Thinking about starting Weight Watchers...any advice??

Hello everyone.I currently weigh 240 and would like to get down to around 160 starting off.This is the largest I've ever been and at the most I've weighed at around 150-155 before this weight gain. I tried HCG but all it did was having me starving and lose weight fast,but gained it all back..I looked into the Herbalife thing but changed my mind because of different reviews.I'm really thinking about going with Weight Watchers since it has a variety of food I can choose from,but I have some questions:

1.Is it better to log in the calories through MFP or use their point system?
2.What is the amount of calories I should be eating each day while on it?
3.Anyone have any success while on it or have any helpful advice?

Any information will be helpful.Thanks!


  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi. If you plan to use the MFP site during your weight loss, I suggest you count calories instead of points because you will get more help here with your diary and logging than if you use WW points. There is no reason you can't follow the basic WW guidelines however, in making food choices and portion amounts. Its entirely up to you.

    Have you entered your stats into the MFP setup process and come up with a goal and weekly loss goal? If so, you are ready to go -- as soon as you buy a food scale, of course.

    I'm glad you are going to just eat regular food instead of going with Herbalife or some other concoction that replaces part of your meals. You can do this. Just eat what you normally eat, within reason, learn to weigh out proper portions and log them very carefully. You will lose weight.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i've had great luck logging all calories. first i did it in a book, then discovered MFP.

    you don't really need to eat weight watchers, but anything - including weight waters - will work as long as what you eat meets your caloric and nutritional goals.

    what's your height?
  • Leighsters
    Leighsters Posts: 33 Member
    Weight watchers is just a complicated form of counting calories. Why not cut out the middleman and use mfp which is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee????????????????????????
  • True_Blue82
    True_Blue82 Posts: 17 Member
    I lost 30 pounds with WW online over 2 years ago and have kept it off. I liked doing the online program because I have no time or desire to go to meetings or to have others weigh me (ick!). The point system took me some time to get used to but then it was pretty easy, especially if I ate out at a chain restaurant - I'd look up the points before I went and know exactly what to order (and to avoid). For me, I had wanted to lose 10 pounds (I'm 5'8" and was 159, size 10/12, age 41 at the time), and it took me about 2 1/2 months to lose my goal, but then I really started to get momentum and within 5 months I was at a weight I'd never been as an adult. I've stayed right around there ever since. I'm about 132 now, size 2.

    Here's what worked for me - having the app and a smartphone meant no excuses about tracking. I signed up for the 3 month promo and told myself no matter what, I was going to do it for 3 mo. I also told myself that I could eat WHATEVER I wanted as long as I was honest with myself and tracked it. Also I used the app to track my measurements, which was so helpful whenever the scale number stuck.

    The first two weeks were hard - I was pretty hungry, I didn't realize how much I'd gotten used to eating. I had to change the way I ate, and once I did that, I found my groove. They have "quick start" plans that I used in the beginning so I'd know about what to eat - and I always used my extra points (you get about 26-28 points per day, and then 50 or so extra points for the week). I tried not to use all of my extra points but sometimes I did, and sometimes I went over.

    It's not fast, and it's not easy, but it was worth it. It changed my life. I couldn't run before because I had a bad knee - now I'm getting ready for my third triathlon this fall. It's just a sprint tri, but hey, I'm the only one keeping track! I love to run and do yoga and workout about twice a week but I walk everywhere and I'm super careful of what I eat. I worked too hard to get to where I am and I won't go back to that. I feel more confident not because of the weight that I lost but because I set a goal that meant a lot to me and I did it.

    It works for a lot of people - what do you have to lose? GL!
  • True_Blue82
    True_Blue82 Posts: 17 Member
    Just to add - I have no idea how many calories I was eating, but now that I'm maintaining, I eat about 1500 calories a day (gross, not net). I was probably eating about 1350-1400 only because fruits and veggies were "free."

    Also, I found the online community awesome, I never bought special WW foods except what's in the store (I still love their rye bread and mini chocolate cakes). PM me if you want me to share with you a typical day's menu for me.
  • dianad0205
    My heights is 5'5....I first looked at WW online and I'm not about to spend money for a monthly membership when i can just use MFP for free!! (lol)...My main concern was with them being on a point system would it make a difference if i just tracked the calories instead. I know how to use the calorie counter on here (so easy) and I already have a food scale,plus a fitness bike.I'm planning on starting Monday but wanted to make sure I was making the right decision before buying different foods.You all are giving real good advice!!
  • dianad0205
    And also, should i eat the required MFP calories per day or a little more?
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    My heights is 5'5....I first looked at WW online and I'm not about to spend money for a monthly membership when i can just use MFP for free!! (lol)...My main concern was with them being on a point system would it make a difference if i just tracked the calories instead. I know how to use the calorie counter on here (so easy) and I already have a food scale,plus a fitness bike.I'm planning on starting Monday but wanted to make sure I was making the right decision before buying different foods.You all are giving real good advice!!

    I was just about to tell you to save your money because the tracking tools on here are so much better than over on the WW website. I did WW last year and was surprised to see how much was missing from their own database, including a lot of their own products.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I really like WW, I'm still doing it, while transitioning to a free site as I approach my goal. The biggest thing I like about it is that using spoons and cups to measure works just fine whereas people here frequently say unless you weigh it, you're not going to get the right number of calories.

    Message me or friend me if you want to talk or have any specific questions :)

    I started at 155 and got to 135 (from Oct. 1 to about Dec. 15) Christmas came and I stopped for 4 months. I'm 5' 5.75". My friend has had great success too.

    ETA: Look at it has lots of free info on Weight Watchers. Note that Weight Watchers 360 does NOT use calories AT ALL in the equation. I'm hitting about 1200 cals with 26 daily points though (your starting points will be higher than that, it reduces as you lose weight). You then also get 49 points to use however you want during the week. You get points for exercise too.

    ETA2: MFP is better for fitness advice.
  • pennyk54166
    pennyk54166 Posts: 18 Member
    My 2 cents...

    Whatever program you choose to follow, if you follow it and are will work. The basics of the program is tracking. Studies show that tracking what you eat (honestly and accurately) will get you 2x weight loss as not tracking.

    WW gives the extra motivation and accountability. the meetings are great...if you can afford it. If you need help getting started and have the money, join for 3 or 6 months. See how it works...then you know. I will say that having a good meeting leader will make or break the program. (my experience.)

    I was a member for over a year and lost 25#. Doesn't sound like much but being Hashimotos and Hypothyroid it was awesome to have that kind of results. Due to financial reasons, I had to cancel my membership and am trying to do it myself with help of friends. I invested in a Fitbit and use MFP to track. WW has an activelink which is basically the same as a Fitbit. but with their gadget you pay a monthly fee. Fitbit is a one time purchase.

    Only you know what is right for you. Whatever you choose, totally commit for 3 months and see how you do. You can always make changes later.

    * trust your instincts...they are there for a reason.
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    Save your money! You can track calories on here instead (the database is better anyway and reflects the real world, the real world does not operate on a point system), get some great MFP friends to help keep you accountable, buy a fitbit to keep track of your activity and you're good to go.

    I really don't like WW because of their ridiculous "fruits and veggies are free" policy. The amount of calories you can rack up snacking on fruits and veggies in a day is not negligible and they should be tracked. It was definitely a marketing genius and not a nutritionist that invented that policy.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Weight watchers is just a complicated form of counting calories. Why not cut out the middleman and use mfp which is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee????????????????????????

    ^^^this^^^ +infinity
  • veggieluvr45
    veggieluvr45 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, newbie here but a LONG-TIME Weight Watcher so I'd like to throw my two cents in. First off, Weight Watchers is a great way to lose weight. I lost a lot of weight (50#) a while back , became a Lifetime Member and kept most of it off for several years. I've always been a slow loser, and now that I am once again trying to get rid of 20 pounds I just can't justify the $18.95/month to do WW on-line, or the $12/week to go to meetings instead. It gets frustrating to fork over the money when you are losing the weight a half pound per week at a time. That was probably the main reason I switched from WW online to MFP.

    I've only been on MFP about a week now and I really like it. I don't feel that counting calories is any harder than counting points, in fact it is EASIER since there is just a calorie count to find instead of the various protein, fiber, carb etc. numbers you have to find for a food before you can calculate the points for it. MFP's food database is much, much, larger....I have not had to manually enter a food yet since I have found everything already listed on the database here. I was always manually calculating foods on WW online.

    The Weight Watcher online message boards are free and open to anyone, even if you don't follow their programs. They can be very off-topic and social (not my cup of tea, but that's just me) but the people there also have lots of good info that could also translate well to counting calories instead of points. In fact, there are a lot of people on the boards who don't even follow Weight Watchers anymore, there are counting calories here or on Sparkpeople but still are extremely active on the WW boards.

    Personally, I would just save my money, give this a try at My Fitness Pal. If it doesn't work out wait for a special at Weight Watchers and give it a try.:smile:

  • brennenjones
    brennenjones Posts: 16 Member
    As others have said, if you're going to log your food with MFP, you really don't need weight watchers in my opinion.

    I at one point in time thought about signing up for WW as well but discovered MFP is basically WW without fees.

    Counting points is the same as calories, although to me counting calories is much easier.

    Just find a target amount of calories you plan on digesting and then take it from there.

    Cook your own meals in advance and ration them off for the week so that it's easier to plan your caloric intake. Or if you're in to microwave meals, I'd suggest healthy choice which comes in nice sized portions with low calories.

    Basically what I'm saying is to create your own system and save on any fees that WW may charge.
  • LosingItInDenver
    I lost 35 lbs on WW several years ago, so I won't discourage you. The community aspect and weekly weigh-in were really useful for me in building accountability. I didn't want to be the person at the meetings who didn't have a loss week after week, so I did great sticking to it. The one thing I regret about my WW experience is that I didn't track on a calorie-counting website like MFP, so when I found myself needing to lose weight again (after having a baby and losing a gall bladder,) I have had to start fresh. My WW amounts worked well, at roughly the same starting weight, and I didn't feel deprived. It would have been nice to be able to translate that directly into my macros here.

    So that's my advice - if you do WW, track on their site, and track here - eventually you will gain the ability to drop WW and stick with MFP and save yourself $40 a month.

    Good luck!
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    I lost 2st with weight watchers I have got to my lowest weight with weight watchers I was ww biggest fan for 4 years and swore nothing else worked for me. Then I tried mfp, in my opinion mfp is better because

    * you can Eat anything you want WW ye allows you to eat free fruit veg and salad BUT it gets brining you want a chocolate bar no points left I will have a large banana for same calories you could probably have a crunchie!

    * you go out for a meal up you have to find out and calculate the points in the meal you want, most menus have the calories on them no need to calculate anything

    * mfp is free with a good support online system! ww cost anything up to £22 a month

    I have lost weight so much quicker since using mfp then all the years of doing ww each to there own but I would never to back to ww and have even sold all my ww stuff recently x
  • karl41uk
    karl41uk Posts: 4
    Hi All
    I have tried weight watchers and all the other diet plans, shakes, diet pills etc.... yes they all work if u stick to it but I found that I was either thinking about food all the time or that im constantly hungry.a friend of mine told me about a weigtloss coffee, yeah right.i thought another product that doesnt work and for £9.99 plus £6 p&p I thought it was too good to be true.
    so I said NO!!,but my friend gave me a 250g bag of this coffee for free and told me, try it, what u got to I had a cup after breakfast and lunch,everyday for a week, tasted very nice as I love ground coffee I ate reasonably healthy, couldnt be bothered to go to the gym that week, so thought this wont work.i weighed myself after drinking this yummy coffee and couldnt believe my eyes, lost 9 pounds in one week, without doing any exercise, just could not believe my eyes
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    MFP is free. :flowerforyou:

    Everything I've learned in 2 years...

    Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.
    -Wayne Dyer

    It's about moderation not deprivation. There are no good/bad foods, only bad eating habits. Do or do not, there is no try. You have to want it, you have to work for it, you have to realize that only you can do it.

    Read these:'re+new+here

    TL:DR the link right above this one then ->


    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    Want to lift heavy things?

    Stronglifts Summary

    Stronglifts Womens Group
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member

    I have belonged too weight watcher and slimming world several time and gained back all the weight. I hated going to those groups and when you don't go you still ahev to pay for the weeks missed.

    With MFP it is free, you get lots of support, the time you spend at a weight watchers calls can be spent logging everything you eat and drink on MFP and log any exercise. I ahev been on MFP for nearly 10 months, i never stuck to anything this long before and with weight watchers and slimming world my weight was going up and down all the time. On MFP my weight loss has not been exactly speedy but it is always going down- i am really pleased with MFP and i am going to stick with it, its free and all the advice you need with some really good supportive friends.

    all the best with your decision and jounrey
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I personally, think MFP is better.

    It's free :)
    It at least gives you an idea of the macros you should be hitting rather than eating a packet of biscuits for your dinner because you have the 'points' to do so.