Anyone having a hard time kicking the soda?

krislati Posts: 35
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I can't kick the habit and part of my weight loss problems, anyone else?


  • brookeybaby_00
    brookeybaby_00 Posts: 142 Member
    I tend to do really good during the week and then fall off the wagon a couple of times over the weekend. Sometimes I just want a COKE! Consequences be damned!
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Yes! I drank regular...and a lot of it everyday. When I got serious about losing weight and started on my LONG journey lol, I kicked the regular and switched to coke zero. I've gone down a lot from where I used to be, but I just love soda. Now diet..and I don't want to drink as much as I do b/c of artificial sweetener and some days I do good, sometimes I don't.
  • jtgill
    jtgill Posts: 48
    Try weaning...every week drink one less soda a day :) (or if you don't drink that much one less a week)
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    im a diet coke addict i love pepsi max as well, iv been craving like mad but i havent had a can in 2 days now. im drinking alot more water now too.
    soda never seems to take away that thirst, i do miss it tho :( lol
  • I kicked coffee and soda at the same time. My nemesis happens to be Dr. Pepper. I literally have 2 liters of dp in my pantry, unopened. it takes everything I have every day to ignore them. I think since my diet started this past weekend, I've had two 8oz cans of soda. I think that's pretty good considering soda was all I drank all day before I started this program. This weekend will be a definite test.
  • I cant kick the soda habit to save my i drink coke zero or cherry diet dr pepper...
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I love cherry coke zero... I also used to hate diet pepsi, here i am sitting here drinking one lol..and LOVING it!
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    It's tough. I was addicted to diet coke- especially from Mcdonalds (don't eat the food, love the diet coke). I just started thinking about what it really was nutritionally (nothing) and that I was paying a dollar for something serving the same purpose as something I can get for free from the tap.

    But it's tricky, can't say I don't want one now, as a matter of fact.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I love cherry coke zero... I also used to hate diet pepsi, here i am sitting here drinking one lol..and LOVING it!
  • i quit drinking soda 3 years ago and it was the hardest thing ever. just take it day by day.
  • ladieluck
    ladieluck Posts: 2 Member
    just kick it! I have been off all soda for 11 mos. I had a sip the other day, and it was soooooooooooooo bubbly!
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    Yes! I drank regular...and a lot of it everyday. When I got serious about losing weight and started on my LONG journey lol, I kicked the regular and switched to coke zero. I've gone down a lot from where I used to be, but I just love soda. Now diet..and I don't want to drink as much as I do b/c of artificial sweetener and some days I do good, sometimes I don't.

    same for me :laugh: ! I also had to get a 64oz jug and fill it everyday just to make sure i get the daily 8 glasses of water. my rule for me is I can have a coke zero (or some other form of diet/zero something) only AFTER i finish my water. though like several others i'm sure the weekendis really bad, i rarely make my water, i have mostly tea (w/splenda) or diet something.
  • Kaye8395BTS
    Kaye8395BTS Posts: 159 Member
    As a diet coke ADDICT myself, I gave up it up cold turkey for 3-4 months and now I set goals for myself, like I have to drink ALL my water for the day and then I can have ONE. It's hard, but worth it!
  • 2TsMomma
    2TsMomma Posts: 23 Member
    Me!!!!!!!!!! I am a huge coke addict, lol.........I cant stand the taste of diet coke and I am trying really hard to learn to love the taste of coke zero, but its tough. I know it would help a great deal if I could just stop drinking coke. *sigh*
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I used to drink at least 3-4 sodas per day. When starting my new habits, I started limiting myself to one per day, and carrying a water bottle with me everywhere. I increased my water from zero to at least 40 oz per day. While I haven't kicked the soda habit entirely yet, I have come a LONG way. And I have found that I don't miss the soda I don't drink. I still want my one, for now, but I'm not craving it all day. And the decrease in sugar has had a HUGE impact in how I feel - I don't get crashes every few hours.

    One thing to mention - A lot of people are not aware that sugar and caffeine are not the only problems with soda. The carbonation in soda (or any drink) actually leaches calcium from the bones. Obviously, this is a problem especially for women. Which means that while a decrease in sugar is certainly good, switching to diet isn't a good solution long term.

    Try cutting it out slowly if you can't go cold turkey. Make a firm commitment to only have x-amount per day. And replace that with water. It's not easy, but sooooo worth it.
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    I didn´t have that much trouble, actually. To say the truth, though, I love to eat desserts. So I willfully ditched the soda in order to be able to munch on a brownie instead. Soda just doesn´t fill me up, and when you get used to it you can down it in a minute! It doesn´t last. It´s like a Bounty ad. You buy Bounty so you don´t have to use five paper towels to do the job of one Bounty paper towel. At 14, I started having a soda a day. When I started needing two sodas a day to do the work of a cookie, in other words, to make me feel as full, I decided it was time to ditch the addiction.
    I am starting to think I will have to ban chips forever from my diet, too...
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    In other words, if there´s something else in your diet that you love more, think of it as leaving the soda for the sake of..... the other thing you like to eat more.
    Whenever you think "DONT drink soda" your mind is actually telling you to have it. So that´s why I´m suggesting that you think of the other food you want to have more. In order to seriously FORGET the soda even exists. Once you learn that it´s just simply out of the equation, because you are not interested in it, and you´ve dismissed it, it will be a lot easier. Just think of all the calories that go in your body in five seconds of chugging a soda. Save your calories for something else.
    I´m insisting on this because I can tell you have already partially made that decision, you´re just having trouble sticking to it. So I´m giving you more reasons to stick to it.
    If you really can´t drop it all at once, at the very least nurse it... drink it sooooo slooooowwwwly.... that should at least counteract the most harmful effect in my opinion (which is that it´s so easy to have so much soda very quickly).
  • EgyptianMushroom
    EgyptianMushroom Posts: 341 Member
    I used to drink Mountain Dew at least twice a day or more but I started drinking more juices, water, etc and I rarely ever drink pop of any kind. I have the occasional one but that's about it. It's a lot cheaper to buy juice from concentrate than it is to buy pop. Think about your budget if you have to.
  • Thanks for the advice...I am going to just keep water with me at all times. So when I'm thirsty that is what I'll drink.

    he funniest part is...I didn't drink 1 can of it while I was pregnant last year. I had my baby in August and immediately wanted a coke. Now it's like 3 cans a day, I try to stick to diet but it doesn't always work. I felt so much better when I was drinking water all day.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 575 Member
    I went from regular to diet almost 3 years ago. Now I am down to about 2-3 diet sodas a day. I would really like to stop drinking them all together but I love the caffeine first thing in the morning and I am not a coffee drinker.
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