Calorie count only or...

Do you only pay attention to calorie count or do you also pay attention to everything else? I'm stuck on the fact that although I'm mostly under my 1240 calories I have a lot of carbs.


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    It depends on why you are here. If you are here to lose weight, it really is about the calories. That is how weight loss is achieved.

    If you want to have secondary and tertiary reasons for tracking food, you are welcome to pay attention to the carbs.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I look at calories first. Then I look at protein. I view that one as a goal to be met, a minimum rather than a limit. I also try to be close on my fats (not too far under or over). The carbs kind of take care of themselves after that. I'm not especially great at hitting those macro goals (I also try to keep an eye on fiber, another minimum, and that does require carbs).

    For losing weight, calories are the most important thing, and working on the macronutrients is secondary. Watching micronutrients is important for overall health, but just losing weight can improve many health markers as well.
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm just looking to lose weight at this point. I don't want to be a complete health nut off the bat.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I started with just calories :) That is a good starting point. Then as I had my calories in control I started working on my Macros (fat protien carbs) :) For me it is easier to start with one thing at a time that way I can slowly change my lifestyle to something more healthy that I will be able to sustain forever :)
  • jordanify
    jordanify Posts: 81 Member
    I eat about the same calories as you...but I am new to tracking them . The most important thing is the quality of food you eat, if some of your calories come from processed food, I would advise to cut down until you just eat bread/crackers/pasta once or twice a week. You'll feel so much better! Have lots of natural and homemade food, best of luck
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I don't worry about calories, but I like to know what I'm taking in, so I watch them.

    I love how it's monitoring sodium and fat, too. I just didn't have the wherewithal to write down every single thing, so it's being a huge help. Carbs is nice, too.

    I'm working on this whole Lifestyle Change thing. The weight loss is a by-product of the healthy eating. I like losing weight and that certainly helps with being healthy! But the health is more important to me than the weight loss. :)

    When I ate a bunch of junk and started counting calories, I was floored by how high they were.

    Years later, when I was eating better food and started keeping track, I was floored by how low they were.

    Counting calories can be eye-opener for some people. :)
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Calories are all that count for weight loss. All successful reducing diets are based on cutting calories. It makes no difference what kind of food it is. And it has nothing whatsoever to do with how much water you drink. Exercise burns some calories-- but I'd be walking in Memphis (from Nashville) to lose 4 pounds by walking.Most of the calories we consume go toward keeping our body temperature up to normal. According to Glamour magazine, the averagely active person burns 15 calories per pound per day, someone bedridden burns 11 calories per pound per day, and someone training for the Olympics or in Marine boot camp burns 19 calories per pound per day. Unless you are planning to hit the gym hard, exercise has a negligible effect on weight loss.
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    I've only had 779 calories today but I'm full.

    -maple&brown sugar oatmeal-157
    -2/3 cup almond milk-5
    -1/3 cup banana slices-44

    my breakfast was eaten around lunch time (noon)

    -baked skinless chicken-100
    -instant mashed potatoes-165
    -1 cup rice-190

    -1 buttered popcorn rice cake-35
    -1/2 cup grapes-31
    -1/2 cup sliced strawberries-27

    10 calories pink lemonade packet mixed with water
    5 calorie cherry limeade drink
    10 calorie dr pepper
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I think maybe adding some more veggies, fruit and even a protein shake in there would get you up to your calorie limits that way you are not depriving your body :) maybe even a second piece of chicken at dinner :) Your probably not hungry because you have trained your body to live on the calories you are eating. However, if this is about a true lifestyle change and something you want to sustain so you can be healthy 779 calories is not going to help you be healthy :)
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    Honestly, I have yet to find a vegetable that I like. I know that's pathetic but true. I think I'm used to eating more calories than this but just in one sitting and of just junk like mcdonalds. I'm also not use to eating all day. I usually only had one big meal a day that wasn't very good for me. Hopefully I can still lose weight at this caloric intake and work on being healthy too.
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    Protein shakes are crazy expensive!!
  • cardozojoann
    cardozojoann Posts: 85 Member
    I used to just check the calories but then I started to check sodium and carbs. I couldn't believe how much sodium and carbs I was taking in. So now I cut out processed foods as much as I can and mainly eat lean meats, veggies and fruit. I drink water everyday and sometimes I would have coffee in the morning.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i dont beat myself if i am a little over the others... but i do watch them. i am actually new to counting calories at all... on weight watchers they dropped them from the formula.

    i actually care more about getting fiber than about my carbs... i do a lot of cardio so carbs are my friends. fiber is my friend. and i try to stay under fat but if i pick good fats i dont worry too much. i love avocados even though they are high fat. they spike that number but are worth it for all the goodness in them, and they keep me full. so the fat it depends on what made it spike.

    i dont eat a lot of meat so i watch protein too.

    this calorie count is new to me. i guess i try for staying below that as a foundation and do my best with the rest.


    oh yea. i do have to do better watching my sugar....
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    I've only had 779 calories today but I'm full.

    -maple&brown sugar oatmeal-157
    -2/3 cup almond milk-5
    -1/3 cup banana slices-44

    my breakfast was eaten around lunch time (noon)

    -baked skinless chicken-100
    -instant mashed potatoes-165
    -1 cup rice-190

    -1 buttered popcorn rice cake-35
    -1/2 cup grapes-31
    -1/2 cup sliced strawberries-27

    10 calories pink lemonade packet mixed with water
    5 calorie cherry limeade drink
    10 calorie dr pepper

    this really is a lot of carbs and sugars... the fruit is great but its a high source of sugar, when mixed with high carb your body will have a lot of easy fuel to burn before it ever gets to any fat. if you are going to eat this many carbs at least consider complex carb chains.... whole grains and brown rice.... right now your body is having a sugar feast. not that i did better this week... so dont look at my tracker...
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I'd go with 1 thing at a time, count the calories....Then work the rest in?
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    You'd think with all my nausea from meds I'd be losing weight but I've actually gained 20lbs.
  • tarcotti
    tarcotti Posts: 205 Member
    I'm only looking at calories now for weight loss. After the weight loss, I'm going to be paying more attention to the rest. Although, I'm eating a lot of good natural foods like fruits and vegs, lean meats, some bread and cheese. So I'm not going over the allowed totals anyway. Every now and then I go over on cholesterol if I eat 2 full eggs in the morning.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I've only had 779 calories today but I'm full.

    -maple&brown sugar oatmeal-157
    -2/3 cup almond milk-5
    -1/3 cup banana slices-44

    my breakfast was eaten around lunch time (noon)

    -baked skinless chicken-100
    -instant mashed potatoes-165
    -1 cup rice-190

    -1 buttered popcorn rice cake-35
    -1/2 cup grapes-31
    -1/2 cup sliced strawberries-27

    10 calories pink lemonade packet mixed with water
    5 calorie cherry limeade drink
    10 calorie dr pepper

    Are you using measuring cups for your amounts? They can be very inaccurate, so you may be eating more than you think. If you're losing weight, this isn't a problem. I mention it only so that you stop worrying about eating "not enough". You may be reaching your calorie goal.

    Some things I noticed:
    Which Almond Milk only has 5 calories for 2/3 of a cup? That seems awfully low. The lowest calorie almond milk I know is 30 calories a cup, so 2/3 would be 20 calories.
    How much chicken and mashed potato (in weight) did you eat to get those calories? Baked, skinless chicken breast (3 oz) is 213 calories. Baked, skinless chicken thighs (1 oz) is 47 calories. Instant mashed potatoes (1/2 cup) is 180 calories.
    Where are you getting your calorie counts from?

    These are just a few things that may make you think that you're eating fewer calories than you really are. Log accurately and, if possible, use a food scale.
  • princess71903
    princess71903 Posts: 56 Member
    I get my counts from the barcode scanner. If I need to I adjust the serving size. My chicken is Tyson frozen chicken breast tenderloins. Scanned it gives me a 50 calorie count so I put two servings since I had 2 pieces (they are really tiny) My mashed are single serve instant in a cup that I just add water to. Its 110 with a serving size of 1.5. Its possible I could have messed up the serving size on my almond milk but it wouldn't be enough to even make a dent in my deficit.