post lexapro weight loss: how long to lose 15/20 lbs

I found the culprit for most of my weight gain and inability to loose was caused by lexapro.
This medication was somewhat helping me for about 5 months. As time went on, I tried stopping it. First time I tried cold turkey and the withdrawal symptoms were so bad, the only reason I went back on it was to go back.
Two other times after I attempted to wean off I couldn't bear the withdrawal symptoms.
About 3.5 weeks ago, I tapered off. This past Thursday I stopped completely. Having mild but manageable withdrawal symptoms that are beginning to end.
Now I'm depressed with how fat I got despite my many attempts. I'm trying to lose weight again and praying I loose.
How long will it take? I'm guessing I gained 20 lbs? My jeans are very tight with my gut bulging out. Terrified of weighing myself as it will make me discouraged and more unhappy.


  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Did you taper/stop under your doctor's care? Because under no circumstances should you take yourself off psychiatric medicine without consulting your doctor. As you can see, the withdrawal was horrible. I've been there. There are actually ways to taper off a med without necessarily going through a bad withdrawal. And cold turkey can be dangerous; I'm on a lot of psychotropics and for one of them, quitting cold turkey is really risky. Also, you can get help changing up the meds so you are getting off something that doesn't work for you. If you were prescribed Lexapro, it sounds like you maybe shouldn't be going with nothing. I don't know, of course. Just wondering.

    Sorry this doesn't answer your question; this is just an area that I know a lot about, and felt a bit worried reading your post.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Bump for later!
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I would go back to your doctor. Most medications to treat mental health concerns make you gain weight, but my Mom just started back on wellbutrin and it is one of the few that does not make you gain weight and can even help you lose weight, give up smoking and manage alcohol urges. I am not a doctor, and I cannot give you medical advice, but this is just an illustration that you have options. Please review your concerns with medical advice.
  • travel_kat
    travel_kat Posts: 23 Member
    I've been their with Lexapro withdrawals... Its a nasty drug for coming off, I had a horrible time and I was weaning myself off under doctors care and very very slowly. I have found that exercise (in my case running and Yoga) helped with both the withdrawal symptoms, the weight and making sure I don't need to use drugs like that again. Good luck with it.
  • pigelty
    pigelty Posts: 29 Member
    I've been their with Lexapro withdrawals... Its a nasty drug for coming off, I had a horrible time and I was weaning myself off under doctors care and very very slowly. I have found that exercise (in my case running and Yoga) helped with both the withdrawal symptoms, the weight and making sure I don't need to use drugs like that again. Good luck with it.

    Exercise has been helping me.
    I agree!
  • pigelty
    pigelty Posts: 29 Member
    In regards to some questions:

    I did taper off under a doctors care. I was on 10 mg, so it doesn't take long as higher doses.

    I don't need meds for mental health for 2 reasons:
    1. I recently had a psychiatric evaluation , we're a clinical psychiatrist stated I do not require medication , but intimated cognitive behavior therapy is a more useful approach.
    2. I do not feel I need meds. That being said, it is also caused weight gain and inability to loose weight. Being overweight can and will cause other physical probems.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    That is great to hear! I am glad you are getting medical advice and I believe in cognitive behavioral therapy ( I am a special education teacher and have seen it help students), so that is great news! Personally I am most successful with eating about 300 calories above my baseline and adding in 45 min to an hour of exercise as well. It could take anywhere from 3 to 8 months depending on your effort and consistency. I wish you the best of luck!