54 yr old - First Day - First Post

I started dieting when I was 12 years old. Yes, I've been dieting for 42 years now; totally depressing!

I read about this site in a book. When I created my account I discovered that I should be eating 1200 calories a day. No wonder I weigh twice what I should! I'm eating twice the calories and many times I've eaten multiple times that!

Today, my first day here, I actually feel optimistic about simply counting calories for a change. Sticking to my daily 1200 calorie allotment will be my only goal for now. I'll take this one step at a time and see where it takes me. I look forward to being in the trenches with the rest of you.

Let's do this!


  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    You don't necessarily have to eat 1200 calories to be successful. MFP sets that as your calorie goal when you say you want to lose 2 pounds per week. You can certainly eat more and still lose, as long as you are mindful of what you eat.
  • 2dare2dream
    2dare2dream Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome on board sweety, so glad you found us. I like you are someone who has been overweight since a child. I started my journey last june 2013 and then found MFP in october. Please feel free to add me for some support. I am all the way over the big pond in Scotland uk but i can still offer a few words of encouragement or kick your butt if you need it lol.

    Wishing you a successful journey here with us on MFP
  • KatieTJS
    KatieTJS Posts: 12
    Really? Do you mean with exercise I could eat more and lose more?

    At my age I would be happy with 2 pounds. I'm so diet weary. I just don't know where to turn or what to do anymore.

    Thanks for your reply!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I will second that. Don't put two pounds a week as your goal. I'm older than you and pretty small and I eat more than 1200 calories. Moderate, sustainable changes are more likely to work over the long haul.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Check this link out, it will help you get started.


    Add me az a friend if you like.

  • OregonGal1964
    I have been on here less than two weeks, have 100 plus lbs to lose, and log daily... feel free to add me.... anyone on here feel free to add me... can't ever have /give too much support:)
  • WowWowWanda
    WowWowWanda Posts: 12 Member
    I am starting again about now as well. The only time I have had much success was when I was faithful to journal (log) everything even when I cheated... so here goes again except with the help of MFP... So I will quote from your post, "Lets do this!"! Best wishes to us both!
  • KatieTJS
    KatieTJS Posts: 12
    Thank you Everyone!

    Very kind of you!

    What does it mean to "add as a friend" or for support?
  • carebearrum
    carebearrum Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there! First off, I have to say I understand the diet issue. As I'm a large woman now, partially because of my meds and the other part is my eating habits I've been an emotional and over eater since I was 12 when I hit puberty. I've struggled with 'diets' and all and found that they never work because the will power was not there, I was not 'ready' to quit ***** footing around and do it. Then In June I found this site and then I started tracking everything. Which has been a god sent as I've lost 10.8 lbs since May, but I think i was more weight then because I don't have a scale at home I weigh in at my doc's office or my mental health office.

    My point is this don't think it as a 'diet' but getting healthier. I changed my thinking and I'm doing much better now. Good luck and you can add me if you like!

    - Care
  • KatMicNYC
    KatMicNYC Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome, I'm 55, 5 foot 4, weight 159 currently and am on a very slow weight loss plan with a goal of losing 1 pound a week. Sometimes it feels excruciating going that slowly but it allows me to not feel deprived and eat very close to a maintenance amount with a bit of extra exercise to help cut out about half of the calories. So I eat anywhere from 1250 to 1450 calories but do a LOT of moderate exercise, mostly walking and hiking. Walking is easy to track and I do between 1 miles and 7 miles a day depending on the day. The MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO is LOG YOUR FOOD! I log using my iPhone app and I log everything especially if you go over log it. For me tracking is the ONLY way I can handle this type of weight loss if I don't track then it's all fuzzy and kind of oblivious eating. I have tracked every single meal for the past 95 days, every single meal. Sometimes I log it while I'm eating, sometimes I pre log it and that keeps me eating what I just logged. Once in a while I forget to log dinner and I go back to that date and log it. It's estimation but I also bought a food scale and weigh things routinely like cheese, or walnuts, or salmon, just to get a handle on what is 4oz and what is 2oz of cheese. After a while you remember that sizes. So I expect in about 8 months I will be at my goal weight. I know that's a long time but I have to make this work and losing weight too fast just puts you on a teeter toter of sorts with huge cravings kicking in after you lose the weight. That's my plan anyway. Hope that helps to know.
  • KatieTJS
    KatieTJS Posts: 12
    Thank you Care..

    I agree with you. I'm going to try and change my relationship with food.
    I'm a sugar and junk food junky. Through my diet ears I have come to like some healthy foods, so I am optimistic.

    I need to lose at least 100 pounds. I don't know what weight would be best for me. I've never lost more than 40 pounds and kept it off, so I can't imagine losing 100!

    I appreciate all your responses. I think the support here will be a huge bonus!

  • KatieTJS
    KatieTJS Posts: 12
    Thank you kindly, Kat!

    I'm 5'5" and 247 pounds. My highest was 260. I have a long way to go and I know I won't lose 5 pounds a week. I'm happy to lose one or two like you.

    Thank you for your reply!
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    I'm one inch taller than you and started at 290. When I entered in my metrics, I stated that I was extremely sedentary (no exercise at all) and wanted to lose a pound a week. The algorithm told me I could eat 1800 cals a day, without exercise. 1200 seems too little for your size and weight. You might want to play with the metrics a bit, and if you're willing to go the pound a week route, see if it gives you a more humane total.
  • KatieTJS
    KatieTJS Posts: 12
    Ok, thank you, Madd...

    I appreciate the feed back.

    I used to be 5'6"!! I can't tell you how upsetting it was to lose that inch! I even bought an inversion table to try and stretch myself, but I'm too fat to get on it and not be afraid to get back up! LOL!

    I may try 1200 to 1400 cals a day for now and see how I do.

    You all are wonderful!
  • cczap80
    cczap80 Posts: 48 Member
    My doc told me to eat the amount of calories you want to weigh, so......

    If you want to weigh 120 lbs then you would eat 1200 calories.

    It was something like that. Either way, it's not so much about "OH MY GOSH! I CAN ONLY EAT LETTUCE ALL DAY" as it is, "Okay, I am aware of what I am eating". I like to think, when you eat like crap, you feel like crap. At least I always do. And don't think of this as another diet. I personally do not like the word "Diet" because it's always changing. Instead think of this as your new lifestyle change and this is just how it is. Stay strong. The first few days on MFP are tough because we have to hold ourselves accountable for everything we consume. Good Luck! We are all here for you!!
  • miss_mckenna
    miss_mckenna Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome! I've been actively dieting most of my life as well, it's quite depressing. If MFP has taught me anything, it's that I need to be mindful of how much I eat (holy crap, I eat like 2200 cals a day if I don't track!). Baby steps, and maybe up your cal intake to 1500 to start. Exercise and you can eat even more. A calorie is not a calorie if it's a crappy calorie. 100 calories of broccoli is better for you than 100 calories of cheezits.
  • jcmillecam
    jcmillecam Posts: 2 Member

    I started counting calories in 2005, in 4 years I dropped 70 lb. from 250 to 180. A few pointers. First, stay positive and associate with positive, encouraging people. I found these folks in cycling and running groups as well as the local fitness center. Most people are encouraging and want to help you succeed. Second, track your calories and pat yourself on the back for doing so. Lastly, set intermediate milestones and reward yourself when you hit them. Buy a dress, watch a favorite movie with friends.

    Good luck.

  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    Hi Kate and welcome. I'm new here, too (20 days today). I think you'll find the food diary a great tool - I sure do! Rather than "dieting", I'm trying to eat healthy foods that I enjoy while staying within my calorie limit. I even eat some things that aren't all that healthy but ALL things in moderation. I've sent you a Friend request if you would like some 'thumbs up' as you progress.
  • KatieTJS
    KatieTJS Posts: 12

    I'm overwhelmed already with this wonderful support!

    I am taking in all of your suggestions - I'm actually jotting them down in my Excel Journal.

    I thank you all so much!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck! Feel free to add me if you want to add friends for support!