24 yr old struggling

Hello! I've been on MFP for a while, but I didn't start really utilizing it until a few weeks ago. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. The last time I was at what I would consider a healthy weight, I was probably around seven years old. I've tried so many things, many of them damaging and unhealthy, but recently I've started eating well and working out, thanks to mfp and a few friends I've met since moving to florida. I was doing well for a while, but became discouraged. I started feeling like a bit of a failure. I find it hard to keep up the motivation I need to lose the weight I want to lose, which is about 100 pounds. It's such a daunting number and I'm scared of not making my goal that there are times when I can't bare to try. If anyone else having motivation problems would like to add me as a friend, I would appreciate having a support group, as I don't really have one at home.


  • DanceswithWow
    Hey Princess Kitty

    sounds like your in an emotional rut..

    If I can be of help you can use me as a resource.. 100 pounds is a number that would be a mountain..

    Would you be inclined to revamp your thoughts and start with 10lbs?
    Starting with end goal with out a strong strategy is a big pile of manure to shovel..

    Do you know your protein number.(?). this info makes it easy to know your portion size.
    How about measuring your replenishment index (Rpndx%). This detail is key to keep you motivated as it provides feed back on the number of food energy misses that occurred during the week

    Have you created a food energy plan..? This you do in advance of a diary or instead of one as it will filter out the days before they become days you loose control of your food energy needs..

    Just thought if you had new ways of doing the same old thing..

    restarting would not be so daunting..

    would like it if you Friend me..

    I can help you with staying motivated..Really..
    I can really help create a stable way to make sure you stay on track..

    I help people just like you discover indomitable life force :smile:
  • stephy0605
    stephy0605 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Princess Kitty,

    First, take a deep breath and know that everything is going to be okay. I have been where you are. When I started my journey I was weighing in at 330 lbs and now I weigh 230 lbs. Reaching the goal of losing 100 lbs is COMPLETELY do able.

    Some keys that I found very helpful:
    1.) Break the goal into smaller individual goals.
    I did increments of 5-10 in a month, but the key is smaller obtainable goals.

    2.) Announce your goals out loud.
    Tell someone you trust to keep you accountable. I have used friends, family, and even Facebook.

    3.) Celebrate reaching these goals.
    CELEBRATE EVERY SINGLE GOAL REACHED!! This is important. Each goal is a milestone and deserves to be celebrated. You work hard and deserve it no matter what the size of the goal. Buy you a new outfit, new shoes, jewelry, etc. Whatever makes you happy and that you absolutely love.

    4.) Record everything you eat.
    This will come in handy if you hit a plateau and don't know where to look. Recording everything helps you stay accountable to your goals, makes it easier to see where you need to change things up, or even if you are eating like you should

    5.) Reach out for help.
    Any time that you feel stuck or need to vent reach out to the My Fitness Pal community. Everyone here is a great support to everyone. Plus there is always someone who has been in almost the same situation. Utilize this community.

    6.) Do this journey for you.
    Just as this says..Do it for you. Its great to have other people to lose weight for, but ultimately you have to do this for you. If you aren't happy, then you won't stick to it. Keep yourself first.

    I hope this helps you. Please feel free to add me and utilize me as a supporter. You can do this. Just take baby steps because it all adds up in the end.
  • HellyFaye
    HellyFaye Posts: 202 Member
    1) Feel free to add me. A support system really helps on days where you feel like this journey is never going to end. I sometimes am the Queen of beating myself up. I hate it. It gets easier when you realize you're not alone.
    2) Break that big goal into smaller goals. Keep track of your goals, but don't let them overwhelm you. Remember to keep your focus on the beauty of the trees and not the entire forest.
    3) Keep a food diary. Be honest with your diary. You can lie to EVERYONE except your body. Unfortunately, you can't.
    4) Invest in a food scale and some measuring cups. Learn how to read nutrition lables. Make sure you're getting 21 grams of fiver a day. Fiber and protein are what keeps you full.
    5) Learn to do some self care. Take care of yourself. Love yourself. By loving and treating yourself right, earing well and getting regular exercise will become easier.

    I wish you luck. :)
  • Darton2010
    Darton2010 Posts: 137 Member
    Very well said, I am on the same jurney of loosing 100+ pounds. I have my own motivation that may not work for everyone, mine was a picture of my future, I see myself with a loving, beautiful Christian wife with a few healthy kids running around the house. Right now the only obtainable part of my picture is the house, but im well on my journey to a better life, and one I want to have vs what I have to settle for due to my weight, im 23 years old and have observed that nothing gets easier later in life, I guess I am scared if it doesnt happen now I will die a lonely man deprived of his dream for what a bowl of pasta and hotdogs. That style of eating is out and the new is in until I can make that picture in my head a reality.
  • Cathage
    Cathage Posts: 8
    Hey! Proud of you for trying and I hope you find the motivation you need!

    I saw the advice to break your goal up into smaller chunks and I think thats really great!
    My sister has lost around 70 lbs in the last couple years and I know that thinking about a big number was really stressful for her. But the fact is that every 10 lbs a) she felt better b) we all noticed a difference in her appearance. So never feel like "Oh only 5 lbs, 95 to go, kill me" think "awesome I'm 5 lbs healthier/hotter:) Every lbs is an accomplishment, don't think about the end goal as much. The great thing about getting in shape is that every little goal makes you look and feel better its not something that you only get pay out at the end goal.

    You can do this! Stay in touch and let us all know how you are doing!

    Oh and on a personal note don't look at fitness/fashion model. I know some people find that encouraging but at least in my experience it is not, its like focussing on the big goal. Instead get to know your own body and to love the little changes you are seeing. Comparing yourself to others isn't very healthy for the mind or body in my opinion.