DIY Cosmetic Procedures...NO! BAD! STOP IT!

PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,296 Member
After the Deadly Derriere and flipped out butt implants, I got to searching...big mistake... *shiver*

Meet Hang Mioku, a Korean woman who injected COOKING OIL into her own face after doctors refused to give her any more plastic surgery

Hang Mioku was obsessed with silicone injections as she wanted 'soft' skin. Doctors told her she had psychological issue and refused more treatments. She resorted to injecting cooking oil leaving her permanently disfigured. After injecting an entire bottle of black market silicone into her face, Hang resorted to using cooking oil that left her face severely swollen and scarred. Hang Mioku's face was left so swollen by the silicone and cooking oil, left, that has own parents did not recognise her. Despite 10 operations her face is still severely disfigured. Hang Mioku had her first procedure aged 28 when she was a natural beauty. Her plights was featured on Korean television and viewers donated thousands of pounds to pay for corrective surgery. During the first of 10 operations, surgeons removed 60g of silicone, oil and other foreign substances from her face and 200g from her neck.


After her "corrective" sugeries...


  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    Wow. Just wow.
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    Yea - this is old news. I don't know why people still continue to inject unknown substances!! If it's too good to be true and not from a licensed physician than obviously you're risking yourself. Sad that one of the butt injection victim had to get her feet and hands removed because of one injection.
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,296 Member
    It makes me sad she couldn't see how beautiful she was to begin with. :(