Yes, I'm a Woman, but Definitely Not a Lady ...

I’m not new to MFP; in fact, I’ve been on here before for quite some time but felt a break was needed. I’m just coming back into the mix, but figured I’d start fresh with a new batch of friends and see how that goes since it’s been a while.

My eating has been atrocious, my exercise has been non-existent and all my clothes hate me, so don’t look for any nude pictures from me any time soon lol. Lounge pants have become my best friend and I’m so ready to part ways with them.

I am in desperate need of motivation – I know that needs to come from within, but I think I little kick in the butt from people in similar situations is what is needed at times.

ANYWAY, if you’re looking for a friend that is a bit sarcastic and has a mind that lives mainly in the gutter, feel free to friend me. I can’t promise you that I will log my food or exercise on a consistent basis, but I can promise you that if you’re willing to motivate me then I’ll do the same. I like joining monthly challenges so maybe that will be a good start.

*** Disclaimer: I also post just random stuff - not necessarily all about fitness, but I'll try better this time around!"


  • Greenbomb
    Greenbomb Posts: 89 Member
    Hey there- Ok I don't want to sound like I just found the Lord or anything, but I joined a Bootcamp and it's been a game changer for me. I'm 51 and premenopausal, so losing weight has gotten harder for me. Just cutting cals wasn't working. My exercise was consisting solely of taking my dog on a few walks each day. Now that I'm in bootcamp 3 days a week, the weight is melting off...and keep in mind I HATE they gym and working out!
  • Joy_Ryder
    Joy_Ryder Posts: 21
    lol @greenbomb - where did you join one - is it through a local gym? I know I need to do SOMETHING. I did buy a heavy bag and boxing gloves so I'm now looking into some DVD workouts for that ...
  • goodfido
    goodfido Posts: 127 Member
    Feel free to add me....I was sidelined with a foot surgery in December and slipped off course but now I'm recommitting and looking for additional friends to help remain focused!
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    I do believe we'd get along famously.
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    Feel free to add me... I'm always around try to log my food and sometimes my work outs... I post bout anything that comes to mind since I can't post on my facebook since I have to many family members on there that judge bout everything...
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    I log in daily! Feel free to add me :)
  • EvilFeevil
    EvilFeevil Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Joy, you can friend me if you want; I also have a bit of a potty mouth at times and I will like your posts and accomplishments (sometimes) and even motivate you (occasionally)! Just remind me who you are in a message if/when you send the friend request.

    Trying to get this last 20 lbs off is tough at age 42. I tried Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD last summer; the 1st level wasn't bad, 2nd was a little harder and 3rd level was crazy. I think I quit because level 3 was a pain in the *kitten*; I shouldn't hate the exercises and some of them were difficult and weird. I've recently decided I might go back to it but just stick with level 1 and maybe 2 and to hell w/ level 3. It's only about 20 minutes a day and you're only supposed to do it 3-4 days a week. Might be something you could try, too.

    Do a Google image search on "30 day shred" and check out the before and after pics; that motivated me to try 30DS! And it's what's making me consider going back to it. Although I had a foot injury in March and I still have pain so if I do start exercising again I'll have to see if I can deal w/ the hurting.

    Good luck and hope to hear from you!
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey lady! You crack me up. There's so many hard core people on here, some of them don't even seem human! Like @Greenbomb she joined Bootcamp and it basically changed her life... I feel the same way about Zumba! It kicks my *kitten*, but I actually enjoy it. I'd say look for something you enjoy because it makes exercise feel a lot less like a drag.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I'm awkward, weird and lack a filter 96.4% of the time. I'm also really sarcastic with a side of snark. I log every day and I work my a*s off - and support my friends.
  • Mindfreak1999
    Lol good luck on your journey to a healthier you , I think you will do great :smile:
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    Feel free to add me!
    Love sarcasm coming from the gutter.
    That's right in my wheelhouse.
    Good luck to you