Starting over -- again


Yep -- I'm starting over again.

Two years ago, I responded to a thread here on MFP and posted my stats -- high weight, current weight, goal weight. In that two years, I've lost weight, and gained it back. Today, my stats are just about exactly the same as that post from over two years ago.

So I'm committing myself to this process again. I started today by logging in my foods, exercising this morning, keeping a journal & posting to my FB page that I created to document my journey. The only thing I missed was that I fell short on my water intake. I will be more diligent on that tomorrow.

I'm hoping that maybe if I lose a little of the excess weight, it might make me more attractive to potential employers. I've been out of work now for a few months and I need to get back to a full time position. I think that my weight gain & my disappointment in myself is translating poorly during my job interviews. Why would someone want to hire me when I feel like I don't deserve the position? I'm so down lately -- I'm really hoping this will steer me back on a positive course.

WIsh me luck!! I have a long journey ahead of me (I have about 70 pounds to lose), but we're all here for the same reasons -- hopefully we can help each other!

:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


  • jodis319
    jodis319 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm starting again too. I never reached my goal my last journey with MFP, but I lost about 40 lbs. I have gained about 20 lbs back in the last year, now my back hurts, I've been having stomach issues and I'm miserable. I just can't seem to get back on track. I'm hoping to start again and stock with it. Let's help each other reach our goals
  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    Best of luck your already making strong progress of not giving up. Just need to build on the habits that will keep you on track to your goal
  • cinebibliophile
    cinebibliophile Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you for your replies, jodis319 and 87DJones!!

    I've been on and off this roller coaster so many times, I had really wanted to be at my goal by this point and living a healthier life! :) I hope that each of you can reach your goals as well!

    I woke today a bit sore from yesterdays workout, but looking forward to another workout today! :) I'm taking that as a positive sign! :)
  • CupcakesMom2
    CupcakesMom2 Posts: 154 Member
    I have started over again sooo many times. My entire adult life I have been on a roller coaster weight wise. The important thing is that we are trying again! Success is picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and trying again. Every time we have not been successful we have learned from that and we will learn from our past mistakes moving forward!

    Good luck, you can do this!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I hear ya! I was on track last fall / winter - had lost nearly 20 lbs of my 100lb goal. Then I stopped doing what I'd been doing right and gained all but 8 lbs of that back. Here I am again. I know what to do, I know how to do it...I just need to stick with it.
  • hunter1025
    hunter1025 Posts: 281 Member
    I'm right there with you. We can do this.
  • BootCampC
    BootCampC Posts: 689 Member
    I am also starting over again.. 20lbs over where I started last time , so chipping at the fat .. keeping motivated and making progress an ounce at time! this works as long as you keep with it
  • Sweetiepiestef
    Sweetiepiestef Posts: 344 Member
    I am also back from Two years ago and weigh about 5 lbs more now then I did then which I guess isn't too terrible with all things considered but I would like to lose 40 lbs and I know you and I BOTH can do this! Lets stick with it this time! I know we can both get some confidence back and feel good about ourselves! GOOD LUCK!!! :)
  • BriMaiSD
    BriMaiSD Posts: 6 Member
    I think that this is a common road that we all find ourselves on. I am starting over - again for about the five hundredth time. :) Just know that you are worthy of a fantastic position that will utilize your gifts, no matter WHAT your weight! Your worth is not in your weight. Hang in there!
  • phil4v7
    phil4v7 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in a similar position. I lost nearly 75 pounds back in 2012 and since then gained it all back. I've been back on MFP nearly a month now and trying to lose it all again and ensure I keep it off this time. Feel free to add me if you're looking for MFP friends.
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    This seems like a common theme for many of us. I set a goal to lose 70 lbs. and started out strong. I lost 20 lbs. in 5 weeks, and then started slacking off. I've gained 5 lbs. back. I'm disappointed, but I'm not going to spend too much time beating myself up over it. It's a valuable lesson - I have to stay committed and focused. Tracking food and exercise is not my idea of "fun" but it's necessary. Here's to starting over! :)
  • GemmasNanna
    Right there with ya. I am starting over again today as well. I lost over 100 lbs in 2002/2003 and kept it off for about 5 years. Then the avalanche of life caught up with me along with a sluggish/dead thyroid and I woke up having gained back 50 of the 100 lbs. I am now 50 years old and in need of a lifestyle change. I moved from a part of the country where fresh fruit and veggies were abundant to a region where it is difficult to get good produce. With that in mind, we grew a garden this year and I am starting off with my own fresh veggies for the summer. I will have to come up with a plan for the winter. I also started swimming at a local senior center to get some movement in the muscles without killing my joints. It is difficult each time we start this journey but I know that there are those out there who have made the journey before me and it can be done. My goal right now is to journal my food and exercise regularly this week. That is about as far as I want to project right now. Once that week is done, on to the next week and maybe another goal. Small baby chunks. I am not going to look at the full 50 pounds that need to come off but can I swim 25 minutes tomorrow rather than the 22 minutes I made it today.
  • cinebibliophile
    cinebibliophile Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone!

    While I'm sort of glad that I'm not on this road alone, I also feel badly that so many of us are so up & down with our weight struggles!

    I made lifetime on Weight Watchers back in 2007 -- I wasn't wholly where I wanted to be, but I was much healthier than I am now.

    Last year, I ran 3 half marathons, as well as a few other races throughout the year, even at 180 - 200 pounds. My running times are higher than I'd like (my best time is a twelve minute mile pace), but at least I accomplished what I set out to do! :)

    I lost my job in October of last year when the non profit I worked for went under. I started emotionally eating and just became depressed ..... I was hired at a new job in January and thought it was the next step in my career -- I could see myself being at this place for years. They let me go after three months. I'm still not 100% sure why, but I have my suspicions. Either way, I've been out of work now for three months straight and I'm going crazy. I have been eating too much and have been much too sedentary.

    I have a half marathon coming up in three months and I need to get my training back on track or I'll never finish it!

    This girl appreciates all of the support and help that these boards provide, and I hope that I can give that back in some way!!
  • hawaiiandream
    hawaiiandream Posts: 43 Member
    I started over again too.. Not the first or second, but many times. I feel this may be different this time, but time will tell. I have never been successful, at least you know you can do this!
  • ErikaHope203
    ErikaHope203 Posts: 113 Member
    I've recently started over again after I was continuously gaining weight and began to feel disgusted with myself. I began walking and doing dvd's at home (but I know I have been slacking with the exercise recently). It's sometimes difficult to stay focused with everything else that life brings, but I am determined to lose this weight and feel healthier and better about myself. It's great to have others here for support who are trying to get back on track as well!! :)
  • Mzlynett
    Mzlynett Posts: 3
    Lynett here starting over again & again. I have been on this weight journey since 2011, I was tipping the scales at 320 lbs. I now weigh 263.2, lost 4.2 kbs last week. I am trying not to rush myself, but take my time. Seems like I try to lose weight by a certain time frame I get discouraged. So now I am setting smaller increments. I need encouragement.
  • tbrooks226
    I am also starting over again was down about 30 pounds this time last year and gained it all back. My goal today is beginning a healthier lifestyle and not so much focusing on the pounds. I think the pounds will come as I have a long journey ahead of me and would like to make becoming healthy a permanent lifestyle change.
  • kjstaley70
    kjstaley70 Posts: 15 Member
    I can relate as so many of us can. Up and down on a roller coaster of the weight battle. I will say that I stopped wanting to get on a scale and committed to the way my clothing felt. After so many years of being 200+ I set a goal to keep my weight under 180. I too am in better physical condition than twenty years ago when I was smaller. I have run 5k's and climbed 52 flights of stairs for charity. Just don't give up. That is the main thing here that we don't give up and quit! You can do it and when you feel good about yourself good things will happen! :-)
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    I've had so many setbacks since 2006. Lost 60, gained some back. Got down to 210, back up to 250. Down to 200, back to 220. and on and on and on.

    No matter how many plateaus or setbacks or disappointing weigh-ins, perseverance and never giving up is what makes the difference. No matter how long your off your program, as long as you come back to the table you can always recapture lost progress.

    I'm down 120 total but it's been a long road. I got down to 184 and now I'm back up to 198. But I'm finally getting off Seroquel now and being on that this entire time has made it damn, damn hard to lose weight and keep it off.

    Congratulations on coming back. Don't get discouraged if you hit a snag, it happens. As long as you come back to MFP and keep logging and keep holding yourself accountable, hiccups and setbacks are part of the process. You don't have to beat yourself up over a bad day, bad week or month. I've nearly had entire bad years. But I always kept logging and kept recommitting. And I know I'd be right where I started in 2006 at 318 lbs if I hadn't kept at it.

    We have a wonderful resource in MFP and the community here is great. We can do this!
  • tmichelleduncan6
    tmichelleduncan6 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm starting over again as well! But today is day 2 of my 90 day challenge and I am feeling more committed than ever. I have about 70 pounds to lose and I hope that we can all keep one another encouraged!