Ate all my calories and it's not even 4 pm.

What shall I do? Yesterday's last meal was at 3:30 because I pretty much hit my calorie goal for the day. I didn't eat anything until 8 this morning and overate as a result. I'm currently on maintenance eating around 1580 daily, but today's a different story. I'm tempted to eat more because I screwed up already. The guilt is really starting to kick in. Any advice?


  • Rhaynestorm
    Rhaynestorm Posts: 62 Member
    I try to plan my meals out in advance so that I don't overeat too much during the day. You could try something like that. Think about what you're going to have for dinner the next day and see how many calories it will be so that you know how many you have alloted for lunch, breakfast, snacks, etc.

    As for today, it's too late to do anything about it now. One day isn't going to make or break it. If you're hungry and don't want to wait until tomorrow to start over then just eat something. If you're really worried then try to make it as healthy as possible. Some fruits and veggies maybe.

    Try not to feel too guilty about it. I have that problem too. My husband and I had our anniversary on the weekend and I struggled over deciding what to eat because I didn't want to go over. In the end we ordered pizza and I did go over but I still lost weight and all was well. :)
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    work out. earn more calories. :drinker:
  • masanz1
    masanz1 Posts: 65 Member
    if it is early, do some exercise and buy yourself some calories
  • camillewitt1
    camillewitt1 Posts: 5 Member
    Personally I tend to overeat for 2 reasons, either I'm not busy and I'm bored so I'm eating, or I'm very busy and I don't eat until I get home late from work, and then I eat a lot. Lately it's been helping me to bring something to eat with me, be it a juice, a protein shake, a granola bar, fruit, or whatever else you might want to munch on. Make sure you're eating breakfast and make sure you're spreading your meals out. If you go over your calorie goal go ahead and have a snack but make it something that is good for you, maybe a couple eggs, some veggies and hummus, some fruit or even a pickle or two if it's a really bad salt craving.

    I know it's hard, it's hard for me too, always try to hit your calorie goal but don't feel bad if you go a little over if it's something that is good for you, it's still better than downing a couple slices of pizza or chips.
  • sunshinekind919
    sunshinekind919 Posts: 51 Member
    I was looking at your diary and I think aiming to balance out your macronutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats) could help you. I noticed you were going over your fat allotment quite a bit (one of your biggest calorie expenditures was coconut manna) and not fulfilling your protein or your carbohydrates. Broccoli for instance is low in calories and high in good carbs and protein, so are peas. Cottage cheese and yogurt are good dairy items that would also boost your protein. I noticed you were eating a lot of nuts (which ARE good for you) but almonds will give you more of a protein bang for your buck.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    What shall I do? Yesterday's last meal was at 3:30 because I pretty much hit my calorie goal for the day. I didn't eat anything until 8 this morning and overate as a result. I'm currently on maintenance eating around 1580 daily, but today's a different story. I'm tempted to eat more because I screwed up already. The guilt is really starting to kick in. Any advice?

    Yes. Go for a walk. Offset already eaten calories with activity & earn more calories with additional activity.:drinker:
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Break out the sugar free gum and drink some water
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I did the same thing today, ended up having extra veggies and ice cream to fill me up and I ended up 300 over or something... but I'm still eating at a 400 calories deficit, so it's not a big deal. Now it's past dinner time and I'm not hungry though.

    I'll just say that 1580 is really low for maintenance though.
  • Bluemints1
    Bluemints1 Posts: 31 Member
    By the end of the day, i usually don't have enough calories left for teatime, so i got for a 40 minute walk, which earns me an extra 200+ calories :) or i do 15 minutes on my stationary bike ...

    Just work out how many calories you will need for dinner, and then do some form of exercise (doesn't even have to be hard, a walk will do) and for each bit of exercise you do, you are gaining more food allowance for dinner ;)
  • transientcanuck
    transientcanuck Posts: 82 Member
    I sometimes do this, but I am very guilty of not logging and giving up once I go over my limit. Whenever I go over, it's usually because I've consumed a lot of junk (re: empty calories) that have added up to my calorie allotment and I continue to find myself hungry and wanting to eat more.

    I find one thing that really helps me stay on track is trying to get the most out of my calories. By this I mean choosing foods that are likely to fill me up and keep me feeling satisfied for longer. Since I've upped my protein and fibre intake, this has really been working. Most days I finish around my goal and am not hungry.

    This is a very simple solution and you may already eat really well (I haven't looked at your diary or anything, sorry). But whether you already practice it or not, it's something good to keep in mind that may help prevent going over your calorie goal in the future.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    1. Log in advance
    2. Go for a run
    3. What is cocounut manna?