Looking for motivation and success :)

I started this app a year ago this month, but I stopped after a very short time so a year later I'm now sticking to it and looking for people to add to help stick with it this time! So far I have lost a total of 26 pounds in the year with 12 of those since I started again.

I would love to start training to run and would love to do a 5k since I have always wanted to run and never have.

I'm 5'2 and currently weight 198 lbs and would ultimately like to see 135 on the scale but I will settle for healthy and toned :) my top weight was 232 lbs so I'm happy the scale is going in the right direction!

Please add me if you would like a new "friend" and can support one another along the journey.


  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    keep up the good work!!!!
  • Hi
    I have just started this today. I have at least 3 stone to lose and desperate to succeed this time. Would be nice to have someone to share this journey.
  • g1logan
    g1logan Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I am 48 years old and have around 20 pounds to lose. That doesn't sound like an impossible hurdle but I have a major commitment problem and can't ever seem to lose more than two pounds without gaining it right back, often more. I'd love to have some support and think I can help motivate others.
  • Always looking for motivating and supportive friends, anyone feel free to add me!
  • Trinaann70
    Trinaann70 Posts: 10
    Thank you for the friend requests! It's wonderful to go through this journey with others! ! We can do this! One day at a time.
  • jeneveg
    jeneveg Posts: 57 Member
    HI I've just started using MFP properly this week, I'd previously lost 3 stone on WW but I've put 1.5st back on when I stopped logging properly. I have 50 weeks till my wedding and I would like to lose 2 stone so accurate logging and friendly motivation will hopefully get me to goal with time to spare. :smile:
  • PostBabyAndAll
    PostBabyAndAll Posts: 4 Member
    Wow 26lbs already- great job. Go to a park and start w a light jog. I have a baby and with the stroller I do a light jog at the city park here (has trail almost 2 miles), time go by and with all the ducks, birds,... nice breeze I didn't even realize I did 5 laps! (I did run long distance before - so no I am not saying go out there and do multiple laps at first). Just get out there and enjoy, once your body gets used to distance you can speed up a little. I am trying to get back into shape post baby.
  • dellswissmiss
    dellswissmiss Posts: 2 Member
    Hiya. I've just logged on for the first time.... I'm 4'11 and need to lose around 25 lb. Never lost weight before but each year it is creeping on me. Feeling uncomfortable and want body confidence back. Would love to join like minded people so we can support one another. Day one.... :-)
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Hello Nice to meet you :) I still have over 100 to lose so I am always looking for people to help share things with and help keep each other motivated :) Feel free to send me a friend request :) Congrats on the amount already lost that is awesome :)
  • Trinaann70
    Trinaann70 Posts: 10
    Jeneveg, congratulations on your upcoming wedding! You will make a beautiful bride.
  • Trinaann70
    Trinaann70 Posts: 10
    Cerakoala, oh my gosh what a great job so far that is awesome!! You got this!
  • Trinaann70
    Trinaann70 Posts: 10
    Postbaby, u started using the couch to 5k app and I'm surprising myself every day I'm getting strong and better. Can't wait to run a full mile without stopping.
  • Hi! Im new as well, the way to weight loss is harder than I first anticipated. I'd love to have weight loss buddies as well!