Need pointers! Long drive to//from work.

Hey all...I need help. I quit smoking 3 years ago and now eat in order to stay awake when driving....I sometimes sit in traffic 2-3 hours going home.....going to werk is fairly quick since no one is awake yet.:smile: I can't do carrots cause my teeth....I m gonna start doing celery at werk for the crunch....any ideas?


  • I like having a drink to sip on while I drive. I usually either get a non-fat cappuccino or a latte (no sugar).

    Do you eat the whole 2-3 hours like munchie food? or do you just need a meal while you drive?
  • I eat a bit of it. Otherwise I can start to fall asleep. I don't much time for sleep since I am running around h city between work kids parents and home. I work 45 miles from home. As I said.."the morning isn't too is on the way home. If I drink, then I have to use the washroom....there are two reststops that I can hit while on the expressway.
  • TashTag
    TashTag Posts: 109
    Ive been smoke free for 138 days :) I also used to smoke in the car... mmmm those were the best. Now on long trips I always have water in the car, in the mornings I take black coffee and in the afternoon its either seeds or nuts or sugar free gum.
  • brandnewsnickerpuss
    brandnewsnickerpuss Posts: 110 Member
    Sugar free gum is my driving trick.
  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    I have a similar length drive only 40miles to work, I have never smoked so don`t fully understand the need, however when I was pregnant, I used to need something on the way home, I used to keep a sweet lollipops in the car and just suck on them, it kept me alert and generally they aren`t high in cals. Also water is a good idea, another trick I got taught was to talk to yourselvess by observing what is going on around you, ie blue car moving lanes, sharp bend coming up etc (I don`t do this but its worth a try)
  • kmwmtd
    kmwmtd Posts: 6
    If you mean that the hardness of raw carrots prevents you from eating them, try boiled carrots. Opinion seems divided on whether or not cooked carrots are better for you anyway. As long as you don't boil them to death so that nothing is left, they are much easier to eat, and, in my opinion, much nicer - they become sweeter/less bitter.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    My car rides were the only time I smoked. But I quit a while ago.

    I've worked odd hours, and sometimes it was hard to be awake and alert (for instance, driving to work at 3am) So I downloaded my favorite songs and would sing and dance in the car. Kept me awake.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    My choice would probably be colored peppers cut into strips. They have a good strong flavor, have some crunch and will help get in your veggies.

    If you prefer sweet I'd suggest diced apples or grapes.
  • missemmibelle
    missemmibelle Posts: 100 Member
    I've got nothing.

    But 2-3 hours? That sucks!
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    I do sunflower seeds (the ball player in me) Also I like instead of music to do CD books or the occasional podcast.
  • rugrat1mi
    rugrat1mi Posts: 23 Member
    Are you getting enough sleep? I am not always good about getting the 7+ hours I need to feel alert the next day. I sometimes nap on my way in to the city, but I carpool and usually am not driving. On the days I drive myself, an audio book or a shot of caffeine helps keep me alert.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Torso dance! I saw a girl rockin' out in her car yesterday. Seemed fun!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I agree, audio books are an excellent way to pass the time during a long drive My commute is 45-60 minutes (could be double that in the winter when the roads are messy) and the time can really fly when I'm listening to an awesome book. Or find some really peppy music and crank it up. Check your local library for both - most will have CDs to lend or provide downloads for free or for a small fee.

    Chewing gum can help. I like having a mostly frozen bottle of water so I can only sip it as it melts and the cold is a nice jolt. Which reminds me - make sure you're not getting too warm in your car as that will make you sleepy. Open the windows now and then to get some fresh air, even if your AC is running.

    Maybe frozen grapes?