Big weight-loss; disproportioned body

I am 24 years old, 5"3 and 120 pounds. Since 2011, I went from 160 down to 110. I loved when I was 110, and felt my body looked great. I have recently gained 10 pounds, and have never felt bigger. My legs are like chicken legs and my upper body is small too. My face is very chunky and my midsection (stomach, hips and thighs) are VERY chunky. My body is extremely disproportioned. It almost looks like a joke. I have been going to the gym every day and switching between cardio and strength training. My diet has been okay. I am still gaining weight even though I have been working out. Why is this? Why is my body so EXTREMELY disproportioned.


  • 110 seems a little low for someone who is 5'3, but if you have a small frame I won't bug you about it D; I always get nervous with people aiming for very low weights.

    That being said, strength training is going to be your friend above dieting. In fact, what you really should be doing is eating at or above maintenance while lifting (progressively) heavier weights. Cardio is probably pretty blah for someone in your position unless you enjoy it and don't want to quit. What you want is to build muscle. It sounds like a classic case of "skinnyfat."
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    You are at a healthy BMI range, has your GP/doctor told you you need to lose weight? If not you probably should be eating at maintainance and looking to tone and build muscle as well as sorting the biggest problem you have, which is your self image. You are at a healthy BMI? You've already won half the battle.
  • Smatiak
    Smatiak Posts: 14 Member
    thank you for your advice!! :)]\
  • Smatiak
    Smatiak Posts: 14 Member