Shrinking size - should I buy new clothes for temporary use?



  • heather_hearts_travel
    heather_hearts_travel Posts: 864 Member
    Thrift! eBay!
  • btanton27
    btanton27 Posts: 186 Member
    I got rid of 3/4 of my closet and only bought a few pants, capris and tshirts but everything was on sale. I refuse to pay more than $10 on something that will possibly be too big in 6 months or so. I figure besides work clothes which I work in a factory so I just recycle my old stuff to wear, I don't really need more than 5 or 6 outfits to get me thru the rest of summer...
  • Jinnie69
    Jinnie69 Posts: 22
    A few pieces to make yourself feel good, and look good. It's good positive reinforcement. I gained 15 lbs due to illness and medication, now I am trying to get it off in time for my fall wardrobe. Good luck to you. My #1 rule is don't by pants that give you muffin top. This way when they give you muffin top, it's a huge red flag!
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    If its strictly workout clothes then not really, if you can do without; i.e. drawstrings and the like. Save the money and keep wearing it until you just cant. Tops you can totally keep no matter how much you lose because you just toss on top, bottoms, undies, and sports bras (if you are a girl) are the problem generally.

    However, if you reached the point were the bottoms are falling off (happened to me :blushing: ) then shop cheap and look for lasting alternatives for the next phase - again drawstrings. Some good places to hit up are thrift stores or walmart/ kmart/ tjmax, etc.

    If its normal clothes like for work, then yes, you cant wait until they start falling off, but look for sales and deals and stick to the thrift stores or w tjmax/ marshalls/ etc and load up on basics like plain shirts and pants.

    This is the hardest time because your wardrobe will be the plainest and most limited, but when you get to your goal, whooo nelly will it be fun!!!!
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    Learn to sew so you can take in your clothes. That's what I'm doing. I also like to check thrift stores, discount stores like Ross and Burlington, and clearance racks.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Maybe just a few items! I bought clothes all along and though it has been somewhat frustrating getting rid of clothing along the way I don't regret it.

    Right now just about all of my workout shirts are too big - I prefer long sleeves so I am waiting for the fall stuff to come in. I usually buy my workout clothes from Old Navy, the Gap or Nordstrom Rack - I would rather get rid of them then have them fall apart.

    Old Navy and the Gap always have great sales, Nordstrom Rack has stuff that goes on clearance.

    Personally I do not know how some people keep up their motivation while wearing clothing that does not fit - being in a nice fitting outfit sure does motivate me to get into the gym.

    Good Luck and keep up the good work!!!!

    Also, my now too big workout clothes replaced my old really too big houseclothes!
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Hi All,

    I'd like to know your opinion about the following...I've lost 25-30 lbs in the past few months but I am not even close to my goal (50 lbs more to go). I have become kind of demotivated to hit the gym and go to other public places because I have clothes in bigger and smaller sizes than my current size but I keep on telling myself this is a temporary period so I shouldn't invest in clothing in this size. The smaller sizes are not even close to fitting me. I have bought some new clothes but very few since I already have such a huge closet with clothes that don't even fit.

    Does it frustrate you if your gym clothes don't fit you so well? I have some that are huge on me while some of them look like I had a baby's shirt on. I feel completely ridiculous in them but I can't buy clothes every month. Should I buy some again, even if it's temporary? Maybe this is sabotaging my exercise routine a little bit...I'd like to know about your personal experiences.

    Good for you for losing 30 pounds. That is quite an accomplishment. I am closing in on 50 myself. I had lost 60 and gained twenty back this winter. I had gotten rid of all my bigger clothes and it KILLED me to buy a couple things that fit, but I had to. Looking good is part of feeling good and you need to reward yourself. Your best bet is a few basic pieces that you REALLY love. For example, I bought one burnt orange dress in XL, and an off white dress in L. I got them at Sears in the Jrs. Dept. for $15 a piece. I now fit back into the size L dress, and I kept getting compliments and women asking me where I got it (of course I shared my secret)! I am also glad I got the XL because I wore it to my son's graduation party and it looked nice and I felt great, which restarted my motivation. It was NOT wasted money. Going to the store to try on clothes is the best part of weight loss! If you only buy what you absolutely love, you will be able to make due with less. I will be back to my size M. in no time thanks to some hard work and it's all because I am feeling good about myself again with some nice clothes and exercise! Also, workout pants and t-shirts are stretchy, so you can usually get away with the same size for about twenty pounds, so buying two work out outfits you feel good in is worth it. Stores with good clothes for good prices for both men and women: Bobs, Old Navy, Sears, TJ Maxx, Marshalls.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I wonder if I should get rid of all the clothes that are too big. A relative said I should keep them since "you never know when you get that big again". I am a cheapskate, I don't throw away clothes...I have donated plenty of them but still have a lot left just hanging in my closet. I hate it though because I am not sure if it is healthy to think one day I will be that big again. I do know it could happen, it has happened before that I gained the weight back.
    I made the mistake of getting rid of most of my clothes, but I did keep a few that I loved, thank God, since I gained some weight back. I think it is normal to go up and down a little even after you finish losing. All my skinny friends have a closet with a range of about three sizes. I would keep what you love and things that are in good condition and donate the rest, but put the "what if" clothes in a bin in the attic so you can't see them.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    By the way, the two outfits in my pictures are smaller than what I can wear now....just waiting for me in my closet! I got them at more expensive stores as a treat and I am trying to get back into them!
  • qmmanager69
    qmmanager69 Posts: 71 Member
    What about a consignment shop....sell your bigger clothes to buy smaller ones.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    look around for used clothing! Whether it be from stores or through friends of friends or whatnot. Used will be your cheap friend in this in between period
  • karaokewife
    Yes, yes, yes! Buy a few things that fit ... and when you do for every article that goes in your closet, take out one that is too big.

    Fat clothes are a safety net. If you don't have any, and you gain some weight back, it will be much more difficult to ignore when nothing you own fits. I have been there more than once. This last time, the moment I hit goal weight, I donated anything left that was too big.

    If money is tight, go to an affluent neighborhood and visit their thrift stores. The clothing quality will be better than you might find elsewhere.

    Congrats on your loss. Wishing you continued success.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Thrift stores all the way. But I even find that a bummer, b/c the really cute pair of shorts I bought last month for $1.50 are already too big.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I hated that you said you are cheap to yourself. I used to be too. Now I buy only what I love and feel good in and it has helped me stay on track. Do you also eat all the food on your plate and at restaurants so you don't "waste" I now make myself throw food away to prove to myself that my goals are more important than my "stinkin thinkin". I needed a wake up call to realize that my confidence, thinking and attitudes played a huge part in my weight issues. Keep up the good work!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I would suggest getting at least a few new pieces that you will feel good in. You don't have to replace your entire wardrobe at once. Feeling good in your clothes is a huge confidence and motivation booster.

    On top of the thrift store advice, I'll suggest:
    - Walmart/Target/Kmart (inexpensive, but won't last forever. But you don't need it to last forever since you're still losing)
    - Clearance racks at department stores
    - Marshalls / T.J. Maxx / Outlet stores (good quality clothes that will last a long time. I bought a few things that are just fitting now, but will look good even when I drop a few more sizes)

    Like I said, go slow. You don't have to buy everything all at once. But having a few new items is worth it.
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    25-30lbs is an AWESOME accomplishment, kudos to you!

    Around 12lbs is a size, so your clothes are likely 2-3 sizes too big. Definitely get your hands on some new-to-you workout gear.

    Host a clothing swap or find one online, thrift stores, rummage sales, asking friends, listserv posts, and a lot of stores are marking waaay down their summer clothes to make room for fall so you could make out like a bandit at Target or similar... I'm in the same boat as you and finally broke down and bought 1 pair of workout pants my size.

    There are lots of inexpensive ways to get your hands on clothes that fit. And you can pass them on when they are too big! :)
  • paulandrachelk
    paulandrachelk Posts: 280 Member
    The only person who said not to buy "new" clothes is a guy!! Forget it! You have to feel good. As for the realtive who said "you never know..." forget them too. Too easy to gain when you know the clothes are just waiting for you to gain weight.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Thrift stores! Or if a friend of the same current size would be willing to lend temporarily, that would be good.
    Otherwise... look for deals and fabrics that would be cheap to tailor later.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Goodwill. You won't have to spend much and can donate them back when they get too large as you lose weight. I found a lovely black suede leather trenchcoat, unworn, $ 199.00 tags still on it, for $5.49.
  • CAC10456
    CAC10456 Posts: 117 Member
    Thrift stores are your friends. I have found some decent gym clothes here and there, too. I draw the line at tennis shoes unless they still have a tag, and I don't buy bras or underwear used, but everything else is fair game.