I could really use your help!!

I have struggled with my weight ever since my motorcycle accident in 1988. Yeah, it was a while ago, I know. That just shows you how difficult it has been trying to keep my weight under control.

A few years back, I joined MFP and achieved my goal, but then life happened and my own life was put on hold. Last year my dad fell ill and slowly got worse. He passed last February. From the time he got sick, I put my own life on hold and focused on caring for him, Well, as you probably guessed, I put all the weight back on. I'm still pissed about it.

Well I have finally reached a place where I can start focusing on me again. This is where you come in. I could really use your help. I know from last time that having friends to support and encourage each other makes all the difference.

Please feel free to add me to your friends list. I turn no one away. we are in it together!


  • frangrann
    frangrann Posts: 219 Member
    Hi Dave.

    Sorry about your dad.

    We are sort of in the same boat. After taking care of both my parents for years, my dad passed in Nov 2012. And I had to put my mom in a nursing home.

    I was at my highest weight by 2013. I am also the same age as you. My kids are self sufficient (usually) and now I have some "me" time. I have lost 30 pounds but still have 10 to go. I try to log everyday and I LOVE the gym.
    I am sending you a friend request. Fran
  • DavesGoal185
    DavesGoal185 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks Fran, Added!
  • southerlynn
    I understand completely. This year has been hell, and I stopped caring for myself to take care of family. Today is my first day back... feel free to add me.
  • Marlene1667
    Marlene1667 Posts: 201 Member
    Sorry about your Dad. That's rough. Good for you for getting back on the wagon. You've done it before you CAN do it again,.

    I am in the same boat. I lost a lot of weight years ago and put it back on. It is very frustrating. I am struggling but not giving up. It has taken me a whole year to lose 27lbs. I see other people lose weight so quickly. Everyone is different and I am learning to accept that.

    I'd be happy to be your friend.
  • DavesGoal185
    DavesGoal185 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Marlene,

    I have had experience with quick weight loss and frustratingly sloooowww weight loss too. Not sure what it is that makes the difference.
  • DavesGoal185
    DavesGoal185 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi southerlynn,

    It is amazing to realize how much we neglect ourselves when we are completely focused on others. Added!
  • grewmullins
    grewmullins Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Dave. I read your story and could relate on many levels. I've been away from MFP for several months and I am at a breaking point. I've gained so much weight over the past 6-8 months it's embarrassing. I just returned from vacation and only had a couple of pics from the trip because I was too embarrassed to have any made with my family. I need help and support bad.
  • DavesGoal185
    DavesGoal185 Posts: 54 Member
    you got it. Sending a request.