I need some guidance

I am 35 and just recently had a baby, and by recently I mean 11 months ago, lol. I still look like I am 6 months pregnant due to my ab muscles separating. I would like some help on how to tone these muscles back up so that I don't have this major pooch. It's not even a low pooch either, it's at the top of my abs. Any advice would be appreciated.


  • mtoasty79
    mtoasty79 Posts: 18
    I have also done some research and have learned that traditional ab workouts may make this problem worse.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    I've learned through a friend that you have to be very careful if your abdominal wall has separated. Please do some research before starting a program.
  • mtoasty79
    mtoasty79 Posts: 18
    I stated that below. I believe they have come back together enough that I can do a regular workout but I don't know where I should start first. I have a total gym at home and can do ab work on that.
  • ATyghter
    ATyghter Posts: 44 Member
    I would lay off the ab work until you're sure it has come back together. The last thing you want to do is make it worse. Focus on cardio and strength training. You don't need to do ab specific work to notice a difference in your stomach. Start reducing the fat that is there first and then when things start to get better you can focus your attention there.

    Make sure that your diet is as clean as you can make it. It's so cliche but abs are made in the kitchen.
  • mtoasty79
    mtoasty79 Posts: 18
    Thanks. I am eating about as healthy as I am capable. Staying around my 1200 calorie a day mark and also lots of fruits and veggies are included in that. I can only get about 1 finger in the separation so I believe I am as good as I am going to get without ab exercise. I don't really do any other exercises aside from work on the job and chase my 11 month old around.