Going in for knee surgery... need support!

Hi all...

I've been battling weight issues nearly my whole life. I've been trying to lose weight for years, and with a young child, well, sometimes life gets in the way. I'm currently about 60 # overweight.

Long story short, the past 10 months I've been going to the gym avg 5-6 days a week. I am at a point where I love going. I haven't been losing weight very fast, but I'm gaining muscle and my body is changing, albeit slowly. I do strength training 3x/week and cardio 2-3x/week. I was doing bootcamp classes and had picked up an intense body combat class as well... and paid for it dearly.

I have just been told I have a torn meniscus in both knees, with the left being much worse and a compound tear, and require surgery. I am DEVASTATED. I will be out of the exercise loop for a good 4-6 weeks and it's gotten me really depressed. I feel like all my motivation has been zapped out of me now and that all my work will be undone. I know that the extra weight is likely a cause to the injuries in addition to the heavy lifting/impact exercises I've been doing.

Can anyone give me an insight on ideas of how to overcome this? My husband has had 3 knee surgeries and has bounced back quickly from them, but he also isn't trying to lose weight. I'm to the point where I just want to give up. :cry:


  • Newnameishardtofind
    Newnameishardtofind Posts: 867 Member
    Dont give up. It will be rough at times and seems like such a pain but things to get better. Had major ankle surgery after breaking ankle playing soccer. I was non weight bearing for 10 weeks after surgery. Felt like an eternity but things get better and your knees will probably thank you for it when your all done. Good luck with the surgery Be sure to follow the advice of a good PT
  • shopmaeschen
    I have also had three knee surgeries...it is frustrating, but remember that you will have physical therapy and you can still work on your core and upper body until your legs catch up! Stock up on healthy snacks, and keep logging in to avoid overeating...good luck!
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    may i suggest some leg support:


    :laugh: :laugh:

    OH and good luck with the surgery..i know it can be scary...
  • Wenchiness
    Wenchiness Posts: 126 Member
    I just recently had a surgery that kept me from working out. This far into the weight loss, that was depressing. Then I got an infection that kept me from doing any exercise, because all my energy and calories had to be devoted to the healing. That made me horribly depressed, but I basically just decided that I WILL get back, and it is coming but slowly. Just know that you will get back, and look forward to that. Eat a high protein diet to help with the healing, and pick up a couple of arm weights to noodle around with while you're out of commission. Also, request hydro therapy for the knee and water therapy asa stitches are healed. You will be able to move much more in the water and consequently heal quicker.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I don't have any suggestions, just wanted to say I'm in the same boat as you. I've lost the weight I wanted to lose and have been weight training for about six months now. I'm very happy with my progress and am looking forward to gaining more strength.

    Unfortunately I have to have my hip replaced. Surgery is set for the end of August and I'll be out 6-8 weeks. I'm terrified I'll gain weight and lose all the muscle I've gained. I'm hoping I can still go to the gym and at least do arms until I get the all clear to do legs again.

    Right now my goal is to get as strong as possible so that my recovery will be quick and relatively painless. I realize that's probably not something you can do right now.

    I wish you luck with your surgery and just keep in mind that you will come back stronger than ever!
  • jodyblanchard
    jodyblanchard Posts: 99 Member
    I have had this twice in my right knee. It takes time, but it will heal. You can probably do the stationary bike and swim until it is healed. Good luck. Praying for a great outcome!