23 pound down and look just the same :(



  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    Sometimes it is hard to see a change in yourself, especially if you have a lot to lose. But put this in perspective: You have lost the equivalent of 23 bricks of butter. Gone. Poof. For that on its own, you should be thrilled, not devastated. But I do understand the frustration.

    Don't give in to the need to eat. Take a nice walk, treat yourself to a hot bubble bath and a book... but don't give in. If it's taken 23lb without you being able to notice yet, the visible results are right on the horizon. What one of the posters said is right - you are probably just losing all over evenly right now, and that's why it's hard to see.

    You're doing so great!!
  • Bshaw2442
    Bshaw2442 Posts: 23 Member
    Don't feel to badly, it is just a "bad day" for you. I have lost 24 lbs thus far and feel EXACTLY like you do. On some days I feel super awesome and "skinnier". Then on some days I feel just as huge as ever. Im half way to my overall goal and its depressing bc like you no one but my husband has really noticed. Its so frustrating and at times I to want to give up and go eat enough for 3 of my days. The way I keep myself moving on is simply thinking, if I give up now I will never get to my goal and be happy with myself. No one will ever say anything period. 23lbs is not something to overlook, that is a great accomplishment and you should be proud!!! We are so critical of ourselves, but right now especially more so. It will take time and trust me I know the struggle!! Just hang in there and keep on pushing, you will have these days as I'm sure everyone does. You are doing this for you, not anyone else. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can "sip on our stupid water together"!! lol.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Anyone who sees you all the time, it's going to take a LOT for them to notice. It's unfortunately how it goes, because our loss is so gradual that it's hard to really tell. And others may think it but are afraid to say anything in case they're wrong and they upset you.

    23 pounds is AMAZING! Keep it up and do NOT get discouraged! I felt the same way when I did this last year - thought that even though I'd lost weight I still looked exactly the same. Ended up gaining it all back plus 5 pounds and feel worse than ever. I'm back on the horse now and am trying to do it again. Try not to make my mistake! <3