Things I said I'd never do ... how things have changed

I used to say:

"No, I'll never count calories."

"I'm not going to run a 5K."

"I can't work out regularly. Not enough time."

"I'd just like to lose a little weight ... no need to have six-pack abs or anything."

Now, I count calories every day, run a 5K every week, exercise almost daily, and I'm dangerously close to those six-pack abs.

How things have changed. :smile:

And, I have to say, MFP has had a lot do with my lifestyle change. I didn't even have a goal to do some of these things. I just made progress, and then decided, hey, I can do more. Whereas I used to sit down at the computer when I came home from work, now I ask myself how can I stay active? As I lost weight and got more fit, I could run a little bit longer. Next thing you know, I'm finishing a 5K. A year later, I'm running it in less than 27 minutes ... again, not something I ever imagined I would do. i don't even like running. :glasses:

For other people who have made progress, what things are you doing now that you said or thought you'd never do.


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    The main thing that comes to mind for me is that I never thought I would wear non-plus sized clothing. That was never even a goal of mine or on my radar at all.

    I really thought even if I got to my current weight in the 170s, I'd still be in size 16 or 18 rather than 10-12. I just didn't know. I thought of plus size as a much bigger category than it is, I guess. It is very strange to shop in "regular" ladies and juniors sizing. I truly just never anticipated that at the beginning of my (so far) 128 lb weight loss.

    I also, in years past, never thought I would date a guy of average weight, with a flat stomach, who is considered athletic by most anyone's standards. I'm married to one.
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    That is so awesome David. You must be so proud of yourself and if you're not you should be :happy:

    I said I would never give up soda but I made the switch to diet and I have gotten to where I usually only have one per day. Most days however it is only half a soda.

    Not weight loss related but due to the influence of an MFP friend I was finally able to quit smoking after 30 yrs. So there is that that I have MFP to be thankful for.
  • skinnyb05
    skinnyb05 Posts: 87 Member
    Awesome post!! Congratulations on your success and you are a great role model!
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    It's not things I said I'd never do, it's things I said I would do.
    I said I would have a flabby belly all my life and was okay with that. I said I will always be the overweight one in my group of friends, and that's just how genetics worked out for me. I said I would never pass up homemade ice cream.
    My flabby belly is gone thanks to hours of toning it in the gym, I'm now actually the smallest one in my group of friends (which is incredibly strange to me still to this day), and everytime my parents make homemade ice cream I pass it up! I'm not depriving myself of ice cream, just the homemade kind - the kind they serve in GIGANTIC glasses and I usually consumed around 5,000 calories worth of.
    I was able to overcome distorted portion sizes, and it's all thanks to this website!
    I never meant any of these things to happened, I just figured I would try it and then all the good things just came :o
    So long fad diets, guess there really isn't any "secret" to becoming healthy
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    Congrats to you!

    I said I would never ever run (even if the cops were chasing me LOL) - I now run 15-20 km a week
    I said I would never climb the stairs from our lower city to the higher part - I now climb them twice a week (4 sets each time)
    I used to say I would never get up early to exercise - I now get up at 5:30/6:00am to exercise 3-4 times a week, I sleep in till about 7:00am on weekends and then exercise - a far difference from waiting till after work (4:00pm) to exercise and about 9:30/10:00 on weekends when I would get up.
    Oh, and the big one, I always used to say "who exercises on vacation?? That is stupid" Guess who now exercises on vacation - this girl. One of my favourite things is actually running Las Vegas Blvd when we go to Vegas, I feel like I could run forever there.

    I am currently saying I would never do a tough mudder or warrior dash, or that I will never run more than 10km at one time, I guess time will tell :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    It's not things I said I'd never do, it's things I said I would do.
    ...I said I will always be the overweight one in my group of friends, and that's just how genetics worked out for me.

    Love this one and can definitely relate. It's not that I want to compare myself to others per se, but I sat back and realized that among my 15-20 closest friends I'm probably square in the middle of them all, size wise. From age 5-6 all the way to present times, in our 30's, I was bigger than every girlfriend I ever had! EVER. So that's kinda cool. Not that I am pleased some of them need to lose weight for health reasons but it's just weird when you told yourself "Yeah I will always be the biggest, that's just how it is".
  • DavidSTC
    DavidSTC Posts: 173 Member
    That is so awesome David. You must be so proud of yourself and if you're not you should be :happy:

    I said I would never give up soda but I made the switch to diet and I have gotten to where I usually only have one per day. Most days however it is only half a soda.

    Not weight loss related but due to the influence of an MFP friend I was finally able to quit smoking after 30 yrs. So there is that that I have MFP to be thankful for.

    Thank you, Jamie! You are a great MFP friend. Another thing I can add to my list: When I joined here, I was just gonna do it to get a ballpark amount on how much I'm eating. I wasn't interested in doing a lot, much less making MFP friends. But, I've got a great a group of friends, and am so happy that I went all-in on this site.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    Mine was, "The only time you'll catch me runnng is if I'm being chased by a bear."

    Who knew I'd be working on my jogging skills without a bear in sight? Oh and the calorie counting too. I thought that would never work. Ha!