Active people with 100+ lbs to lose

Hi! I am recently getting back to tracking and am about 3 weeks in at this point. I log on to MFP every day, share my diary and would welcome (and reciprocate!) any encouragement/support. I love walking, swimming, strength training and yoga, and try to get some form of activity in most days.

What I'm loving about tracking is that I feel like I'm eating a ton of food. This is probably due to a few reasons. I'm maximizing intentional eating, which makes me more mindful and appreciative of what I am consuming. Also, working with a calorie budget is helping me incorporate a lot more produce (fresh fruits & veggies), which help a lot if you're a volume eater like me!

I am not a fan of extreme calorie restriction. Larger bodies need more calories just to simply function, and I am NOT going to screw up my metabolism by not giving it what it needs. I'm done with deprivation/binge cycles that end up making you gain even more weight in the long term. I also need to fuel my activity, and research proves again and again that health and fitness are so much more important than the number on the scale.

That said, I want to be less encumbered so I can be even MORE active! Walk/running a 5K is something I really want to do in the not-so-distant future, and I would like to have more energy for my kids. What about you? I'd love to hear your stories! :)


  • sweetiememoirs
    sweetiememoirs Posts: 30 Member
    Hi there! I hope you don't mind that I sent you a friend request. I am also on a journey to lose 100+ lbs.

    I have a 142 day log in streak which takes me back to the first day I started on this journey for the second time. Last summer I joined for a few months & dropped 20lbs. But that & more was gained back when my hubby was out of work for three months due to a work related injury.

    I started again back in February & have lost 48lbs since then. My diary is open the friends & I try to be active in encouraging others on a daily basis. Anyway, I am always looking for other active members who have similar journeys ahead of them.

    Have a fantastic day!
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    Feel free to add me! A couple of years ago I joined MFP and then after dropping 16 pounds life got super busy with work, grad school and LDR that i just gave up for then and gained it all back plus some more. (I always had excuses). But now I am back and I'm about 20 pounds down (my ticker needs to be updated) and really committed. In the next week or two I should be back to my original starting weight. I have 165+ pounds to lose. My final goal is a moving target right now, I'll figure it out when I get there, because I've never been a healthy weight, I really don't know what is best for me.
  • DarcyHamlin
    DarcyHamlin Posts: 18 Member
    Wow, thank you so much for posting! I will add you both as friends - I love what both of you have to say! Let's do this together! :smile:
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    My journey started back in 2010 when my dad died unexpectedly from a heart condition. I have two boys (12 and 8, they were 8 and 4 at the time) and realized that I wanted to be around to see them grow up, and I wanted to be able to know my grandchildren should I ever have any. I started chipping away slowly at the weight, without a lot of success... managed to lose some weight and then trained to walk a full marathon in October of 2011 - 26.2 miles of walking, it took 7 hrs to complete the race. I started working in 2011 which put health and exercise on the back burner for awhile, and slowly my weight started to creep back up. Last June I committed in earnest to do something about it - started tracking calories on July 1st of last year, and also started training for my second full marathon (walking again). The full marathon was not to be, and I wound up with a hip injury that put me off my feet for 6 weeks (After a 16 mile training walk that was painful from the very first step and yet I insisted on doing the whole thing... stubborn much?) and also stalled my weight loss. I managed to complete a half marathon in October instead of the full, despite the lack of training, but then a case of pneumonia and a round of oral steroids set me back again and I started gaining back the weight I'd lost over the summer. I dabbled with calorie counting through the fall, but depression and frustration took over and carried me through Christmas and January. On the last day of January I went to my doctor for a checkup and was told it was time to do something about my weight... I have high blood pressure as well as some other health issues and my weight was putting me at risk for complications. I logged into MFP on Feb 1st of this year and have not looked back. 158 days and 44 lbs later, I am almost halfway to my goal and have completed another walking half marathon. The road has not been without bumps, I am currently stalled again and very frustrated but this time I am sticking with the program and not giving up. I am hoping to begin training for another half later this month, but at the moment I am "behaving myself" and limited my exercise due to an inflamed tendon and scar tissue in my ankle. It is not easy being a larger person and staying active. The toll it takes on joints, and the body in general is something that people of an average size don't get. But there is something about the training, the ability to actually make this great big body move at "race pace" that is very empowering. I also love strength training, especially kettlebell, and would love to get into heavy lifting someday. We're already "friends" but I thought I'd tell you where I've come from and where I'm heading! :)
  • KimH0304
    KimH0304 Posts: 4 Member
    I sent you a friend request, hope you don't mind. I recently found myself at my heaviest weight ever. As my husband and I started talking about wanting to start a family, I panicked at where an average amount of baby weight would put me. After speaking with my doctor we put our baby plans on hold while I focus on getting healthier. My big goal is to lose 100 pounds, but the smaller goal is 50 lbs. As my MFP streak gets longer, there's no way I want to break it. I'm an athlete at heart and want to get back to a weight where I can participate in sports and activities again without getting frustrated at how quickly I get tired.
  • christalweers
    I would love to be friends with people that need to loose 100 plus pounds. :) I need to loose aprox. 125 more.
  • GetFitzy
    GetFitzy Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone! I, too, need to lose about 100 or so pounds. I got to my highest weight of about 323 around Nov. 2012. I think I probably got even higher, maybe 330, but wasn't weighing myself at the time. I started making really small changes (not really trying to diet) - stopped eating out so much or eating on the go, took a short walk on nicer days, etc. By doing these simple things I was able to get down to about 310 without feeling like I was dieting or trying too hard.

    A few months ago I decided to make a bigger effort. I started eating a little better and walking almost daily, usually at least 6 days a week I hit 10,000 steps. I use a fitbit. Now I am about 285. At my heaviest I could no longer shop at regular stores, not even in their plus size departments. But just the other day I went to Dress Barn, and I bought size 22 pants and 2x shirts, couldn't believe I didn't have to buy a 3x/24w! Small progress but super happy about it.

    I'm hoping to connect with others for some extra motivation.