Help choosing Devices to count steps and cals (



  • peoplegreet1
    peoplegreet1 Posts: 69 Member
    My own story of the Fitbit is they are replacing mine and shipping one soon. The customer service department is outstanding I will buy another one because they are so handy. They are so worth the money!
  • enn_jay
    enn_jay Posts: 16
    Would de Fitbit Zip be effective if I'm doing at home workouts (ie 30DH, RI30, etc)? I just want something that helps me calculate how much I'm burning
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Would de Fitbit Zip be effective if I'm doing at home workouts (ie 30DH, RI30, etc)? I just want something that helps me calculate how much I'm burning

    If it's step based workouts - good chance it's close enough for just 30 min.

    If it's a bunch of bodyweight calisthenics where "steps" aren't really steps and have no bearing on how much you burn, then no.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Fitbit is superior to all the fitness stuff out there. There customer service is impressive and really good. I highly recommend the Fitbit for inspiration in getting fit.

    No it really isn't *shrug*
  • emily_lover_of_food
    I had the Nike Fuel Band, which I think was like $150 (it was a christmas present),a little more than the fit bit. It felt bulky and uncomfortable. The bracelet isn't flexible it's hard. When I used it back in January (2014) they had not come out with an app yet to sync it to an adroid, only iphone. But you could sync it to your computer. At that time it also wouldn't sync to MFP, but it would sync to another website but it wasn't as good as MFP.

    I ended up returning it because it was uncomfortable and I didn't feel that it was all that accurate because anytime I would move my arm it would count as a step. I have a desk job using a computer so I am constantly reaching for files, phone, printer etc. so I didn't like that it was so off. But it was still really motivating and got me up moving to reach my goal, so it wasn't totally bad. But I think I will be trying a fitbit eventually.
  • wellforlife_uk
    Fitbit and Fitbug are great options.
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    I have a fitbit zip, it's tiny! I also have a misfit shine to track my sleep, both I think are fine. Not convinced they are entirely accurate but they are getting me to move more because I like it when I hit my goal!