Hey all! Looking to motivate & be motivated!

Jenna1024 Posts: 13 Member
Hi! My name is Jenna and I'm 29 years old. I've always been athletic and fairly toned. I spent about 6 months weight lifting, eating clean, and feeling great. I lost about 20 pounds, dropped a pant size and felt fantastic! But, I fell of the band-wagon. I don't know how. I don't know why. But, I'm upset with myself and I'm back into it full swing! After speaking with my husband, he said, "what's stopping you from biting the bullet?" My answer? I didn't have one... I'm looking for MFP followers who can motivate and need motivation themselves...We only get one life, right? Why not live it as healthy as possible and "bite the bullet" and make it happen!!! :-)


  • LoneHulk
    LoneHulk Posts: 39 Member
    Feel free to add me. I log everyday and will be doing this for the rest of my life due to dealing with a rare genetic disease. I've got about 35lbs to get to where I'd like to be but am recovering from surgery. I lost 40lbs last year between MFP and exercise. About 10-12 years ago I lost 115lbs. Support goes both ways with me.
  • anewallee
    anewallee Posts: 12 Member
    Hello! I would love to help motivate you. I too have gotten off track, but I am changing to a healtier lifestyle. I am 38 years old with two teenage boys and I need to loose 30 lbs. I just purchased a 2 year membership to 24 hour fitness and will be shopping for clean foods later today. I have a great network of friends with similar goals at work, but I feel you can never have too much support when entering into a battle for your life! In addition to logging, working out and eating clean, I plan to keep a journal of my successes and struggles.
  • AverageJock
    AverageJock Posts: 17 Member
    Happy to try and motivate. Anybody can add me. The more the merrier I say. :smile:
  • jdawgs0314
    jdawgs0314 Posts: 34
    I am on here every day. I would be happy to help with motivation. i am down 17 lbs so far since June 3rd. I still have a long way to go.

    feel free to add me.
  • Naia765
    Naia765 Posts: 3
    Im adding! I completely agree with Average_jock, the more the merrier! :)
  • Jenna1024
    Jenna1024 Posts: 13 Member
    Congrats, LoneHulk! Looking forward to keeping motivated!
  • Jenna1024
    Jenna1024 Posts: 13 Member
    anewallee, I too have a membership to 24hr Fitness! Having that outlet definitely helps in the motivation department...seeing other people of all shapes and sizes getting fit is always refreshing!
  • Feel free to add me and follow my blog !
  • Jenna1024
    Jenna1024 Posts: 13 Member
    So refreshing to see so many people in the same boat to health! I'll try my best to motivate and encourage...It's a long road, but a forum like this sure helps out a lot! Agreed on the more the merrier!
  • sexygoodness
    sexygoodness Posts: 245 Member
    I am on here every day. Motivation is a 2 way steeet :wink: i am down 88 lbs so far since Oct 2013. I still have a long way to go.

    feel free to add me. :drinker:
  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    Hey :) More the merrier. I'm 27, female from PA area. Lost 22 lbs so far and got a long way to go. Always wonderful to have friendly and encouraging friends to share the experience with. Feel free to add
  • Jenna1024
    Jenna1024 Posts: 13 Member
    I believe I've added everyone :) If not, please add me!:smile:
  • rio_holder
    rio_holder Posts: 2 Member
    Hi peeps, feel free to add me