Success but just not excited?

So Wednesdays are my weigh-in days. Today I hit the scale, and I've lost another 2.2 lbs..more importantly to me (usually), I've finally broken into the 200s. This was a GIANT goal for me when I started a few months ago.

Problem is, I have so much going on right now. I dumped my boyfriend a few weeks ago and even though I was the one that ended it, I still feel this profound sense of loss/grief. But I've been putting that energy into focus for my health.

However, this week has been madness. I live in New Brunswick Canada, and my area was hit very hard with hurricane arthur this past weekend. I have been without power or water since saturday morning, and it's not expected back until at least tomorrow night. My days have consisted of getting up early, going somewhere to shower (community centers/red cross shelters that have been set up etc), trying to find ice, coming home, repacking fridge/freezer food into coolers with fresh ice, going to work (where at least I have phone, internet connection etc--where I'm at right now), then after work going to fire station to get drinking water and water to flush toilets (I'm on a private no electricity = no water), going home, exhausted, eating hardly anything, and when I do, it's not healthy because stores have been closed with no access to proper food etc.

I know it's not a big deal in the scheme of it all, and it's still what I'd consider first world problems, but it's a big deal in my little world. It's a lot for a person to deal with on their own, and while I've been trying to be very positive and keep things in perspective, it's reaching a limit.

So just wondering, have you faced a time in your journey where you have what should be wonderful moments of success but just aren't excited or can't seem to get your head to focus on that as a positive thing? And what did you do? It's strange...when I weighed myself this morning and realized I was down even though I've been eating so unhealthy and that I'd broken the 300s---i just didn't care! And because I've not been tracking etc I felt like it wasn't a 'real' victory anyway. And that's just not me, as I've been revelling in every moment of success so far in my journey. I feel like I'm letting negative energy take over, even though I know better.


  • CABasile
    CABasile Posts: 55 Member
    It sounds like your mind is focused on much more pressing matters--like getting drinking water! You are probably just tired from the stress of the hurricane and its effects. I go through periods where the loss is just a number on the chart, too, especially if there are a lot of other things going on. Don't worry--your excitement will return after the other stresses are over. Congrats on reaching a milestone!
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I can kind of relate. When I hit my goal I didn't have really anything stressful in my life but I just didn't really believe it. I always weigh myself every day and when I hit my goal I looked at it and thought it was just a low day. I wanted to be excited about it but I wasn't. I weighed myself again the next day and it was the same but I still couldn't get excited. I just kept convincing myself that I had just lost a lot of water weight and it would go up again soon. It took me almost a week to finally log my weight in. That's when I started feeling happier about it.

    With as much as you have going on in your life, you may just be having a hard time accepting the fact that you are where you've wanted to be. Give it time. You have made great progress, sometimes our brains just don't catch on right away. I hope you get power back soon!!
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    You are very much in survival mode. Just keep positive, things will get back to normal and you will fully appreciate what you have come through and how much stronger a person you will be.

    That is when you will feel the elation of your accomplishment.

    BTW: I live in South Florida and have been through two Category II hurricanes in two weeks, I know exactly what you are going through. Hope you life gets back to normal really soon.:flowerforyou:
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I was getting close to hitting the 100 pounds lost mark, was looking forward to it so much. Had a reward all ready for myself. Then I had to have emergency surgery...ended up hitting that mark while in the hospital. Not really somewhere I wanted to be to celebrate that mark, but oh well. I moved on and set a new goal. My problem wasn't as difficult as wheat you are going through, just not how I thought I would feel when I hit that mark.
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    Oh honey! We've all been there in some capacity I'm sure!

    For instance on the 7th of last month I found out my boyfriend who i lived with cheated on me.. all last month consisted of was trying to find a home... get everything i need to make my new place a home... scheduling cable men moving vans deliveries etc.

    Once that was done and it took nearly 2.5 weeks I was putting things away and at this point I am finally settled. during this time I wasn't home much (the one with him) as it just wasn't a place I wanted to be. I wasn't eating right... when I was eating at all due to heartache and stress. But i promise.. if you push through... and stay focused.. that excitement will come back! Good Luck! And you're doing amazing!