The Hardest Thing

The hardest thing Is being alone with my thoughts. I'm drunk, alone, without friends (in person or online), and sitting here with an idle, unfocused mind. I know tomorrow will be a better day, but right now is tough as I wish I had some sort of comfort. I don't expect anyone to read this and care, but right now my only goal is to bring up this to help push myself to not make choices I'll regret later. Instead of comfort eating through this I'm going to get some sleep. Tomorrow is a new day and I can keep trying.


  • DanielleHinkle24
    DanielleHinkle24 Posts: 29 Member
    I've been in your shoes. Know that it does get better. I, too, turn to food when I feel alone - which is often. I just try to keep pushing through. You're right, tomorrow is always a new day.
  • HellyFaye
    HellyFaye Posts: 202 Member
    Dude, it sucks. Tomorrow will be better. Cuddle up on the sofa, put in a good movie, and snuggle a pillow.

    When life gets you down, just keep swimming. It's hard bro. Trust me. You can do it. Go forth and kick some pirate booty.
  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    Please know that you're not alone in your struggles. You'll find a great many of us understand what you're going through, either through our own experiences or those of our loved ones.

    Have you spoken to someone about whether you may have depression and/or a drinking problem?
  • MileHighFitness
    MileHighFitness Posts: 2,298 Member
    Me...jk! Happy fourth!