When friends offer sweets.

I love my friends and family to death, but they ask you or tease you if you wanna slice of cheesecake, cake, and/or other goods it feels like lack the support for you and it's annoying. They know better to ask you. :explode:


  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I love my friends and family to death, but they ask you or tease you if you wanna slice of cheesecake, cake, and/or other goods it feels like lack the support for you and it's annoying. They know better to ask you. :explode:
    Next time they try to co-erce you into eating stuff you are trying to avoid, just ask them why they keep trying to get you to break your new eating habits.

    Sod their teasing, you can't stop them doing that, but you have full and complete control as to what you put into your mouth.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I find that a sweet smile with a "No thank you, I didn't get this girlish figure eating those things!" diffuses the situation... especially since I DID get my not-so-girlish figure by doing just that, eating things that aren't good for me!
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    My mom does that. She'll sit right next to me (pratically in my lap) with a huge slice of pie or a meal from McDonald's then offer me half of whatever she's eating.
    She says I'm being a diva when I ask her why she keeps offering to give me food. Evil.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    P.S. I find nothing wrong with someone offering ONCE. That puts the decision, and the control, with me. What drives me NUTS is when someone sits down with a piece of something and says "you're on a diet, you can't have this".
  • LadyBarb
    LadyBarb Posts: 116
    Treat it like a drug, just say no! Coming from a former sugar addict.. lol
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Frustrating. My hubby does that every once in a while, he'll bring home something he knows I like every once in a while. He used to bring me treats all the time so its a habit to break. Sometimes I flat out refuse and remind him its not good for me. Sometimes I have a taste or build a serving into my daily count. Makes him feel appreciated and its nice to treat self once in a while.

    Family and friends I tell thanks but no thanks. I don't get upset. Temptation is everywwhere- at thee store, vending aat wwork, even commercials maake me start thinking about making bad choices. No matter how or by whom it gets put in your face, up to you to make a good choice for you.
  • minervasp73
    It's definitely kosher to call them on their bad behaviour. Constantly offering you treats is their way to stop you from getting healthy. I've read a lot about sabotage and you can stop it dead by asking them why they want you to fail.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Too funny, a guy at work just offered me an espresso with whipped cream and such on it.. I just said no thanks, I want to eat diner tonight. ahhaha
    I get offered alot of stuff that I don't want to waste my calories on. I've even thrown away partially eaten things that just weren't as good as I thought they would be. I save my calories for things I will enjoy and that will fill me up.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I say, 'I dont want it' to them, they seem to get the message quick enough, rather than saying 'I cant have' as people will play on the 'cant have' and 'forbidden fruit' thing
  • jennigriff
    P.S. I find nothing wrong with someone offering ONCE. That puts the decision, and the control, with me. What drives me NUTS is when someone sits down with a piece of something and says "you're on a diet, you can't have this".

    What is worse is when they put it right under your nose so you can smell it and say "oooo it smells so goooood, sure you don't want it"??? Or the ever popular "you are allowed to sin every now and again". grrrrrrr
  • barberella
    No doubt. I battle with this every day. A super skinny girl in my office offers to get me lunch which is usually McDonalds or Taco Bell. She knows I bring my own lunch and work out on my break. She also is very aware of how i feel about such food. I have basically written off any fast food, but it's been and continues to be a struggle (hence why I have gained so much weight). But she is not the only one around me that offer "bad" food.
    I try to inform all my close friends that I either go out with a lot or see a lot that I'm trying to change how I eat and live. That doesn't stop 'em. WHat I find is that they feel guility because they feel should be watching what they eat as well, and see me doing it. I think this is why they always offer up excuses (when not asked, mind you) why they don't exercise or eat more consciously. I guess you can just keep sticking to your guns, and without thinking about sweets and other "forbidden" foods, just quickly turn it down, instead of dwelling on how good that slice of cheesecake may taste!
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    If you're doing something healthy, they may find this threatening. Sad as it is, some people in our lives have gotten used to us being heavy, and it's comfortable for them. Also, if they are heavy, and YOU are trying to change your weight, they may want to sabatoge you. If you stay heavy, then they can stay heavy too. It's a sad, vicious cycle. Just keep saying no thank you. Keep your goal in mind. If they persist, tell them, honestly, to back off because you're not going to change your mind. I often have to say, "I know what works for me, and I know what I'm doing. This is MY body. No one, not even you, knows what's best for me. If I eat this, even a little, it is extra calories I don't need, and it will derail me. I've worked too hard to have to start over. So please, stop." It's direct and not rude, and it gets the point across.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    My mom does that. She'll sit right next to me (pratically in my lap) with a huge slice of pie or a meal from McDonald's then offer me half of whatever she's eating.
    She says I'm being a diva when I ask her why she keeps offering to give me food. Evil.

    Girl, that's just mean. You keep on keeping on. You're not being a diva - you're being true to you.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    When people say that I can't have something, I just say I can eat whatever I want. I just choose to not eat things that will force me to spend all night at the gym! Well, unless I want pizza.. then bring on the gym! hahaha
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    I think a simple ' no thanks, i'd rather not" of sorts works too. As long as you are not saying NO and judging THEM for eating it you should be fine, most people wont be offended by the turn down. I agree with a few posters, once is an offer, 2-3 times they are just pushing you,...whether that is to see if they are the ones who can break you..or what not! What matters are your choices... :)

    I actually had something like this happen at work today. I woke up late and Barely had time to grab breakfast, but i grabbed cottage cheese and graped, called it good. I knew lunch would be a challenge however. Some girls ( the girls i usually eat lunch with) asked if i brought my lunch they were going to wendys...I said, well let me look some stuff up and see if its an option...after checking stuff out i just didnt feel right about trying to make a 400 calorie fatty meal "work" in a pinch...so i politely repled back with " Thanks for the offer, but ive been doing so good this week with my calories and exercize i dont want to tempt myself- when you get back we'll chat like usual tho k".......funny, because after reading it...2 of the other girls decided they didnt want wendys either- anyway LONG Story short (sorry)...we opted for jimmy johns TOGETHER...where i could get a meal for under 1 gram of fat..etc...

    Point of my story : some will try to ruin your work, others will go along and help you along the way!!! :)
  • tracybarnes
    I'm with Mommyheaven. It's assertive to say "No thanks! I don't eat such sugary foods. I'm looking after myself!" which usually makes them feel a little guilty for trying to put you off your good work.

    I agree that people get a little jealous when they see you doing well even if they are lucky enough to be slim. People don't pass comment that slim people remain slim, they will tell YOU how good YOU look!! You are getting the attention and recognition - enjoy it!

    Its all about feeling fab and receiving those little praises that secretly mean SO much!!