What Is Your Greatest Food Addiction?



  • shadowfeet33
    shadowfeet33 Posts: 45 Member
    Gummies in any shape, and beef jerky. If a bag of either is within my reach it is history. In order to not eat them, I just can't buy them.
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    Tie between breakfast cereal and ice cream. I can't keep either in the house because I'll eat them with/for every meal. :-/
  • Pete1964AK
    Pete1964AK Posts: 85 Member
    Bread and bakery products generally.
    Indian food, and the creamier the sauce the more I want. What I wouldn't give to have a Prawn Puri, followed by a Chicken Chasni, with a peshwari naan ..............
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    Nothing, there's no such thing as food addiction

    However I enjoy gelato and pretzel m&ms in excess on the regular
  • jimrichardson00
    jimrichardson00 Posts: 8 Member
    Lil Debil...I mean Lil Debbie

    was that a How did this get made/Nothing But Trouble reference?
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    Nothing, there's no such thing as food addiction

    There isn't? Since when? :huh:

    ETA: I'm assuming you're talking about addictions to individual food stuffs. In my experience, craving something in particular is usually because my body is deficient of a nutrient that it provides, not necessarily because of an addiction. But food addiction (aka compulsive overeating aka binge eating) is a real thing.
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Its gotta be ice cream for me, I mean like a 1/2 cup whats that a large spoonfull, just can't do or I'll attack the whole half gallon. No self control for me when I taste the ice cream :sad:
  • kbudd63
    kbudd63 Posts: 10
    Nothing, there's no such thing as food addiction

    Nonsense, nobody makes the decision to be horribly obese without food addiction problems. Like it's the "drug of choice" instead of crack or meth, and with those you can at least quit cold turkey. Not to mention that there are physiological reactions to certain foods. Like chocolate stimulates the same areas of the brain that sex does, for example.

    There are foods that once I start eating, I have to eat until they're finished. I can have cookies, ice cream, chocolate (I still have some from the Christmas before last kicking around), in the house and not feel the need to eat them.

    But my homemade garlic bread (with lots of butter and lots of garlic) I must consume until its gone. And I love beer. I can either drink none or at least 5, nothing in between. I never have a beer with dinner. I'm just not programmed that way

    Cheese I have problems with too, especially when paired with a fine loaf of (real) French bread. I still eat cheese, albeit in smaller quantities, and I generally stick to cheddar now. Cuz I just can't control myself when I have a brick of Danish Havarti or a round of brie "going bad" in the fridge.

    I also like candy (especially chewy fruity candies), and eat a bit every night, but only a couple of pieces.

    ETA: to attempt to be less judgmental about "off the cuff" comments that irk the hell out of me...
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Umm Chhheeeeessseee.
    Shaved Smoked Gouda on Fresh bread.
    A really old -ripe Asiago parmesan ( room temperature )
    Not allowed to buy them as Yes I have a love of good - old ripe cheese and 40 gm is never enough.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Nothing, there's no such thing as food addiction

    Only a person who has never been addicted to food would say that. Nobody makes the decision to be horribly obese without food addiction problems. Like it's the "drug of choice" instead of crack or meth, and with those you can at least quit cold turkey. Not to mention that there are physiological reactions to certain foods. Like chocolate stimulates the same areas of the brain that sex does, for example.

    There are foods that once I start eating, I have to eat until they're finished. I can have cookies, ice cream, chocolate (I still have some from the Christmas before last kicking around), in the house and not feel the need to eat them.

    But my homemade garlic bread (with lots of butter and lots of garlic) I must consume until its gone. And I love beer. I can either drink none or at least 5, nothing in between. I never have a beer with dinner. I'm just not programmed that way

    Cheese I have problems with too, especially when paired with a fine loaf of (real) French bread. I still eat cheese, albeit in smaller quantities, and I generally stick to cheddar now. Cuz I just can't control myself when I have a brick of Danish Havarti or a round of brie "going bad" in the fridge.

    I also like candy (especially chewy fruity candies), and eat a bit every night, but only a couple of pieces.
    Have you ever given a hand job for food? No?
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member

    Have you ever given a hand job for food? No?

    I doubt many people have been inspired by a nicotine fit to give one, either. But cigarettes are still considered addicting. And a starving person might give you more than that for food.

    By the way, are we talking about cake? And if so, are we talking real frosting, or just the cheap grocery store weaksauce? Because when considering doing certain carnal favors for food, one must take the quality of the food into account.
  • kbudd63
    kbudd63 Posts: 10
    I haven't. Why have you?

    I have given my boyfriend a ** so he'll take me out for dinner.

    Have I answered your question? If it's TMI, then perhaps you ought to think before you type.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I haven't. Why have you?

    I have given my boyfriend a bj so he'll take me out for dinner.

    Have I answered your question? If it's TMI, then perhaps you ought to think before you type.

  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    Peanut butter, especially with chocolate. It takes every ounce of willpower I've got to resist it.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member

    Have you ever given a hand job for food? No?

    I doubt many people have been inspired by a nicotine fit to give one, either. But cigarettes are still considered addicting. And a starving person might give you more than that for food.

    By the way, are we talking about cake? And if so, are we talking real frosting, or just the cheap grocery store weaksauce? Because when considering doing certain carnal favors for food, one must take the quality of the food into account.

    Poor people with food addictions. Tell that to people in third world countries.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member

    Have you ever given a hand job for food? No?

    I doubt many people have been inspired by a nicotine fit to give one, either. But cigarettes are still considered addicting. And a starving person might give you more than that for food.

    By the way, are we talking about cake? And if so, are we talking real frosting, or just the cheap grocery store weaksauce? Because when considering doing certain carnal favors for food, one must take the quality of the food into account.

    Poor people with food addictions. Tell that to people in third world countries.

    Everyone has a food addiction to some extent, quit eating, you'll die.

    But are those who are starving worth considering when I want to stuff my face with absolutely unneeded calories? You bet it is.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member

    Have you ever given a hand job for food? No?

    I doubt many people have been inspired by a nicotine fit to give one, either. But cigarettes are still considered addicting. And a starving person might give you more than that for food.

    By the way, are we talking about cake? And if so, are we talking real frosting, or just the cheap grocery store weaksauce? Because when considering doing certain carnal favors for food, one must take the quality of the food into account.

    Poor people with food addictions. Tell that to people in third world countries.

    Everyone has a food addiction to some extent, quit eating, you'll die.

    But are those who are starving worth considering when I want to stuff my face with absolutely unneeded calories? You bet it is.
    Blah blah blah
  • unicornedtuna
    :(( chocolates and baked goodies. it's like im possessed by some creature when im offered to eat some chocolate (Twix by far is the most addictive) and chocolate chip cookies. ><

    im doing the healthier alternative though like raw cacao nibs and i bake my own whole wheat and oatmeal chocochip walnut cookies. im doing well so far.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member

    Have you ever given a hand job for food? No?

    I doubt many people have been inspired by a nicotine fit to give one, either. But cigarettes are still considered addicting. And a starving person might give you more than that for food.

    By the way, are we talking about cake? And if so, are we talking real frosting, or just the cheap grocery store weaksauce? Because when considering doing certain carnal favors for food, one must take the quality of the food into account.

    Poor people with food addictions. Tell that to people in third world countries.

    Everyone has a food addiction to some extent, quit eating, you'll die.

    But are those who are starving worth considering when I want to stuff my face with absolutely unneeded calories? You bet it is.
    Blah blah blah

    Oh dear, you're usually wittier than that. Tired?
  • vismundcygnus27
    vismundcygnus27 Posts: 98 Member
    Red meat, fried foods, salt. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, so I'm never tempted by dessert. But put some steak and fries in front of me, and I'm a happy gal.

    My slightly healthier food addiction is hot sauce. I crave the stuff.