New addition to the MFP family :)

Hello everyone,

My name is Stephanie and I'm 21 years old. I currently reside in Miami, FL. I'm new to MFP so this is my first time using a program like this. I'm a bit excited and nervous at the same time (that's normal though, right?). Also, I'd like to mention the fact that this is my first time (in my life) writing on a community, message board (WHAAAT?! Yes, I know) But anyways, I hope that if your reading my post, you will respond back and tell me what it's been like using this program/app and any tips you may have for me. I'm very much interested in listening to your stories and getting to know many people, the more the merry! I am a very friendly person so I open to making friends who can help and I as well :) I have quite a long way to go with my fitness journey. Even though I just started, I need to lose at least 100lbs, if not more. This seems so crazy and impossible to me but I know it's possible. I can't say I'm the most positive and self motivated person you'll meet because I'd be lying to you. I have a horrible habit... or perhaps call it a flaw of not being commited to things ESPECIALLY DIETS. So with that said, I need all the encouragement and motivation I can get from friends/family etc. If you want to know more about me, view my profile :)

Have a nice day! And very nice to meet you all.



  • staceydunsworth
    staceydunsworth Posts: 7 Member
    Hello. . I have been using the app for about 3 months now. . new to using the boards. So far so good. . Just looking for someone to help kee me honest. . .:smile:
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Welcome! I just joined yesterday and man it definitely has already been keeping me accountable! Add me if you ever want any help or if you would like to motivate each other :)
  • tuckeychicken
    tuckeychicken Posts: 167 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello my name is Chantel and tomorrow will make a full month for me being here. Both of you are doing better than me so far on forrums from when I first started. Sort of a funny newbie story about when I first started. O.k. so I had no friends and I thought I would put something out there and maybe someone would like what I had to say and at least comment, like or add me as a friend. I wrote on my own home page that no one could see in that section that says whats on your mind. Well after a few days I got kind of hurt and thought whats wrong with me why won't anyone talk to me. Then I asked mfp and I found out I was just talking to myself he he he.

    Now I always look out for new people and see if they want to become friends. Everyone here is so nice I felt like I found a whole new world that doesn't exist for real. People are kind and supportive to those they haven't even met. I mean my family sometimes is not as encouraging.

    Any way here I am being a wind bag and I should be saying welcome to mfp and if you want a new friend please feel free to add me.
  • abigail659
    abigail659 Posts: 63 Member
    Hey Stephanie!

    Welcome to MFP! I'm new to this website as well. I just signed up about a month ago. I live in Fort Worth, TX and haven't really added friends or posted anything on the message boards. Don't get discouraged and caught up on the # of pounds you have to lose. Instead work on eating healthy and exercising and setting small goals that are more encouraging and attainable. Like 2 pounds by xx date or 5 pounds by xx date and then just keep at it.

    I'm 29 and trying to lose weight before I'm the big 30! This is something I've always wanted but have been too lazy to focus on it. I feel like I was comfortable with how I thought I looked until it became out of hand. I am like you where I start things and don't finish them either (in everything) but I also don't quit trying. I keep coming back for more and that is what is most important.

    Good luck! I'm not sure how to add friends on here... but if I can figure it out I'll try to do that.

    PS>Think of this as a lifestyle change and not a diet. Diets don't last.