Have you ever ___________?



  • Bageeeta
    Bageeeta Posts: 1,259 Member
    No (very cute baby by the way)

    HYE eaten frog leggs?
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    No and I'm not sure I could bring myself to eat them.

    Have you ever eaten rocky Mountain oysters?
  • Mahmoud_Shalaby
    Mahmoud_Shalaby Posts: 127 Member
    Ummm no.

    Have you ever got stung by a jelly fish?
  • JP_master
    JP_master Posts: 574 Member
    Yes, it hurts like hell

    Went to Europe?
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member

    HYE been bitten by a turtle?
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Nope, been snapped at by them though.

    Have you ever owned a pet besides a cat, dog or fish?
  • bananafannah
    bananafannah Posts: 194 Member
    Yes, a lizard.

    Have you ever taken towels/shampoo/conditioner from a hotel where you've stayed?
  • Johnplusfour
    Johnplusfour Posts: 105
    Yes. A ferret, hermit crab, and a guinea pig.. Not all at the same time. Charly the guinea pig is coming up on 5 years old..

    Have you ever dated two people at the same time?
  • Gordon_L
    Gordon_L Posts: 4,475 Member

    Have you ever met up with anyone from MFP?
  • KatieLouWho19
    KatieLouWho19 Posts: 776 Member

    HYE eaten an entire jar of PB in one sitting?
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member

    Have you ever used powdered sugar by mistake when the recipe said flour?
  • Lwillis1234
    Lwillis1234 Posts: 990 Member

    HYE: did nothing at work for the whole time you were there?
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    Do you mean for a day, or for the entire duration of the job (which probably wouldn't be very long)? The answer is yes to the first option...no to the second.

    HYE clicked on one of the ads that pops up on the page and actually been inspired to buy the product?
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    Yes. lol

    HYE .. been in the car singing and didn't realise your
    windows were down and the car next to you was
    looking at you like you were loco? :huh:
  • marbella23
    marbella23 Posts: 24
    Yes lol

    HYE has those times were you loose your car keys and have looked everywhere like crazy cause you need to leave in 5 min
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    Yes, too often. It is a sign of CRS, a disease of the aging.

    HYE been dragged t oa concert you thought would be boring but it turned out to be amazing?
  • Lwillis1234
    Lwillis1234 Posts: 990 Member

    HYE: stayed up all night, didn't get no sleep and had to go to work the next morning?
  • ChasingMyBliss
    ChasingMyBliss Posts: 803 Member

    HYE seen a mountain lion in the wild?
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    Yes, in San Diego!

    HYE seen a bolloid? (An extra specially large meteor that lights up the sky).
  • Bageeeta
    Bageeeta Posts: 1,259 Member
    I don't think so...

    HYE had twins switch places on you and you couldn't tell?