Shins hurt but doesn't feel like shin splints?

Anyone else ever have this issue? I just started doing jogging/walking intervals on the treadmill at the end of the last week. Before this I always walked. I used to have really bad shin splints, they went away. This does not feel like shin splints, its just pain. I'm not sure how to describe it. I can work through it, but it bugs me the rest of that day and day after I work out. I have a good pair of New Balance running shoes..I'm just wondering if anyone else had this problem or am I just weird?



  • amycrims
    Seems like you may just be exercising new muscles.
  • eroni14
    eroni14 Posts: 8 Member
    When I first started working out again back in October (I had taken over a year off) I was dealing with the same issue. It hurt from the outside down near my ankle and wrapped all the way around the front of my shin up to my knee. I'd never had shin splints before, but I assumed this wasn't it because as soon as I got done on the treadmill, it went away. It no longer happens, and here's why: I got new shoes! I had been trying to run in shoes I had been wearing for over a year and they were just too worn down. Also, if you're just starting off, keep the treadmill at level. I was noticing that if my treadmill had any incline and if I was trying to walk too fast, it was killing my legs. Don't worry - it won't last forever! Give your muscles a couple weeks to get over the shock of this whole idea of exercise!

    Good luck!
  • redwngs13
    redwngs13 Posts: 194 Member
    It could still be shin splints. Shin splints can be either in the muscles, or in the bone (fractures). The bone kind is more serious since it is little fractures, and they can easily become worse with the more stress you put on that bone. The muscles kind isn't as serious but still needs healing time. It is probably what someone else said and you are working new muscles. The first week I started working out I had the same thing (a dull'ish pain on my shins) but it went away after I took a break for a couple days and now I'm fine. Maybe you should take a break from working out for a day and see how you feel after that.
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    Try a good stretch and ice. Stretch your chins before you get on the treadmill by either pulling your toe down, pushing it down behind your or lay on your back foot in the air and wrap a towel around your foot. Pull down and in with the ends of the towel. That helped me a lot stretch my shin area. Then once you are finished working out, wrap ice packs to your shins with ace bandages. Hopefully that will help!
  • Sandrea03
    I get horrible shin splints as well, but I love to run on a treadmill. My solution was to get some ankle braces. For whatever reason, they totally work! I can run no problem with no pain in my ankles, shins, or knees.
  • lduplessis
    Oh man I used to have the biggest problem with that, it got to bad I had to get off the machine. Then my trainer tells me it was my shoes ( I was running in Nike Shocks--which apparently was the isssue.) I bought some Nike Free-which i am completely in love with and haven't had any problems since. :)
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Hmm...I haven't had a problem with my shoes yet, they're pretty new and I've only worn them to the gym. I think I'll give it a few weeks before I invest in another pair. It could just be my muscles getting used to it, its higher impact than walking. Thanks for all the tips :)

    I might try the ankle braces, too. Much cheaper than another new pair of shoes!
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    I tried jogging this week and my shins have hurt ever since, i have been going at my cardio pretty hard with NO problems but as soon as I jogged for 2 minutes it hurt, glad I read this, dunno if it will help but it sounds like a great excuse to get some new shoes lol, mine are over 2 years old.....