like doing after a while I get bored of it. I would really like to find something and stick to it. I know that I can do this because I have done it before. I could really use some friends for support .


  • scybale
    scybale Posts: 7
    How long have you been trying? Are you enjoying the exercise you are doing? I think its iimportant that you enjoy the activity so you wont get bored or tired of it as fast.
  • bratdaze
    bratdaze Posts: 10 Member
    When I first started working out about 4 years ago I was 198 I got down to 130 and met someone I got comfortable with them and plus I wanted to slow down the working out because I have had a total hip replacement and my hip was starting to hurt. I have found walking videos that I do enjoy, but I dont see a change.
    How long have you been trying? Are you enjoying the exercise you are doing? I think its iimportant that you enjoy the activity so you wont get bored or tired of it as fast.
  • scybale
    scybale Posts: 7
    What is your diet like? Perhaps shake that up a bit or consider a similar excercise to walking and see how that goes?
  • bratdaze
    bratdaze Posts: 10 Member
    Diet is okay i could eat a little better. I will try that thank you.
  • MarcieSwitzer
    MarcieSwitzer Posts: 18 Member
    Honestly, I find I do the best when I don't focus on the actual weight loss, but the health benefits overall. Right now my doctor and I are debating the use of medications to lower my cholesterol. I asked her for three months to see what I could do with diet and exercise again. I did it before, I'd like to prove to myself that I am in control of my health. So, come the end of August I get tested again. This is keeping me focused on the importance of eating right and exercising. If I don't lose any weight but my numbers go down I will have won. I promised my doctor if I don't get my numbers down enough by the end of August, I'll try medication, but not Statins (bad reaction before).

    Yesterday my husband asked it I wanted to "share" a king-size Snicker bar. Once upon a time that would have been a knee-jerk reaction--grab it quick. I looked at him and asked what he was smoking'! He got it.
  • bratdaze
    bratdaze Posts: 10 Member
    I do focus on it a lot more then I should maybe if I just focused on why i am doing it. thank you
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    Don't quit, just don't quit. That's the key a lot of people on here have found. Also you have friends, if you interacted more you might get the support your looking for :smile:
  • bratdaze
    bratdaze Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you BrotherBill I am not going to be a quitter :)
  • kikimilabutterfly
    The fact is it is entirely up to you to not give up, you can give up but whats the use you will end up even more miserable. Im pretty straight forward and I'll tell you from experience no one cares about your exercises or pities you for procrastinating you alone have to do this for yourself and make the right decisions . If you decide you don't want to give up you can push yourself beyond what you think you are capable of, I promise you it will hurt,it will take time, it will require dedication, willpower and sacrifice. You will have to push your body to its max but once you reach your goal you will know it is well worth it.

    Something that motivates me:
    I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself, a small bird will drop frozen dead off a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. I love this poem and I repeat it while I workout it helps me put my feelings in check and work harder.
  • greena
    greena Posts: 36 Member
    I suggest reading the Beck Diet Solution if you have trouble with negative thought patterns. It's Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques for weight loss. I found it extremely helpful to stop binge eating.

    Think to yourself, "What would I say to a friend in the same situation? Would I tell them it's useless and they should give up?" No, you wouldn't. You would tell them they can do it and encourage them. Try to give yourself the same message!! Whenever you get down, remind yourself that you wouldn't let a friend beat themselves up, don't do it to yourself!
  • Red_sparkling_Titania
    We all fear failure, not being the best, or losing - but most of the time what we fail is to see all of the beauty and opportunity hidden inside our mistakes. We don't from from perfection - we grow from out struggles. If you don't challenge your breath - if you don't challenge your distance - if you don't challenge your mind - then you aren't pushing hat enough.
    Results will happen but only if you are willing to put the work in.