Digestion question

hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
I have gone down to 1300/day seeing as I didn't really have any effect on 1500. I used to do 5:2 for a bit and had results but it got too hard with the fast days.

Thing is...I hardly have to 'go' anymore. Sometimes I feel like I have to, but I poop about as much as our cat.

I get that as I am consuming less, there is less to be digested but I also feel like I am containing quite a bit of food - despite having done for 1300 for a week or so, I am not a gram lighter. I know it takes time to shift weight but I don't feel slimmer either (usually when I lose weight I can notice my tummy being flatter quickly, but not now).

Anyone else having this problem? I eat vegetables and mainly focus on high protein food. i don't want to go the Dulcolax route again.


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    According to your ticker, you want to lose 18 lbs. Set your goal to .5 lb. per week—which is more than 1,300 calories. Learn to log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Get a digital food scale, and weigh everything you eat—even packaged foods.

    MFP's fiber goal is a minimum, not a maximum. Eat more whole foods, and think about taking a fiber supplement.

    The Sexypants post should be required reading: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    I had a little peek at your diary and it seems to be very low in fibre and very high in protein. It would be pretty much classified as 'low-residue' meaning that the amount and frequency of bowel movements would be reduced.

    It might help to track your fibre and take some fibre supplements as editorgrrl said. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids when you add fibre because it can make it worse if you don't. Personally, I find anything more than 25% protein binds me up, despite plenty of fibre and fluids. Everyone's different though.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I had a little peek at your diary and it seems to be very low in fibre and very high in protein. It would be pretty much classified as 'low-residue' meaning that the amount and frequency of bowel movements would be reduced.

    It might help to track your fibre and take some fibre supplements as editorgrrl said. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids when you add fibre because it can make it worse if you don't. Personally, I find anything more than 25% protein binds me up, despite plenty of fibre and fluids. Everyone's different though.


    Also, I wish I had your cat. Mine goes constantly.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Honestly I only go like once every 3 days or so, sometimes up to a week... but I've always been like that. Different diets can change it htough. If you aren't drinking enough fliuds can do it, lack of fiber, too much protein. I find my preworkout usually makes me poop if there's something there... maybe try that/caffiene? or, if you aren't cramping from it, don't stress too much, when you go you'll notice that weight coming off.
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    I recently had a root canal and the dentist put me on a (preventative) antibiotic. Gaaaa, it rocked my stomach and I had to stop taking it after about the 5 or 6th day (10 day course). I was totally and completely exhausted, did some googling, found out that the antibiotics kill the bad and good bacteria in my gut, including those that create the B's for energy. Off to the health food store I went, bought some probiotics (in the refrigerator section, NOT off the shelf), started taking them. Felt immensely better and ... um, things in the plumbing department (which was never a problem) got even better! Let's just say that I now feel as though my body is eliminating much, much more of what it doesn't need/use and, well it makes me feel pretty darn good. Also, drink your water it helps as well.
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    I am on a mostly low carb diet, eating healthy meats and fats, and a load of fresh veggies... drink at least 12 glasses a day - but I still need to supplement to have regular unpainful b.m's...
    I add Benefibre clear powder to my smoothies in the morning, and take ultra-fiber pill supplements as well once or twice a day.
    I used to count on 5 prunes a day to keep me regular but don't want to waste the calories on something I don't even enjoy that much...
    My goal is to have a nice regular not too hard b.m. every day - but it's usually ever second day...
    Be careful if you get too constipated - it happened to me once - I would have tiny poops - but know that I really wasn't emptying - and my tummy was growing bigger and more painful, I felt nauseous and finally went to the emergency where after an xray they told me I was full of poop!
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    From above link:
    "Colon cleansing (also known as colon therapy) encompasses a number of alternative medical therapies claimed to remove nonspecific "toxins" from the colon and intestinal tract. Colon cleansing may be branded colon hydrotherapy, a colonic or colonic irrigation. During the 2000s internet marketing and infomercials of oral supplements supposedly for colon cleansing increased."


    If your colon isn't disposing of waste properly, then it's a medical issue. You don't have to do an enema for 'non-specific toxin' removal.