Fitbit Flex Vs Jawbone - Pros and Cons?

Does anyone use these devices? I am looking at getting on and can't choose. Anyone with experiences with these devices able to give an insight on the pros and cons of the device they use/have used?



  • handyandy9x
    handyandy9x Posts: 93 Member
    I've got a Flex, but if I was buying now I would go for the Garmin Vivofit as it is also a HRM.
  • I use to wear the fitbit but It stopped syncing with my Iphone. Fitbit replaced the device but I sold it on Ebay.
  • SinCityFit
    SinCityFit Posts: 96
    Get the Garmin Vivofit. Pairs up with a HR monitor. No altimeter like the Fitbit (no credit for going up stairs) but wins out in my opinion because of the HR linking. The Polar Loop is the only other one that links to HR but I tested it out and it dropped out constantly, no issues with the Vivofit. The purple one is available at eBay for $110 shipped pretty often if not right now.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Here's a good review of the Vivofit.

    It's cool how it reads the HRM strap. My beefs with it would be its size and ugliness (but I'm a woman), the need to press a button to synch, no MFP integration or food logging tools and that it costs as much as a tracker plus HRM would separately ($170). The reviewer says the web site is a mess but I imagine they'll fix that stuff, if they haven't already.

    I'd be really careful buying items like this from Ebay. A lot of trackers don't work right out of the box and if it's not from an authorized retailer, the company usually offers no warranty protection.