23 pound down and look just the same :(



  • lovelypen50
    lovelypen50 Posts: 192 Member
    23 pounds is nothing to sneeze at...That is fantastic, you probably do look different, but you just can't see it.... Awesome Job......
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I'd say I had to lose at least 40lbs before I got an unsolicited comment from anyone. I was wondering too if and when anyone was ever going to notice my hard work. Just keep at it, keep working. People will notice.

    Sometimes, I'd say maybe even oftentimes, they notice already but don't know how to talk about it. They're afraid to offend you, or say the wrong thing, or go too far in a direction. People not saying anything can be more about other people rather than about you.
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
    I think that if you lose the weight for others to notice, you will be disappointed. You need to do this for yourself. Get healthy, and eventually, your body will show it.
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    Just keep going! You're heading in the right direction, and the changes are good for you, whether anyone else notices or not.
    People tend to notice, but not say anything for a while.

    Keep up the great work, and enjoy the "handsyness"
  • derik999
    derik999 Posts: 73
    23lbs less that your joints have to deal with when walking around. Sounds like a good thing to me. :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I can remember feeling exactly the same way at about 20 some odd pounds. I was convinced that I looked pretty much the same, except my clothes were a bit looser and I saw a drop on the scale. Most people didn't say much, but my man kept cheering me on and telling me how wonderful i was looking. That meant a great deal to me.

    Well, it's really funny, but at about 30-35 pounds people started looking at me in awe and saying how great I was looking and often said, "Boy, you sure lost that weight really fast. How'd you do it?"

    Truth is that it took me several months to lose that 30-35 pounds, and more than a year to lose 44 pounds, but people just don't see it right away, and I also didn't see it at around 20 pounds either.

    Congrats on losing your 23 pounds, and I want to encourage you to hang in there and keep your sights on your goal. Being about to lose weight and keep it off is an AMAZING feat and has such rewards.

    44 pounds ago, during two winters in a row, I would wake up so stiff and in pain, but not to the point of where I couldn't get up and work it out, and the doctor said if it got worse he was going to test me for arthritis. Well, with 44 pounds gone, that is no longer an issue! This last winter I had no stiffness or pain (other than the usual soreness from increasing weights for weight lifting), and I feel so great being slender now.

    Just think about- 20 pounds is like carrying two 10 pounds bags of potatoes around all day long, and 40 pounds is like carrying two 20 pounds bags of potatoes. There is a big difference.

    Keep on keeping on! You can do it, and you are doing GREAT!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Also remember fat cells are stubborn often they replace their contents with water so it can take a while before they finally give up and deflate. So even though you've lost weight your loss in size is comparatively low. But keep losing and they will eventually give up. They are stubborn but not invincible
    I love this. Water retention often makes weight loss seem slower.
  • TwinkiesNKetchup
    You know as long as you focus on monetary things (looking smaller) you are setting yourself up to fail. I truly suggest you focus on what you have accomplished. Everytime you make a healthy choice tell yourself Nice job! Atta girl. Start focusing all your thoughts on the positive you are doing and before you realize it the rest will follow. The hardest thing to train is your mind. Your body can do anything I mean literally ANYTHING your mind tells it to do. Start telling your body it's done good, that you've done good or honestly........the reward of fat desserts is going to be greater than the reward of healthy choices. For at least while you're you're eating a cupcake your at least rewarding your body for giving you life.
  • ChubbieCanuck
    ChubbieCanuck Posts: 45 Member
    I have lost 32 pounds and no one has really noticed. They will when I get around to buying clothes in a smaller size. As for how you appear yourself? Chubby people will never be happy with the way they look until they can bounce a quarter off their rock hard abs.
  • missjeanlouise
    missjeanlouise Posts: 80 Member
    I think it's difficult for people to know whether to comment or not, also. I can think of 2 recent examples and one from last year where I wanted to say something to someone but didn't know how they would take it . Some people are very uncomfortable having acquaintances comment on their weight loss and others want and need that external reinforcement ( I'm definitely a "please praise me" type so no judgment there!) I finally commented to all 3 of the people I mentioned---2 of them lit up and told me about their progress. The other was very uncomfortable and I ended up feeling like I should not have said anything.
  • gail1961
    gail1961 Posts: 111 Member
    23 pounds is an AMAZING accomplishment and you should be VERY proud of yourself. You said that you are 1/4 of the way there, so keep up the good work. People will eventually notice and so will you. I was almost at my goal before I noticed. We are just too hard on ourselves. People often don't say anything for a variety of reasons. They are jealous, they don't know what to say, they are afraid if they say you look good that you will assume they think that means they thought you looked "bad" before, etc... Focus on how you feel. You are probably feeling much better and stronger. Your clothes are probably too big, so that is another reason people can't tell. Once you get smaller and clothes that fit you will feel even better about the way you look. Don't be discouraged....keep it up.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    23 lbs is something to be incredibly proud of!!!!!

    And just from my experience.. it was when I started doing weight lifting with my diet that I started to SEE the difference. The weight actually took a long time to come off.. but within a month or two (with only 10ish lbs) I looked like I had gone down 2 dress sizes. Have you thought about adding some weights and body resistance to your weight loss plan?
  • BeginningAgainMay14
    BeginningAgainMay14 Posts: 97 Member
    Took front and side shots today.. and compared them to front and side before fotos.. omg they still look identical. No freaking change at all! Still a tub of fat!! I just wanna curl up and die!! No wonder no-one has commented!! :cry: :sad:

    Why is that?? Please explain if you can.. feeling so down right now .. just want to eat till I explode..

    I have a lot of weight to lose too and it's hard to see the progress right now, but here's a quote I use to motivate myself. It's from one of the women studied in the book Strong Women Stay Slim.

    "I've lost forty-six pounds over a twelve-month period and still have a long way to go. But this is not like waiting for a package to be delivered, where you have nothing until it finally arrives. Yes, I'm still overweight--but I'm already stronger, and I have much more stamina and flexibility..."

    Every pound you lose makes it a little easier for your body to move around every day, and makes you a little healthier. As others have said, that 23 pounds is a huge amount of weight that you're not carrying around with you any more. I'm down 22 pounds and it's already almost eliminated the pain that I used to get in my lower back when I walked around a lot. To me, that is priceless. Congratulations on your progress! People will start to notice soon.
  • shrinkingtoskinny

  • viva_la_mandee
    I have lost 30 pounds and when I look at comparison photos of myself I can't see any difference. But I can tell I have lost weight, my clothes are all baggy and my face is looking thinner.

    Just keep it up. The changes will be noticeable soon, 23 pounds is a lot!
  • RhysJones92
    RhysJones92 Posts: 18 Member
    I've lost just about the same as you and I take monthly pictures and there's been no change (especially around the belly), my flatmates haven't really noticed either but that's because they live with me and don't notice gradual change - BUT i recently went home to see my parents and they noticed straight away because those 20lbs were noticeable when they hadn't see me in a while.

    It's the same principle when you look at yourself, a kind of 'fat bias' - you just don't really notice it

    But stick in there because 23lbs is awesome!!
  • lelyke
    lelyke Posts: 47
    I just lost 20 pounds and one of my friends who came by said "Wow! you look fatter" Seriously, I don't give two s****s what anybody says anymore. I'm just going to do me till I reach my goal.
  • RhysJones92
    RhysJones92 Posts: 18 Member
    Unbelievable! Don't think I'd count someone like that a friend...

    (well done on the loss!)
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    Weight loss isn't really noticeable until for a while -- at least, that's what happened to me. When I went from 130 to 115, I didn't notice any change at all, and it was very disheartening (and I'm only 5'1 too). It wasn't until I got to 110 or so that it really started showing. I figure that if you're taller and have more to lose, it'll take even longer until you start seeing changes.
  • pegjmoore
    pegjmoore Posts: 4
    My body type stays the same when I loose too, which is frustrating. but your clothes should feel looser. and I am sure You look good. be patient. You have put in the work! and your doing great, 23 lbs is alot!