any 5'7" ladies out there between 120-150lb?



  • noughttosixy
    noughttosixy Posts: 22 Member
    Hey there. I'm 5'7'' currently 141 lbs (down from 171) and looking to get to around 16-18%bf (currently 21%) so not sure where weight wise that will put me. I am pear shaped and most of my weight is in my hips and butt. Good luck on your fitness goals!!

    fantastic amount lost well done :) i am pear shaped too!! its the worst, ugh everything goes to my *kitten* and thighs, i wanna wear high waisted things soo badly just need to slim down a bit i guess!! good luck too girlie, i created a group for us all xx
  • noughttosixy
    noughttosixy Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 5'7", generally weigh between 120 and 140, though rarely at the extreme ends, currently 129, want to be 125 when I'm done and then start to work on body recomp. I might be able to gain some then, depending on how it works out. As far as 125 being too thin, I have a pretty small frame, so it works, I think. If you tend to be more sturdily built, it might be too little.

    what is a body recomp? wahoo well done on your journey so far!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    5'7, 126lbs and hoping to gain some muscle weight soon! Sending FR now :)
  • noughttosixy
    noughttosixy Posts: 22 Member
    5'6 @ 125lbs, down from 144lbs (= 65kg, 7 months ago).
    Now very close to goal weight of 123.5 lbs (56kg). And no...unfortunately I am not thin yet. Still have a belly, ever so slight double chin and bigger upper arms. Nevertheless, will not lose more than another pound or two.

    I am sure you are thin :) have you taken measurements and progress pictures? sometimes they help more than scales! muscle is heavier than fat too so if you're working out that might be why. as long as you're healthy and happy thats fine, however i will motivate you the best way i can! you can do it! i created a group which i posted further up
  • noughttosixy
    noughttosixy Posts: 22 Member
    Hey (: I am 5'7 age 19. And I weight 150 I want to also weight 125 is nice to find someone with the same goal (: let's be friensds

    ok thats so cool! we can definately motivate each other :)
  • noughttosixy
    noughttosixy Posts: 22 Member
    5'7, 126lbs and hoping to gain some muscle weight soon! Sending FR now :)

    you look amaaaazing in your picture!! you can get that muscle mass for sure :)
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    @naught to sixty: recomposition -- lose fat, gain muscle without changing weight much. Toning, in other words.
  • AbsonAbs
    AbsonAbs Posts: 2
    I am 5"7 and I am about 135. I too and aiming for 120-125 :)
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    I'm almost 5'7"and around 140. I'm looking to lose around 20 pounds and not be ruled by ice cream! I'm also a pear-ish shape. Feel free to add me!
  • noughttosixy
    noughttosixy Posts: 22 Member
    5' 6" CW 181 - GW 125 ...been down to 137 but somehow let the scale take a huge leap. SMH :noway: Not looking back though and kicking myself any longer...I've done it before I can do it again...and I'm not afraid to earmark 125 as my ultimate goa cause I know I can do itl! Good luck to you!!

    hey thanks so much :) good luck too! i was 135 too but then i just couldn't STOP eating pizza takeaways (my ex would always order...i know i know excuses but bad men with bad eating habits are my downfall!). i've recently left him and feel a CHANGE is due!! im moving south korea to teach english and i need to get in shape before i go for sure. I know you can do it too!
  • noughttosixy
    noughttosixy Posts: 22 Member
    I am 5ft 7 and aiming to get to 140 as my goal. 125 would be very thin wouldn't it? When I was 140lb before I felt comfortable and my face was starting to look a bit gaunt .

    125 is still in the healthy BMI range, but I know for me it would be way too thin. I start to look really gaunt when I fall below 145.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you guys want. I am currently maintaining, but am willing to help when I can. I try to stay between 145 and 150.

    Height: 5'7
    SW: 210
    GW: 150
    CW: 148

    it depends on your body shape really, like where you lose weight from. my face is a baby face so i have lots of fat there - chubby cheeks for daaaays! good luck babe, youve done so well so far WOW over 60lbs lost!
  • noughttosixy
    noughttosixy Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! 5'7" (well, maybe a smidge under), 19 years old, currently 120 lbs. I'm a yoyo-er, so I know what it feels like to be up there, and right now I'm trying to figure out how to make (the right) changes into habits, maybe gain a little in muscle. I'll add you!

    i yo-yo so much! i can't maintain! i need to get healthy instead of thinking DIET, which is easy cause i love vegatables, takeaway is just easier to order (haha so lazy!) i would love to get muscle too :)
  • noughttosixy
    noughttosixy Posts: 22 Member
    Hey there, I'm 30, 5'6'', 147 lbs. Also looking to get back to 125. Let's do this!

    yes!! lets!!
  • noughttosixy
    noughttosixy Posts: 22 Member
    @naught to sixty: recomposition -- lose fat, gain muscle without changing weight much. Toning, in other words.

    oh ok im still a massive n00b in this arena you ladies have lots to teach me :)
  • noughttosixy
    noughttosixy Posts: 22 Member
    I am 5"7 and I am about 135. I too and aiming for 120-125 :)

    only 10lbs to go! i believe in you!
  • noughttosixy
    noughttosixy Posts: 22 Member
    I'm almost 5'7"and around 140. I'm looking to lose around 20 pounds and not be ruled by ice cream! I'm also a pear-ish shape. Feel free to add me!

    haha i feel that! why does it taste so good but make my *kitten* so huge?? fellow pear shapes unite!
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    sent you a friend request :)
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    I'm almost 5'7"and around 140. I'm looking to lose around 20 pounds and not be ruled by ice cream! I'm also a pear-ish shape. Feel free to add me!

    haha i feel that! why does it taste so good but make my *kitten* so huge?? fellow pear shapes unite!

    Honestly, I think i wouldn't care so much about the hugeness of it if I didn't have so much cellulite. Yoyo dieting is the worst thing a girl can do to her figure.
  • shanahz
    shanahz Posts: 261 Member
    I am 5'7".

    SW: 183
    CW: 163
    GW: 150

    I set my goal weight for 150 because I was happy at that weight a couple of years ago. Once I reach 150 I will decided how much more, if any I want to lose. I have a fairly large frame. Right now my ribs are starting to stick out some and I am 13lbs from my goal.

    I am always looking for friends to connect with for motivation. Please feel free to add me. :D
  • noughttosixy
    noughttosixy Posts: 22 Member
    ladies i've created a support group for us :) feel free to join!