Open to Critique

I have been seriously using MFP since April of this year and I finally found the courage to open my diary and share with the world!!!!

I have been successfully losing weight since April but I am looking for new tricks and tips to keep me from getting bored.....

Also, I am getting in 3 meals and 2 to 3 snacks most days and still rarely ever reach my calorie goal!!!!!!please help


  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Cut out the "lite", "fat-free", "low-cal" foods on dressings, cheeses, etc.

    Eat a full serving of chicken (4 oz) and pasta (2 oz)

    Eat more than 9 pork rinds for lunch

    Add in healthy fats, olive oil, nuts, avocado, etc.
  • shrek1970uk
    shrek1970uk Posts: 83 Member
    Eat more than 700 calories a day - lowest is 1200 calories a day
  • kamarismom
    kamarismom Posts: 50 Member
    In my defense the pork rinds were a snack , I believe I slept in that day and lunch was my first meal but a charted it as breakfast but I get what you are saying. I am semi addicted to portion sizes and I feel extremely guilty when I go over. As for as healthy fats, I can do Olive oil but, I hate any and all nuts and avocado.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    You ABSOLUTELY need to start eating more. I only went back a few days but you're averaging like 700 calories. If you're honestly having that much trouble getting calories in, then consume calorie dense foods (peanut butter, cheese, whole milk, fruit juice, soda, etc).
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    I would say eat a full serving of meat. Not 2 oz. more like 4 oz. Probably should add more veggies and some fruit. You could also add fats: nuts, nut butter, oil, avocado to name a few.

    Edited to add: Others beat me to it..If you don't like nuts or nut butters trying cooking in real butter as well as the other advice of choosing full fat versions of products. Not the light or fat free versions. Fat will not make you fat.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    In my defense the pork rinds were a snack , I believe I slept in that day and lunch was my first meal but a charted it as breakfast but I get what you are saying. I am semi addicted to portion sizes and I feel extremely guilty when I go over. As for as healthy fats, I can do Olive oil but, I hate any and all nuts and avocado.

    I get that, all of it but the nuts as I do love cashews and almonds, sesame seeds.. peanuts.. anyway, got sidetracked :)

    Rather than watching portion sizes so much, try logging your entire day and then adjusting those portions to meet what you actually need or would eat. Consider that on the package as a suggestion because those people don't know your daily needs. I know how easy it is to be afraid of eating too much, especially at first, but found that it was easier if I could log it all and know without question that I had room for what I wanted from breakfast with cheese in my omelet to popcorn at night. Before I did that, I was ending up with 600-700 calories in the evening because I was too cautious earlier in the day.
  • kamarismom
    kamarismom Posts: 50 Member
    When I have chicken as my main meal I eat 4oz however when I have it on a salad like I did today or in an omelet I do tend to cut that in half. I will work on that!!!!!
  • riadhdeb
    riadhdeb Posts: 211 Member
    It's not an absolute must that you have to reach the numbers. if you are trying to lose weight then less is more, increase your workout intensity
  • kamarismom
    kamarismom Posts: 50 Member
    I do workout but I am scared to chart it as it will look like I am eating less than I am
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    When I have chicken as my main meal I eat 4oz however when I have it on a salad like I did today or in an omelet I do tend to cut that in half. I will work on that!!!!!

    I was doing that at first but then realized that protein is actually really important and that number is more of a minimum than a maximum. At lunch today, I ate 315 g of baked chicken. (Just divided that out and it's just over 11 oz, wowzer!) Still well under my calories for the day, though!
  • kamarismom
    kamarismom Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for the links, I will check these out!!!! I do weigh and measure everything, I admit I wasn't at first but since I purchased a scale I do
  • kamarismom
    kamarismom Posts: 50 Member
    I am trying to work on getting in more veggies, right now I only like Spinach and broccoli which I cook or mix with smoothies. You may see a lot of frozen fruit in my diary because I can not eat fresh fruit other than grapes and sometimes strawberries. I am allergic to citrus and most fresh fruit cause my throat to close but most frozen fruit are okay (go figure).
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Eat more than 700 cals; increase protein; add nuts/seeds (if you don't like nuts; try pistachios or nut butters) to your diet (you could even make a smoothie with fruit/greek yogurt/nut butter and it would mask the flavor of the nuts); ditch light/fat-free dairy; add more fish to your diet; use a food scale to make sure you are accurately measuring your food; add healthy fats like coconut oil to your diet; try eating more avocado (you can sub this in for mayo or butter on sandwiches)
  • twyliatepeka
    twyliatepeka Posts: 28 Member
    I'm with the others, eat more. It takes a bit to realize you can actually eat food & do this. :drinker:
  • kamarismom
    kamarismom Posts: 50 Member
    When I first started my journey I ate fish only, I just recently started back eating chicken. I might switch back to fish!!!! The only time I get mayo is when I go to subway which is rarely. I usually make sandwiches at home and use laughing cow cheese for my cheese and mayo sub.
  • ilovemysailorflood
    ilovemysailorflood Posts: 7 Member
    You have convinced your body that it is starving. if you have not already you will soon stop losing weight at all. When your body thinks it is starving it holds on to every calorie it can and will turn that into fat storage for survival. I have my degree in medical disorders in psychology and you are dancing on the line of anorexia. You need to eat more. Your body will being to give out and you will be tired all the time, at this point there will be no exercising and any muscle tone you have made will turn into fat. This is not a scare tactic it is the physiology of your body. 1200 calories is the absolute least amount you should be eating.