Trying again... AGAIN!

Hello :)

My name's Natalie. I'm 21, married and have a beautiful daughter who turns 2 next month.

I've tried MFP many times, began to lose, and then the motivation left me...

HOWEVER, I am starting my new job tomorrow (HURRAY!). It requires a lot of physical work. It's also 5.7 miles away... So shall be cycling there and back, making it 11.4 miles per working day. I know that's not a lot to some, but to me... WOW :sick:

I really really really REALLY want to do it this time. I want to lose weight, look good, feel good, feel healthy. So if anyone would like to help me through my journey, kick me up the bum when I need it etc.. Then feel free to add me :bigsmile:


  • rachaelgoslan
    Hello there, firstly well done for giving it another go and secondly the distance you will be cycling daily is a fab distance, good luck and add me as I'm on here every day x
  • GameOfPounds
    GameOfPounds Posts: 128 Member
    That is awesome! Good luck with your new job and your health journey :)
  • george7527
    george7527 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi from the UK you have taken the first step to a healthier and happier you. Take small weight loss goals much more managable
    I have a open dairy feel free to add me.
  • superdeedooper
    superdeedooper Posts: 95 Member
    You can do it! :smile: