Losing Weight to Get Pregnant

Hello there,

My husband and I have been married for almost two years. We're both mid-thirties and feel very called to be parents. We had planned on starting that journey this Summer. However, my doctor has told me that I need to lose at least 30 pounds before we can start trying. That was back in April and I feel like I just keep sabotaging myself. We want children so badly, but the fact that it's ME that we're waiting on puts a little pressure on me. In turn, I then get down on myself and eat.

I know that overweight people have babies all the time. However, I've got thyroid issues, am already high risk due to my age, and being over 200 pounds doesn't bode well.

Just looking for some support and to see if anyone else out there has experienced the same thing.

Thank you!


  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Just keep trying to be active in your day to day life. If where you're going is within walking distance, then don't drive. Swim at the lake, when you're picking up some groceries make a game into it; see how fast you can get everything on your list with no or little stopping. Every drop fills the glass of water, and it's very true with fitness.
  • BriMaiSD
    BriMaiSD Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you. :)

    I forgot to mention that this is a battle I have fought for a long long time. I've started over many times and know how it all works. :wink: Just a little bummed that it's gotten so bad that it's getting in the way of starting a family.
  • p00ki3nb00
    p00ki3nb00 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, I was in the same boat, I'm in my Mid 30's as well. I had tried for several years to have children and have been able to do to my weight and Thyroid issues as well. I gave up, but now being down over 100#'s I feel I'm ready to try. It was a long journey, but if you want something so bad you will push through. Don't give up!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,950 Member
    Try talking to your husband and maybe he will help! Even if you feel pressured, if he's helping you with planning and motivation and cooking, it could really reduce your stress. Plus you get quality time and closeness with him :)
  • akdetweiler
    akdetweiler Posts: 38 Member
    I was not overweight when I got pregnant at 36; but I was not healthy either. I was soft, not exercising and not eating well. I gained 50 lbs during my pregnancy (i'm 5' tall) and it has taken two and a half years to get that weight off. THE biggest thing I regret was NOT getting in shape before I got pregnant, especially at my age. It is SO HARD to get your body back given all the demands on your time once the baby comes. It may seem like a huge battle now, especially when you are so eager to start a family, but you will absolutely be better off in the long run if you can make these lifestyle changes now. The getting pregnant and being pregnant part is only a blip in time -- you need to be a healthy, strong example for your child for the future. That's what I have kept telling myself over and over again the last two years and it has helped tremendously.

    Good luck to you, please feel free to FR me :)
  • BriMaiSD
    BriMaiSD Posts: 6 Member
    VeryKatie, thank you. Yes, he's on board and tries to help. He struggles with his weight as well. We've recently had a discussion about needing him to call me out on things more.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    My situation isn't mirror to yours., but I am trying to be at a better weight for our second child. I'm in my later 20's and I would like to lose a little more weight to be healthier for when I do get pregnant again. As of now we are on hold due to my husbands military career and training which is sorta nice bc I can lose some weight slowly and not feel rushed.

    Feel free to add if you like. I'm on each day!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I was 36 and trying to get pregnant with other issues too - except thyroid. I have PCO, a blocked tube, natural killer cells and other things that all make it difficult to get pregnant and stay pregnant. My doctor didn't make me lose weight to go through a cycle.

    However - there are things you can do to lose weight, and I know what it's like to feel that pressure. (We do now have two beautiful daughters. Two cycles, two girls.)

    Best things I can suggest for losing weight include:
    1 - focus on lean quality protein and fiber. the fats/carbs will take care of themselves. A bariatric dietician told me that and I've found it to be pretty true.
    2 - get a fitbit. There's a chart on the website that shows calories in vs calories out. As long as you burn more than you consume, you will lose weight.
    3 - water water water water water...did I say water?

    Good luck!
  • BrittanyMG3
    BrittanyMG3 Posts: 163 Member
    I am 26 but I struggled with infertility and failed pregnancies for years, it was devastating. I also was in the 200lb range. I got extremely lucky and after losing small amounts of weight right before, I some how got pregnant with 3 perfect children(single pregnancies). :happy: doctors aren't even sure how I did it, they said I have pcos and had some thyroid trouble at the time..nothing was in my favor at the time. My pregnancies were very difficult and high risk because of my weight (I'm only 5'1) but since the birth of my 5 month old daughter, I have lost 70lbs. I only wish I had focused on losing my weight sooner because my size made for very scary pregnancy health scares.. I was lucky that they are completely healthy and full term! You are absolutely making the right choice to focus on becoming healthier! best of luck to you! :happy: It's a very difficult road to travel but you will get there!:smile: Nothing better for motivation than a sweet little bundle of joy :wink: :smile: you can always add me if you'd like
  • kpierson1987
    kpierson1987 Posts: 33 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend! We had our first and I started a little over two hundred. I only took two months of trying. However, now 9 months later we are talking about trying again and I feel my weight has been what was holding me back. I understand how stressful it is to think that you are the one that is sabotaging your chance at a family. I have to put those feelings aside and just kick myself in the but and do what I need to do. It helps me keep motivated when I look at it and realize I am not doing this just for the baby, I wanna feel better about myself too in general, pregnant or not. I havent gone to the doctor about it yet, but I feel I am on the verge of thyroid issues and other possible complications. So, I decided I wouldn't try to get pregnant anymore right now. I will just work on me and when I am healthy enough to support a baby inside me I will try again. Its emotional and stressful. I know. But we just gotta stay positive and look to the greater good out of it.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member

    Why has the doctor said you cannot start trying until you lose 30lbs? I understand that being overweight has some additional risks but I've not heard them say don;t even try before. I weigh about the same as you (I think, from your ticker) and my doctor told me that my weight might be hindering me getting pregnant but to keep trying and just eat healthy.

    We have been trying the past 2 years and its been hell. I've not stuck to healthy eating because my heart hurt too much every month I was not pregnant, and I filled the hole with chocolates and cake. Not a good plan i know!

    But 2 weeks ago I finally got my Big Fat Positive, and the change in me has been amazing. Not a single piece of cake! When its for the good of baby no will power is needed LOL.

    I really really feel for you. And I can understand why trying to lose this weight is SO difficult right now. MAybe it would be good to seek a second opinion. You could eat healthy and try at the same time, and by the time it happens (usually takes several months even for super fertile people!) you may well have lost the weight anyway

  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Perhaps you don't feel ready to lose weight or even have a child. When people are fully committed they just do it.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    As harsh as this may sound, the only person able to make you lose weight is yourself, and frankly, if you want a baby badly enough, you'll buckle down and lose the weight. It all boils down to how hard you'll work for what you want.

    To help you stay on track, why not try pasting pictures of cute babies over the pantry and refrigerator doors, so when you feel like snacking, you'll be more motivated to make it a healthy, low-cal snack? Imagine that baby snuggling in your arms--all yours!--and the urge to make poor food choices should feel much easier to ignore.