Binging all day. Will my exercise make a difference?



  • sharonnj398
    sharonnj398 Posts: 189 Member
    MFP will do the math for you, and I think I see it best on the home page.

    You start the day with a goal of 1200 calories. If you log some exercise into the MFP site, those calories are added to your 1200. If I walk my dogs for five minutes (they're old and don't want to go far), I get 20 calories of exercise. After I log those minutes, my total would go up to 1,220 for the day.

    What I found I like about MFP is concentration on one day at a time while I log. It's easy to manipulate the day when I know I have a lunch-and-learn at work, or I'm going out for dinner or drinks later. Either I eat less or I got to move more. There's no thought of I'll make it up tomorrow or the next day because the number is for today only.

    I love the 'keep this up and you'll weigh ____ in five weeks' after I'm finished for the day. Seeing a pound or two fluctuation on the scale is not enough to motivate me.
  • shibuyagoth
    shibuyagoth Posts: 13 Member
    Edit: Looks like i hadn't changed my activity level hence why I was put at such a low goal, whoops! Recommended is now 1260cals a day..not much of a change but I'll stick with it, or try to eat 1500 calories worth

    Hopefully this is more healthy, thanks everyone :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Edit: Looks like i hadn't changed my activity level hence why I was put at such a low goal, whoops! Recommended is now 1260cals a day..not much of a change but I'll stick with it, or try to eat 1500 calories worth

    Hopefully this is more healthy, thanks everyone :)

    How much of a loss per week are you entering?
  • kmh0617
    kmh0617 Posts: 51 Member
    If you think you're out of shape, start lifting weights. It puts the curves in the right places. But you have to EAT in order to build sexy muscles. Lots of lean protein, healthy fats, fruits and veggies!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hi guys,

    I've had a pretty rough day today, I've eaten so much junk food and I currently just feel pretty bad and guilty as I have been doing so well.

    So what I want to know is, for example: If I eat 1200cals worth of crappy foods but still burn 600+ cals like I usually do, will I still lose weight?

    This has been my second day of struggling not to binge >.<
    Weight loss is calories in/calorie out, so if you eat under your maintenance and burn more calories than you take in then you should still lose weight. However, the downside is that most people eat more than they realize when they are bingeing.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Edited: see issue was already addressed
  • Sarahsteve7kids
    Sarahsteve7kids Posts: 146 Member
    For the past 12 weeks I have had great success by counting my calories by THE WEEK, not the day! I get 8400 per week! It has eliminated all negative feelings regarding food and feeling as if I failed because I went 'over my calories"! It may not work for everyone but has been a life saver for me. Good luck!
  • shibuyagoth
    shibuyagoth Posts: 13 Member
    How much of a loss per week are you entering?

    1.5lbs a week but I generally do 1lb once a week. I had entered my activity level as sedentary which is why my goal was weird lol
    If you think you're out of shape, start lifting weights. It puts the curves in the right places. But you have to EAT in order to build sexy muscles. Lots of lean protein, healthy fats, fruits and veggies!

    Totally agree, I need to get back into lifting! :)
    For the past 12 weeks I have had great success by counting my calories by THE WEEK, not the day! I get 8400 per week! It has eliminated all negative feelings regarding food and feeling as if I failed because I went 'over my calories"! It may not work for everyone but has been a life saver for me. Good luck!

    That does sound more logical to me, I stress out too much about what I eat during the day. Maybe I should try this, many thanks :)
    Weight loss is calories in/calorie out, so if you eat under your maintenance and burn more calories than you take in then you should still lose weight. However, the downside is that most people eat more than they realize when they are bingeing.

    Yep, so far its been working for me, just struggling to find out my correct calorie intake at the moment, its so frustrating lol
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone, I am struggling with eating still but I seem to find it hard to eat healthy foods all the time, hence why I'm trying to get fit. My profile pic was taken in december when I weighed 5-7lbs less

    I'm currently at 145lbs (5ft 4") and I just think I look out of shape. I'm trying to get fit and hopefully lose 10lbs by October as I have an event to go to. MFP app suggested I eat 1200 I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong here. I eat 1200 every day so I thought I was doing this the healthy way :/

    My BMI is healthy at the moment, but if I gain a few more lbs I'll be overweight again. My lowest weight was around 110-120lbs

    How many calories should I be burning then? Its hard for me not to burn 600+ as I do 60mins daily for 5 days
    If your weight is healthy but what you're really after is a bangin' body, you might consider adding resistance training to your program... Three months is enough time to make a difference in your appearance that would please you more than just losing ten pounds. Check out this young woman's story...
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    If you ate 1,200 of food and burn off 600, you've only eaten 600 for the day.

    Please seek help.

    I don't see anything wrong with that, its better than not eating at all (which is what I used to do) :indifferent:

    not really it is exactly like not eating at all if you are not providing your body with the calories it needs to survive. your body will take from your organs. you can damage your heart. Please get your self some help
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    your binging because it sounds like youre not eating enough, try eating little and often, this should stop binging <3
  • shibuyagoth
    shibuyagoth Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for the input.

    I was so confused about everything, I discovered something called BMR and calculated I should be eating no less than 1500 a day.
    Upped my calorie goal to 1800 as I want to get toned. Still going to burn 600+ a day just as long as I eat enough to get back to 1500 net cals a day.

    No idea why MFP recommended 1200 cals as that is dangerously low and incredibly unhealthy. All the replies have definitely given me an insight into getting fit properly, and doing more research before starting exercise.

    I always put a goal to lose weight, but i usually measure myself in inches as muscle weight is a good weight that I'd like to put on. :)

    Thanks everyone
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for the input.

    I was so confused about everything, I discovered something called BMR and calculated I should be eating no less than 1500 a day.
    Upped my calorie goal to 1800 as I want to get toned. Still going to burn 600+ a day just as long as I eat enough to get back to 1500 net cals a day.

    No idea why MFP recommended 1200 cals as that is dangerously low and incredibly unhealthy. All the replies have definitely given me an insight into getting fit properly, and doing more research before starting exercise.

    I always put a goal to lose weight, but i usually measure myself in inches as muscle weight is a good weight that I'd like to put on. :)

    Thanks everyone

    This is how every OP should be, and how every thread should end.

    (Dammit....I ruined it by typing that...and this too. Double dammit.)

    Okay, this is how every OP should be, and how every thread should end, minus my previous comment, and this qualification.