Struggling with increasing food consumption with depression.

So i am 21 years old male. Have been depressed awhile. I have few friends and have decided to focus on workingout and eating right food and right amounts. But i sm struggling to increase from what i am used to eat (About 1000-1250 kcal) when i am suppose to eat sbout 2800 kcal (50% Carb, 30% Protein, 20% Fat) i am 172cm and about 75-78kilos. I workout with a personal trainer 3 days a week. Core, and weights. Compound i think ita called. My pt also told me
I should jog 15 minutes 3 times a week. And also worky
Abs 2 times a week outside the gym i love food. So eating its never uncomfertable. I just feel hungy like 3 times a day. I should eat 6 meals including snacks

I need advice! Because i am losing bodyfat really fast. I am afraid i am going to lose too much! Including muscles..

I need advice please!

All help and advice appriciated!

Sorry for bad english. I am


  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Go to the Scooby calculator and plug your stats in. Take records. Eat your exercise calories back.
  • KatiePapaya
    Could you increase the caloric value of what you eat? That way you wouldn't feel too overwhelmed or technically be eating MORE, but you'd be increasing your intake? E.g. Full fat dairy, peanut butter on toast etc. It might be easier to drink calories too...? A banana smoothie made with yogurt, peanut butter and milk can easily add 300-400 without filling you up too much. Hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    One of the things about depression is that it kills your motivation. A lot of people think that depression just = sadness, which is sometimes true but not always. For a lot of people, being depressed primarily means you just feel flat, like you've lost your ability to want or care about things. This aspect of depression makes changing your behavior really difficult, because you lack the motivation to do anything different.

    Having said that, if you wait around until you want to eat 2800 calories, it's never going to happen. (Under-eating and lack of appetite can be symptoms of depression, btw). You're literally just going to have to make yourself eat at your surplus, whether or not you want to.

    The good news is that your appetite will probably adjust, and fairly quickly, but you need to eat more first and wait for your appetite to catch up. Give it a week or two at a higher intake and see if you start to be appropriately hungry.

    Going from 1250 to 2800 is going to be a challenge. You're probably going to have to eat things that have higher calories, and also eat more often. Do you like eating really big meals, or would it be better for you to eat more often? You can fairly easily add 400-calorie snacks in between your meals, and also after dinner. Ice cream, assuming you like it, is your new best friend.
  • syliatach
    syliatach Posts: 5
    People often say you cannot get strong or healthy if you're depressed. I think exercise and diet are a tools to boost your self esteem. Getting in shape helped me a lot, it literally saved me from my eating disorder. I think you are on the right path, just keep going and try to eat more ( even if you have to eat spoonfuls of peanut butter to get enough calories in). I think you should increase your calories each week until you reach your goal. Good luck
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    First, please see your doctor to find out if your depression is only depression.

    Depression might be a symptom of a medical problem, for example thyroid disease, or adrenal insufficiency.

    You can also ask your doctor about your diet questions.

    Your doctor can also determine if your depression needs medicine or if it is mild and does not need medicine.

    Depression can also be a symptom of overtraining. Or it can be a symptom of starvation.

    Maybe eating more calories will help you feel better.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    First, please see your doctor to find out if your depression is only depression.

    Depression might be a symptom of a medical problem, for example thyroid disease, or adrenal insufficiency.

    You can also ask your doctor about your diet questions.

    Your doctor can also determine if your depression needs medicine or if it is mild and does not need medicine.

    Depression can also be a symptom of overtraining. Or it can be a symptom of starvation.

    Maybe eating more calories will help you feel better.

    ^^ This. Definitely start including more healthy fats in your diet. That'll up your calorie intake with minimal volume. Low fat intake is correlated to depression as well.

    While you're at it, might want to check that you're getting sufficient vitamins and minerals. With that low an intake, if you aren't carefully balancing your diet you are probably deficient in something. Some of those vitamins and minerals can contribute to depression as well.
  • errorist
    errorist Posts: 142 Member
    If you're struggling to eat enough food to cover your daily needs, jogging sounds unwise to me, at least for the time being, unless it is really something you want to do, or if you need to increase your stamina for some reason.

    My advice is to plan your food out for the week. Enjoy preparing your food in the evening for the next day. Prepare lots of small meals, and set an alarm to eat them. Eat eggs, oats, rice, nuts, grilled chicken, white fish, oily fish, veg, fruit, houmous, protein shakes, yoghurt etc. My diary is open and there's a lot of stuff in there. Find herb mixtures, marinades and pastes to flavour your food.

    Enjoy your food. Food makes you bigger, exercise makes you stronger, and bigger and stronger people, in my opinion, get more out of life. If you look nice, people find it easier to talk to you. It's a bit tragic, but it is true in my experience. Perhaps just because you feel better about yourself if you like the way you look.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Is your weights programme progressive - like is it a heavier weight every workout or every week? If not, try it out - eating more calories will help you lift much heavier and its a great feeling seeing those plates go up.
  • healthyhappywarrior
    I struggled gaining weight for awhile too. I have also been living with depression for awhile. What I found helpful was to slowly increase my portions and caloric intake. That way i never felt too overwhelmed. Eventually, you'll also find you're hungrier because your metabolism will speed up! Then keep increasing. Exercise is great for depression too
  • arfuss
    arfuss Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks for so much help snd guidance! I used to be 100kilos at the age of 15. I was depressed bevause i got medicated for sdhd with wrong medication. I bemive i can get out of depression by myself eithout s doctor, or medicstion.. I dont want those chemicals in my body.

    I tey to eat much.. But i dont feel motivated.. But i know i need to est to surive. Really just look at food as neutrition not something to "enjoy"

    Is it okay to use dressings, marinades and stuff?

    Should i eat whole avocados and take a spoon of extra virgin olive oil to get enough fat?

    I calculated i meed 350gram carbs, 210gram protein 63gram fat (2850kcal)
  • lilredred1956
    lilredred1956 Posts: 10 Member
    I agree with you about depression sometime making not want to eat. When I am real bad off I can't make myself eat it all gets bung in my throat . Thank goodness it hasn't happened in along time . Now I am fat because I LOVE TO EAT . I quit smoking, have thyroid trouble and I am 58 . All that adds up to a 40 lab weight increase in 10 yrs. I am finally tired of looking like a webble am I doing something about it. It's not been too bad . I am just doing it really slow . I am only 4'10 and weighted 145. I hope I can keep this up